News & Events



Sacrament of Confirmation/First Holy Communion


News from the Principal


News from the APRIM


Rosary School in Vinnies 2021 Principal Sleepout


On Thursday 6 May 2021 school and education sector leaders from across the state will come together to raise important funds and awareness for the most vulnerable people in our local communities.

Each year in South Australia there are more than 6,000 people, including children, who have no place to call home. You might not see them sleeping rough on the street, they may be some of the many who sleep in their cars, or couch surf with family and friends.

At the Principal Sleepout, comfy beds and home cooked meals will be swapped for cardboard and a night without the creature comforts of home.

By choosing to sleep out for one night, you can experience just a small part of what those facing homelessness and disadvantage do each and every day.

Donate to make a real difference in the lives of those who don't get to make that choice.
Your generous support will go towards Vinnies Services in SA, providing vital access to food, crisis accommodation and financial assistance to locals in their time of need.

Fundraising is something I hold close to my heart, alongside St Vincent de Paul Society (SA) Inc. I invite you to help by making a donation through their page.


News from the Principal


Dear Rosary Community

As a Catholic community we are now in the season of Lent. This week we celebrated Shrove Tuesday, a day that has traditionally been a ‘feast’ day before the start of Lent. Lent was a time when families would empty their homes of luxurious food items such as eggs and sugar in the anticipation of Lent beginning the following day. I thank our parent helpers and Mrs Caroline Price for the pancakes on Tuesday – an important way we are able to acknowledge that the Lenten season is about to begin.

Our Ash Wednesday liturgy marked the beginning of Lent, a time when we are all challenged to consider how we live out Gospel values in our lives. In Pope Francis’ message for Lent he calls on the faithful to “renew our faith, draw from the living waters of hope, and receive with open hearts the love of God.”

In this newsletter there is an information about the Parents and Friends social gathering, the Rosary School AGM, nominations to the School Board and the school working bee. It would be great to have as many parents as possible at these community events.

Kind regards


Year 5/6 Leadership Day


Thank you to our Year 5/6 Teachers for preparing a fun and engaging leadership day.

In this newsletter there is an information about the Parents and Friends social gathering, the Rosary School AGM, nominations to the School Board and the school working bee. It would be great to have as many parents as possible at these community events.

Today I spent the day with our Year 5/6 children. All of these children are asked to be student leaders in some capacity in 2021 – the children have brainstormed many leadership roles to be undertaken in the community – Sport Leaders, Performing Arts Leaders, Social Justice Leaders and many more. Together we explored what being a leader means – some of our ideas included being a person of hope, an example to others, to listen carefully and to be of service to the school community. The children spent the day working co-operatively with each other and the Year 5's presented a candle to the Year 6 children asking them to be a guiding light for all of us. Thank you to our Year 5/6 Teachers for preparing a fun and engaging leadership day.

In this newsletter there is an information about the Parents and Friends social gathering, the Rosary School AGM, nominations to the School Board and the school working bee. It would be great to have as many parents as possible at these community events.

Kind regards


Message from the APRIM


Every year, throughout Lent, we commit to strengthening our faith through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. These are the three pillars of Lent.
Prayer – Traditionally Christians pray for themselves and others during this time of Lent. Through prayer we come closer to God so that we are better able to realise our baptismal promise to live justly as Jesus teaches us.
Fasting is one of the most ancient practices linked to Lent.
Fasting should be linked to our concern for those who are forced to fast by their poverty, those who suffer from the injustices of our economic and political structures, those who are in need for any reason.
Almsgiving is a sign of our care for those in need and an expression of our gratitude for all that God has given to us. Sharing what we have, or ‘almsgiving’, is a sign of our commitment to justice and our thanks for all that God has given us.

Jesus brought the promise of hope to all people so that we may “Have life and have it to the full.” (John 10:10). May we be encouraged this Lent nto ‘be more’ in our own lives, and in the lives of others.


News from the Principal


In Weeks 1 and 2 I have experienced the wonderful community at Rosary School. I have enjoyed chatting with families in the school yard in the morning and afternoon. I was overwhelmed by the parents who volunteered to support my first Rosary barbecue! Thank you. Parent support made this event seamless and I am looking forward to the next community event.
On Tuesday night the Sports Committee met and have commenced organising after-school community sport opportunities for children at Rosary. I also thank them for their work in our school community. Please see the article below regarding volunteering to support the after-school sports program.
There are many ways that someone can contribute to the school community and I will continue to look for ‘experts’ to support me in creating the best school possible for your children. I am keen to upgrade the school entrance by improving the garden area. If you have particular expertise or interest that could help in the selection of plants and layout, please give me a call to discuss how we can make this happen together.
In Dr Neil’s welcome he spoke about asking questions and making suggestions. I welcome you to ask me questions and offer suggestions as I listen to the community and look for new ways of working.

Kind regards


Fruit Fly Update


If you live in the red outbreak area: Your child must not bring any fresh fruit and vegetables on What fruit and vegetables do fruit fly like ( to school. This applies even if it has been cut up.
Instead, PIRSA has provided a list of Packing lunches alternative fresh fruit and vegetable options suitable for lunch and breaks.

If you live in the yellow suspension area OR green not impacted area Your child can bring any type of fresh fruit or vegetable to school.
All fresh fruit or vegetables on this list What fruit and vegetables do fruit fly like  must be eaten and disposed of at our school. These items cannot return home at the end of the day and will be disposed of safely.
Grated, dried, frozen, cooked or pureed fruit and vegetables of any kind are acceptable in any area. We appreciate your cooperation as we help protect South Australia from fruit fly.
Yours sincerely
Susan Hennessy


News from the APRIM


Project Compassion / Shrove Tuesday, 16th February


To kickstart Rosary’s 2021 fundraising for Project Compassion we will be celebrating Shrove Tuesday in week 4 (16th February). This day precedes the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday and is a time as Christians, we are encouraged to go to confession in preparation for the Lenten season that ends with Easter Sunday. During Lent, we remember the 40 days and 40 nights that Jesus went into the desert to fast and pray. We invite students to bring along a gold coin donation to enjoy a pancake with their class. Parent volunteers required (with current volunteer clearances) If you are able to help out by either sourcing ingredients, cooking or serving on the day, please come and see me or contact me via email

2021 Sacrament Program


Valuing Communication - here's how


Did you also know that SchoolStream and Seesaw both have translation features?  Please utilise these and if you need help see Lisa McCormick or Caroline Price.

Interested in becoming a LAP volunteer?


LAP assists schools to:

•       Develop positive relationships between students/mentors in a safe, one to-one environment

•       Build confidence and self-esteem in students

•       Support the successful learning of students

•       Promote, encourage and value parent/caregiver and community commitment and participation

•       Foster and strengthen parent/caregiver and teacher relationships to benefit students

•       Create a genuine, supportive and positive school community

Enabling students to develop resilience and wellbeing through positive mentoring.

Email: Lisa McCormick


Sports Committee


For these sports to go ahead, we require parents to volunteer as coaches and team managers.
All volunteers require a Catholic Clearance.
If you haven’t already done so, please call into the Front Office to begin this process of obtaining a Catholic Clearance and the completion of our Volunteer Package in readiness for Term 2.

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Together at the Table

Opening School Mass


P & F News


Our first social event of the year is "Rosary Parents & Co @ The Cali", on Friday March 26th. More details to follow soon. The P &F Committee encourage input by all parents of Rosary. If you have any ideas, improvements, or recommendations you’d like to share, or any items for discussion at P&F meetings, please feel free to send an email to We look forward to an exciting and fulfilling 2021.

Finance News


News from the Principal


In 2021 we welcome new staff to the school community

  • Brenton Campbell (PE Teacher) 
  • Shannon Mawhinney (Reception Teacher) 
  • Claudia Withey (Year 2 Teacher) 
  • Maria Boccaccio (Year 6 Teacher) 
  • Kirsty Taddeo (Curriculum ESO)  
  • Giada Trolio (Curriculum ESO) 
  • Julia Congedi (Library ESO – Term 1)

In 2021 Mrs Kimberly Slattery will return from parenting leave as the Performing Arts Teacher.

Along with the teachers I would like to welcome 63 new childrent to Rosary.
53 of these are Reception children and 10 children have moved to Rosary School in other year levels.

RGL:Charlotte, Anastasia, Ayva, Zoe, Julia, Grace, Laila, Samuel, Mason, Lucas, Hudson, Louie, Francesco, Ethan

RSM: Arlo, Olivia, Alegra, Sophia, Ava, Lucas, Nicholas, Ryan, Zakariah, Marco, Mason, Jesse, Orlando, Alex

RTM: Tierra, Camilla, Francesca, Evelyn, Olive, Meeka, Anna, Mia, Isaac, Jack, Alex, Joshua, Austin

ROC: Skyla, Natiana, Lily, Eva, Alyssa, Reigan, Georgia, Kozma, Taylor, Spencer, Dante, Xavier

1CM: Ava

2AF: Aleksa and Ashton

2TR: Joseph and Eli

3LK: Lewis

3SM: Huy

5AK: Mya and Maria

6MB: Lily

To celebrate the end of Week 1, we will provide each child with a barbeque sausage.

I would like to thank the community for the warm welcome I have received. I am excited about the new opportunities that we can undertake together in 2021.

Thank you

Susan Hennessy



OSHC News from the Principal


Children will no longer be allowed to wait in the yard unsupervised or in the office in the afternoon.

If you require any support in accessing OSHC please contact the front office.

Thank you

Susan Hennessy


Book a Chat from the Principal


You can book online at: and enter the code sjys9.

I look forward to meeting some of you in the school yard next week.

Bookings close Friday 29th January 4pm.

Thank you 

Susan Hennessy


News from the APRIM


In particular, how prayer can support us to not only deepen our understanding of inclusivity but also guide our actions to be more inclusive in our own lives and in the Rosary School Community.
Central to this is the example set by Jesus through his life and ministry, particularly highlighted in his ‘table fellowship’. Jesus upheld an inclusive, all embracing table fellowship, dining and enjoying a meal with all walks of life - men, women, tax collectors, sinners, the cursed, the lost and the sick – all people who were NOT considered acceptable table partners of Jewish people in the first century.

This year we have chosen this passage: 13But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. 14And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.

Luke 14:13-14 Thus our theme of ‘Together at the Table’ reminds us of how we can walk in the footsteps of Jesus and like him, be genuinely inclusive.


Buddies Brainstorm Productions


‘Buddies’ is part of our student wellbeing curriculum and has been developed by teachers and psychologists. This exciting live theatre experience gives students practical skills to make and keep good friends, take a stand against bullying and stay safe online.

Brainstorm Productions is one of Australia’s largest and most respected theatre in education companies, performing to over 360,000 students every year.
They offer a range of programs to help schools build healthy and harmonious environments, addressing issues such as cyber safety, bullying, resilience, diversity and inclusion.
If you would like to know more about Brainstorm Productions, you can visit their website or their Facebook page:

Kind regards

Seva Maitianos

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Kelly Sports 2021

  • The Kelly Sports coaches aim to develop and enhance the wide range of sporting skills of your child including kicking, catching and throwing whilst also improving strength, flexibility, hand-eye co-ordination, spatial awareness, cooperative skills and teamwork.
  • The program is a fantastic way for your child to develop sporting skills essential for all sports and will inspire children to give sport a go.
  • Our modified sports games provide lots of fun while skills are being developed

Click below for more information:




New Performing Arts Curriculum for 2021


The Performing Arts will provide many opportunities in music, dance and drama leading to various performances and a range of experiences.
The PE curriculum will continue and in addition there will be a program of various carnivals to be introduced to maximise participation across the school.

  • 1 x PE lesson per week with a specialist teacher and the classroom teacher will provide daily fitness
  • 1 x Performing Arts per week
  • 1 x Italian lesson per week
  • 1 x Library lesson per week

​This will also provide the opportunity to release teams of teachers to work collaboratively to plan, assess and moderate student learning across and between year levels.
We will continue to work towards providing consistent, high quality teaching and learning programs.
We are excited about introducing these changes to Rosary School and we look forward to working with you next year.

Kind Regards,
Susan Hennessy Principal

Message to Families from the Principal


Susan is a very relational person, who has a deep faith, strong knowledge of curriculum, learning and pedagogy.

She is passionate about Rosary School Community and I know you will all be very impressed with her leadership and enjoy working with her, as she will with you.

I wish you all the very best and future success. In a year of unmatched impact on the way we live and work, we say thank you for the support that you have shown to each other and the school.
Whether you are a parent, child or staff member we got there in the end - and we did it together!

For our year 6 graduating classes you have been resilient and adaptable! Thank you for your contributions - you have triumphed in an extraordinary time.

Our staff have been dedicated to the care and wellbeing of the children in our community. They have worked in different ways in order to ensure your child could keep up with learning and growth. We are here for you, no matter your personal circumstances. If you are financially impacted by COVID-19 and school fees are causing any concern, please come and speak to us so we can arrange relief and remission.
We do not want any child to leave our school because of concern over school payments.

We wish to farewell those families that are leaving and thank you for your significant dedication and contribution to the Rosary School commumity.

We will be farewelling the following staff at the end of term from Rosary School; Louise Rullo, Adrienne Veall, Taris Misajilo, Amanda Coombe, Anna Schultz, Marina Genito, Melissa Gatto, Kimberly Slattery (parenting leave), Adam West (12 months leave), Georgia Camerlengo, Rebecca Richards and Amanda Simcock.
We would like to thank each of them for their unique gifts, talents, dedication and contribution to Rosary School.


Year 6 Graduating Classes of 2020


You have been very responsible in carrying out your different leadership roles with incredible care and diligence. For example - Road Monitors, Support for Vinnies, Sports Captain leadership and SRC just to name a few.

It has been a great privilege over the past two terms for me to watch you work so harmoniously together, to put each other first and form positive productive friendships. Seeing the easy rapport so many of you have with your peers and your teachers is inspiration to all around you.

We are all very proud of you and as this part of your learning journey ends with us, we wish you well on the next part of your journey.
We want you to know you will be missed - that we will continue to hold you within our hearts.


End of Term Events


Next Tuesday 7th December the children will have a transition session during the morning to meet their teacher and class for 2021.

They will bring home a letter at the end of the day informing you about it.

The last day of Term is Wednesday the 9th December - it will be a casual day (free) and the finishing time will be 3pm.


2021 Staffing and Class Structure


Following is the 2021 staff and class structures:

Leadership Team: Principal - Susan Hennessy, Deputy Principal - Lisa McCormick and APRIM - Caroline Price

Specialist Teachers: Physical Education: (to be appointed), Italian: Pia Totani-Cirocco, Library: Katherine Turner

Reception Tina Mena
Reception Olimpia Calleja
Reception Shannon Mawhinney
Reception Grazia Larosa
Year One Rebecca Marshall
Year One Tobi Cibich (0.5) Fiona MacDonald (0.5)
Year One Tess Corcoran
Year Two Ali Fiske
Year Two  Claudia Withey
Year Two Tia Riemsdyk
Year Three Seva Matianos
Year Three Lucja Kowalski
Year Four Nicole Telfer
Year Four  Bernadette Basile
Year Five Andy Kent
Year Five Annabel Parletta
Year Six Sita Catalano
Year Six  Maria Boccaccio



Office Hours in January 2021


From all of us at Rosary School we wish you all a Blessed and Holy Christmas season.



Rosary School OSHC - YMCA


We thank Prospect Primary School and Blackfriars Priory School for their support over the years. Please note that there will be no bus service to Blackfriars OSHC from 2021.
We encourage the Rosary School Community to enrol with the YMCA.

Pease follow the link to enrol or for further information.


Nadine Evans (CPA)

(Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday)

P & F Committee 2020 Wrap Up


In 2020 the P & F Committee have successfully delivered the following events for the students and Rosary community to enjoy:

Morning tea for new reception parents on their first day of school

Rosary Parents & Friends @ The Cali

Mother’s & Father's Day Stalls

School Disco

Special Treat Day – ‘Doughnut Day’

Ice Block Fridays

In 2021 The P & F has already planned another 'Rosary Parents & Friends @ The Cali' event on Friday March 23rd. More details to come in the new year. 

The P&F would like to recognise and acknowledge the efforts of the 2020 members: Lora Papa (Chairperson), Teresa Cocca (Treasurer), Lisa Panutti (Secretary), Stacey Lens, Catherine Schumacher, Helen Lynn, Anthony Grazini, Emilia Uszynski, Renee Dontas, Phoebe Jusufi, Sonja Morganate, Hamish MacKenzie, Lisa McCormick and Allison Fiske.

We would like to particularly thank Stacey Lens and Emilia Uszynski who will be leaving us at the end of this year. Their hard work, efforts and contributions within the P&F and value-add around the school will certainly be missed by all. We’d like to acknowledge the continual support and contributions from each of the following P & F members they have provided over the years.

The P & F would also like to make special mention to both Damian Weeks and Trish O’Toole for their valued support shown this year, it has been greatly appreciated.

The P & F would like to extend our appreciation to all the students, parents and staff of Rosary and their families, we wish you all a very safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year’s period, a time to reflect and relax with family and loved ones and we look forward to seeing you all again in 2021.


Christmas Mass Times for Rosary Parish


Premiers Reading Challenge 2020


More information about the challenge can be found at the following website.https:///

Katherine Turner (Teacher Librarian)

COVID-19 School update


While staff and students may be undertaking work out of working hours, online interaction will only occur during the usual parameters of our school operating hours. You can learn more about developing an online routine at the learning online website.

Please note the following:

· If you are an essential worker and are intending to take your child to school, please complete the form which can be found on SchoolStream under FORMS.

· From Monday 23 November students will resume formal learning through the school’s online platform, including MS Teams, MS OneNote and Seesaw. Further information will be forwarded by your child’s teacher regarding this. For online learning protocols, please see: Family Remote Learning Safety Protocols

· Those children and young people of essential workers attending school will also be undertaking online learning, supported and supervised by school staff. Teachers are not expected to provide different learning experiences for students who physically attend school.

I understand that this may be a difficult time for you and your family, and I wish to reassure you that the teachers of the school will do their utmost to support your child as we navigate the next weeks.

You can contact your child’s teacher(s) via email.

If you have a general enquiry you can also phone the school. Catholic Education SA is also providing regular updates at


Trish O’Toole


Role Model Talks


The special guests were:

Lauren G- West Coast Eagles Football Club

Ella T/Georgia I- Adelaide United Lady Reds.

Dyson H- North Adelaide Football Club

We thank them for their generosity in making time to inspire and motivate our students.

Keep an eye out for them on TV.

Adam West/Nicole Telfer


Letter to Parents Lockdown




News from the Principal


Sports Day


To work within this COVID plan of 950 will mean that each family will only be able to have 2 members present (excluding the children) at the stadium at any given time. However, if the COVID plan is reviewed and changed by the Government, we will be able to increase the family numbers and we will further advise you. We thank you for your support in this. 


End of Year Mass


Prayer of the week celebrating "All Souls Day"

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Year 4 News


Students have used these skills to create homes to withstand climate conditions as well as completing outdoor investigations about forces in everyday sports and games.


Feed Appeal ONE =ONE Campaign Thank You


We are so proud to announce that we have funded 66 applications supporting 80 schools.
This will create more than 130,000 meals for hungry kids in 2021.

We could not have done this without your support. Every dollar you raised has enabled us to provide a meal to feed a friend.
To see the schools, we have funded in your state click here.NATIONAL-SNAPSHOT.

Please find attached a certificate of appreciation, thank you for getting involved and using your superpowers to be part of the solution.

Together we are making a real difference, nourishing kids in rural communities across Australia.

Kind regards Feed Appeal team National Campaign Support

Feed Appeal p: 1300 421 041 e:

See your dollars in action

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Rosary School Athletics Team


Ollie B (3rd, 200m)
Lilly G (4th, 200m)
Lilly L (3rd, Discus)
Milena T (4th, Long Jump)
Noah B (2nd Shot Put)
Zara M (3rd, Shot Put Emma P (3rd, Discus / 3rd Shot Put)
Giuliano C (2nd, Long Jump)
James A (3rd, Shot Put)
Paige K (1st, Discus / 2nd, Long Jump / 2nd Shot Put)
Thank you Mrs Parletta for helping out as an official!

Thank you to Mrs Velez-Armitage for support with managing the team.


St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal


The items we would like to donate to St Vincent’s de Paul are Christmas puddings, custard, tinned fruit, tinned vegetables, mince pies, tinned ham, tuna, pasta, rice, pasta sauce, tea, coffee, cordial, long life milk, toiletries and toys for children.
These will be put in the basket or box in your child’s class we require all items by Monday of week 8, 30th November.

Thank you,



Book Week


We would also like to acknowledge the committee who organised the event, Katherine, Grace and Olimpia for the incredible amount of thought and planning that they put into organising it. Once again, a beautiful example of how well the staff and community work together to provide these rich experiences for the children.



Groundforce Dance Performance


As each year level concludes their dance, the audience will depart from the Hall to allow the next group of parents/families to enter. If we have more that 40 adults wishing to attend a performance, the dance will be repeated consecutively to ensure all families have the opportunity to watch their child. With this in mind, it is essential that all parents RSVP to their child’s class teacher by Wednesday, 18th November.

To do this, please complete the attached form :



Update from the P & F Commettee


Rosary Parents & Co at The Cali will return on 26th March 2021. More details to come early in the new year.

If you have any questions, ideas or feedback please contact the P & F Committee via email at

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News from the Principal


Please fill in the attached form and return to your child's class teacher by the end of week 3. When organising the students into classes we will ensure they have at least one or two of these friends.

We will not be assigning staff to classes until later in the term. All students will have a transition into their new classes in week 9 and you will be advised about this on the day.



Kelly Sports Star of the term


The reasons for Kashuik's nomination are:

"Kashuik is always happy, asks lots of questions and helps his friends."

Samantha Kirby Operations Assistant - Program/Umpire Co-ordinator Adelaide Metro


Go Green Team!


Last year I have seen many students in Green Team and wished to join.
This year I could. The main reason I joined Green Team is to help and care for the environment. We usually weed in the school’s front garden.
This term we are looking to plant some more plants in the garden. We are also starting to build an archway entering the school’s front garden.
Last term we made special posters to encourage people to throw their rubbish in the bin and we stuck them on the bins.

We have looked after the garden well & I look forward to Green Team every week.

Green Team is a great opportunity & I hope we can see more people joining our small but enthusiastic community.

We welcome you all.

Anna and Emily

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Mini Basketball program - Reception - Year 3


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Book Week 2020


The event will be staggered so that different year levels walk at different times and it will allow adults to be mindful of COVID practices.

9.00am - 6AP, 1AF, 6SC, 1RM               9.10am – 5BB , 3TM ,5AK, RTM            

9.20am – 4LK,RGL                                9.30am – 2SM,RMG               9.40AM – 3TC,R1AV

9.50am – 2TR,TAC,TAS                        10.00 – 4NT, 2TC

The assembly follows the parade, however due to the popularity of the event and high parent numbers attending, this year parents will not be able to attend the assembly.

The theme is Curious Creatures and Wild Minds. I know the staff are busy planning their costumes and preparing their dance.

Here is a copy of the letter that went home last week.

MAP.pdf Book Parade Route


Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist


I would like to acknowledge the wonderful leadership shown by Caroline Price and Lisa McCormick providing a rich parent centred, parish based, school supported progam.

The series of workshops were thoroughly planned and implemented with excellent materials to support the families in preparing their child for this special occasion.

Thank you to the class teachers for the delivery of a thorough preparation curriculum.



Sports Day


All children will be transported to and from the stadium by bus with departure times starting at 9am. The Transition, Reception and Year 1 children will return to school on buses with departures beginning at 1pm.

Years 2-6 children will begin departure from the stadium at 2:30pm. On that day, all staff will be in attendance, therefore the front office will be closed between 9am and 1pm.


Cyber Safety


We had questions about Snapchat, Fortnite, YouTube, FaceTime, HouseParty, TikTok and Roblox.

They were quite surprised that many of the apps they use have an age rating older than their current age.

Today we have included information on TikTok:

tik_tok.pdfinformation sheet

Here is the link to see all the app information:

The e-safety commissioner website is also a great tool to support decisions around social media use.


Year 2 News


In Year 2 we value movement, creating fun and positive experiences in activity, where we can laugh, learn and grow together.

Tia, Tobi, Seva & Fiona


Mass of the Roses Thursday 29th October 9:30am


We are all becoming familiar with our new way of living with COVID, so as with other events at school, we have had to make ammendments to what we have done in previous years.

As it is a whole school Mass (held in the gym) and due to the regulations around physical distancing, the number of adults invited will be limited to the parents of children who will be actively involved in the Mass. You will be advised of this early next week if this involves your child. We will then require you to RSVP to the class teacher.

We welcome children to bring along a small bunch of Roses and/or Rosary beads to hold at the Mass as a symbol of our connection to Mary.

Please note, this is not compulsory. Unfortuantely, this year there will no opportunity for Grandparents to come along for morning tea and visit their grandchild's class.

This saddens us, but we are hopeful that in the future that will be able to welcome these very special people back into our school community.


News from the Principal


This term we welcome Melissa Gatto, who will be the Year 4 class while Lucja Kowalski is on leave for Term 4.


Final preparations for Confirmation and First Communion have been held this week with the Masses being held this weekend. Please keep our candidates and their families in your thoughts and prayers as they continue on their faith journey.

It was lovely to see all the children back smiling and excited for the term ahead. A beautiful moment his week was observing Grace Solomon (one of our ESO’s) with young students in the garden weeding planting and cleaning up our sacred garden space.


Confirmation and First Communion Workshop


The gifts of knowledge, reverence, understanding, wisdom, wonder, right judgement and courage were each represented by a lolly!! Eg they all received a packet of smarties (KNOWLEDGE).
We discussed that your gift bag must be open to receive the gifts, just like you need to be to open to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.


Happy Birthday


Book Club Issue No 7


Parent Prayer


Loving God,

You are the giver of all we possess, the source of all of our blessings.

We thank and praise you.

Thank you for the gift of our children.

Help us to set boundaries for them, and yet encourage them to explore.

Give us the strength and courage to treat each day as a fresh start.

May our children come to know you, the one true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

May your Holy Spirit help them to grow in faith, hope, and love, so they may know peace, truth, and goodness.

May their ears hear your voice.

May their eyes see your presence in all things.

May their lips proclaim your word. May their hearts be your dwelling place.

May their hands do works of charity.

May their feet walk in the way of Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord.



News from the Principal/ Advanced Gymnastics


I would like to thank Adam West for his dedication and skill in preparing the students for this event and Tina Mena, Bernadette Basile and Taras Misiajlo  for supporting Adam with the practices on Thursday after school.

We would like to wish you all a safe and happy holiday and look froward to seeing you all on Tuesday 13th of October.

Lucja Kowalski will be taking LSL during Term 4 and we will welcome Melissa Gatto who will be taking her class during that time.

We thank all families for their support last Friday on our casual day which was supporting the One=One ‘feed a friend’ charity.
This money will go to the country schools’ breakfast program which supports families who are struggling due to COVID-19. We raised $564.90.

It was impressive to see our senior SRC reps lead and coordinate this fundraiser.
I would like to thank Katherine Turner for her continued leadership of our school SRC.


Numerical Acumen Assembly


Congratulations to all the students involved, we are very proud of you all. These great achievements in Numerical Acumen were supported by the teaching and learning programs in mathematics.

The teachers need to be commended for their work in this area. I would like to acknowledge and thank Seva Matianos and Annabel Parletta for their time and energy promoting this program throughout the school.


Catholic School Music Festival Choir


A special congratulations to Mani (yr 6) who performed a solo with the choir and to Matilda (yr 2) who was chosen as a supporting act.

We would like to acknowledge and commend Adrienne Veall for her dedication and skill in training our students for their performances this year.
Later next term DVDs of these performances will be available for purchase.


Free School Disco / Casual Day / Donut

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Catholic Education SA Summary Report


People provided many comments in their responses. Comments though are not reported in the summaries. They were provided in good faith directly to the Review and are being treated as such.
The Student Conversations and five Survey Summary Reports provide a depth of insight into the perspectives and experiences of how Catholic education is currently serving the needs of students with disability.
In many areas they point to common experiences and assumptions. In some areas they reveal important variations in expectations, understandings and practices. Listening carefully and respectfully to each of the voices provides the basis for Catholic education to strengthen the inclusion, learning and wellbeing of students with disability.

Connecting the different perspectives affirms the areas of agreement and points to the areas for improvement.

Taken together they highlight the importance of Catholic education building greater connectivity in how its schools, regions, and central office can best work as a system with students with disability, their parents, and disability service providers.

By doing so Catholic education best fulfils its mission as part of the Church’s commitment to Inclusion. The SWD Review is now entering the next phase of analysing the key issues and challenges and identifying the solutions and strategies that best address them.

A Review paper outlining the issues and challenges and proposing ways forward will be released at the start of term 4.


Rosary P&F Committee Update


The P & F are very happy to announce that ice blocks are back in Term 4.

Every Friday during lunch time students will have the opportunity to indulge in either a  Lemonade Icy Twist for $1 or a Cyclone for $2.
Transition and reception children will pre-order and have the ice blocks delivered to their classroom, the remaining year levels will purchase during lunchtime.

Thank you to the parents and students who have  already offered to volunteer during lunch time. There are still some weeks that need filling.
Please email Lora Papa if you have the necessary clearences and able to assist.

If you have any questions, ideas or feedback please contact the P & F Committee via email.


School Holidays /Back to school for term 4


Reception Term 3 Liturgy


Its a time for things to grow and change after a long cold winter. Spring is also a time to remember that we are growing and changing too.


Eucharist Workshop


We ask the school community to keep these children in their prayers as they continue their journey of faith and initiation into the Church.

Masses (for families only) will be held at the end of week 1 in Rosary Church.




Cyber Safety Feature - Snapchat 12+


Prayer of the Week


Touch the hearts of those who look only for gain at the expense of the poor and the earth.

Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation, to recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature as we journey towards your infinite light.

We thank you for being with us each day.

Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle for justice, love and peace.



Stranger Danger Alert


Students should seek the assistance of other nearby adults if they feel unsafe and should report the event to a trusted adult (parent or school staff member) as soon as possible.

SAPOL advises that taking out a mobile phone and calling police can deter the offender and they recommend the student making a formal report to their closest police station.”


Come & Play sessions


News from the Principal


I would like to acknowledge and thank the Parents and Friends association for their magnificent efforts in preparing and running the Father’s Day stall.

The children were very excited to buy their gifts and I am sure the Dad’s all enjoyed receiving them.

It was also a joy to see all the gifts and cards that the children had made themselves going home on Friday. We hope that all fathers, grandfathers and those like fathers, enjoyed their day.

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RU OK? Day


On the website provided there are great suggestions of how to support people beyond saying are you ok?

When someone says they’re not ok, there is a guide to support you through how you can continue a conversation that could change a life.

You don’t have to be an expert to keep the conversation going when someone says they’re not OK.
By knowing what to say you can help someone feel supported and access appropriate help long before they’re in crisis, which can make a significant positive difference to their life. https:///

At school R u ok day was acknowledged and part of the learning program this week.

The teachers used some of the age appropriate resources from the website to support their children to know how to indicate to someone that they are not feeling ok and also how to look after others who are not feeling good.

Over the past two weeks our students have had the opportunity to complete the Student Pulse Survey and the Year 5 and 6 students have also completed a wellbeing survey

When we receive the results from these surveys the staff will spend time reviewing this data to determine patterns and trends

The staff will work together to set goals and design a plan of actions to address any issues or areas where we could improve our practices.

Staffing Update


Grace Solomon has reduced her time by one day and Rebecca Richards is replacing her. We welcome Samantha, Pam and Rebecca to our Rosary school community.

Over the past few weeks there has been some very sad news for two of our staff.

Taras Misiajio’s brother and Olimpia Calleja’s father both passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are with them during this difficult time.


Sports Committee News

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Sacramental Program


These sessions have taken on a slightly different format with our current COVID context, however they are designed to value the teaching and example of family members as the primary source from which a child comes to know of God, Jesus and the Catholic faith, with support from the local parish and school.

Our next session will be preparing the students to receive their First Eucharist and will be held in the school gym on Monday, 21st September at 6:30pm.

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School Fees to reduce across all Catholic Diocesan Primary Schools


Our school is working with Catholic Education South Australia to finalise our fees for 2021 and these will be released in the coming weeks.

There is more information about the initiative in the letter sent from the Chair of the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools to families this week and on the Catholic Education South Australia website at :


Prayer of the week / Father's day


Bless them and give them great joy and peace.
Show them how much they are loved and appreciated.
Guide their steps so that their decisions become blessings that bring hope and care to others. We make our prayer through Jesus who is our model of love.

View the gallery below:

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Casual Day to support ONE = ONE Feed a Friend Fundraiser


Every single student at some small schools in remote Australian communities needs their school to provide them with food so they have enough to eat.
On average across Australia, there has been a 40 per cent increase in students coming to school without breakfast and lunch in the past 12 months, according to the Feed Appeal, which raises money to help charities feed more people in need. In some schools, teachers are buying food for students with their own money.
Feed Appeal chief executive Katherine Gokavi-Whaley said about 70 per cent of those currently seeking food relief were doing so for the first time because they were experiencing economic hardship* because of the coronavirus pandemic. “COVID-19 has seen an increasing number of people seeking help to feed their families for the first time,” she said. Ms Gokavi-Whaley said many Australians were surprised to learn that one in eight students across the nation go to school without breakfast and/or lunch.
 “Unfortunately, the average number impacted in rural and regional communities is one in four students,” she said. “In some of the really remote communities, we’ve even had a handful of schools that said, ‘Look, we’re basically feeding everybody’, because none of the students is coming to school with meals.
“For some students, the meals they are getting at school are probably the only guaranteed meal that they have.”
Teachers report that those who don’t have enough to eat have greater difficulty concentrating, learning and managing their behaviour, feel stressed, upset and socially isolated and often appear unwell. .


Book Week 2020


Communication for Families - Events Calendar


Keeping up with the Events.

We have also begun a "Weekly Events" post on Facebook on Sunday evenings. We hope this will keep you abreast of the happenings a Rosary School.


Year 5 News


Ozobots are miniature robots that can do many things - u turns, spins, cruise and jump lines.

We have learnt how to code with the Ozobots.

View the gallery below:

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News from the Counsellor





The most dangerous aspect about the game is that it appeals most to young children under the age of 12 and therefore a very easy platform for predators to target them Please open the Fact Sheet to find out more including how to report abuse or block a user.

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Enfield Little Athletics Club


Kiss & Drop Zone


Some parents insist on driving cars down Staples Court and doing three point turns where parents and children are waiting.  U-Turns are also illegal over a solid white line.
While we have always discouraged cars in the back streets, with so many people waiting on the roads and footpaths, it is even more important to heed this safety advice.

Remember, we need to keep the children safe around the school during these busy times.

Road safety is everyone's responsibility!


P & F News

  • The Father’s Day Stall: We hope all the father's and grandfather's enjoyed their gifts that the children chose from the stall. Thank you to all the volunteers that enabled the stall to go ahead.
  • School Disco and 'special treat': The school disco will be held during the last day of Term 3, Friday September 25th. The P & F have very kindly decided to fund the disco. As an extra treat, each child will be given a chocolate donut at the end of the disco. Vili's have been extremely generous in donating the donuts to us. The kids have had a tough year, so we are hoping this special day will bring a smile to their face.  If you have any questions, ideas or feedback please contact the P & F Committee via email

Numerical Acumen Challenge 2020


We are incredibly proud of everyone's achievements in 2020. 35 students have received individual awards for Improvement, Dedication and Performance, which is a fantastic result! 6SC, 6AP and 2SM won Motivated Class Awards with 2SM also winning the Inspirational Class of the Year Award for Lower Primary.

6AP was named as a "Heel Snapper" for this award inUpper Primary. Rosary School has also been placed second in the Inspirational School of the Year Award for South Australia.

This means that all of our classes have shown motivation and excellence in their achievements this year.

Congratulations to all our teachers and students! We will hold a special Assembly next Tuesday, September 15th for parents whose children have won awards.
Annabel Parletta


Absentee SMS service


The communication system uses the SEQTA messaging system in the instance that an explanation for the absence has not been provided.
It is a legal requirement for parents to assist the school as to the whereabouts of every student.

Please note that we are unable to reply to your message using this system.  We are also aware that there have been some 'teething' problems. If a child is not in class by 8:50, they are marked absent.  If your child arrives after the gates are locked, they must be signed in at the front office.  This will avoid any confusion.


Get Active in the Spring School Holidays


The program will be held at various locations on the first week of the school holidays from Monday 28 September to Saturday 3 October and provide participants with an opportunity to try new or different sport and recreation activities at no cost!
Fun sample sessions will be facilitated by local sports clubs at familiar locations close to home and at convenient times.

Get Active Program aims to boost young people’s self-confidence, increase physical activity, provide links to local sports clubs and have fun!

Adult guardians are required to liaise directly with the activity provider to register and attend the activity to supervise.

Participants are required to bring a hat, water bottle, joggers and administer any required medication. Limited spots remaining!
To view activity options and to book in visit



News from the Principal - Social Justice


The statement calls us to invite all people to an abundant life that engages the whole self physically, psychologically, and spiritually.
It acknowledges that God created us out of love and for love to live life to the full in community.

It examines how our social, economic and cultural life can be welcoming and inclusive of those who live with mental ill-health.
It also offers ways of supporting people when they are most vulnerable, and it explores how to sow hope and opportunities for all people to thrive in body, mind and spirit. (



News from the Principal - Out of School Care


News from the Principal- Gymnastic Final


I would also like to acknowledge and thank both Mr West and Mrs Telfer for their planning, preparation and organisation of this event.

Our students are very fortunate to be able to participate in the gymnastics program, develop their teamwork skills and have the opportunity to exhibit their talent to the whole school.

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News from Year 6



News from the Principal- Photo Consent


Therefore, in order to protect the rights and safety of children and their families, I would like to remind all the community about the importance of not photographing or videoing at any school events.
Many of our families have not approved for photographs to be taken.

As a staff we will take photos because we know who has provided consent for photos, video or artwork and which platforms they are allowed to be displayed on

At future events we ask that all families to keep their phone on silent and put them away.



News from the Deputy



Main form of communication around school strategy, vision, news, information, events, celebration, Catholic Identity

Community internal external – prospectus
Community Events Calendar


Showcasing and celebrate learning, our catholic identity
Events but link to the Website
Advertising but link back to website
Weekly Reminders

School stream

Alerts & Notifications
Post URL for events or website

Class platforms – SeeSaw

Class news
Sharing class learning and student learning
Direct communication re a student

Rosary Families FB Page

Last min reminders
Uniform swaps
Building a sense of community


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Father's Day Stall


Tickets will be $5 each and purchased online via ‘Trybooking’.

This eliminates any cash handling at school. With a ticket, children will be able to select a gift from the stall at school on Thursday September 3rd.
Gifts include: travel mugs, grooming set, tool sets, BBQ sets, photo frame, etc. Online ticket sales close Tuesday 1st September at 5pm.


To purchase on ‘Trybooking’, please search

• “Rosary Father’s Day Stall” or


We thank you for your ongoing understanding and support.

Kind regards,

Rosary Parents & Friends Committee


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REC News - Sacramental Program


Prayer of the week - Social Justice Sunday


Show us how to eliminate stigmatization of mental ill-health from our parishes, schools, communities and organisations.

You drew near to those who were suffering in body or mind.

May we too feel your nearness when we struggle with mental health challenges.

May we be one as members of Your Body

You invite us to share in your ministry of love and true compassion

 May we be empowered by your Spirit to reach out to all people in need.

May we build communities of welcome and inclusion. Amen.


Sports News



Congratulations to all students on presenting your team routines!!
The Reception students enjoyed a modified introduction to showing their skills, while Year 1-6’s presented to their year levels before the School Grand Final.

Thank you to all parents who came along to support the students – they were very excited to share their learning.

SACA Cricket – Term 4 Junior Cricket is run by SACA throughout Term 4.

The following divisions are offered: Kanga Cricket – Year 2/3’s played at Prospect Oval (NAFC) on Friday evenings, starting at 5.30pm. 4/5’s and/or 5/6’s played at various grounds in the Adelaide North-East region on Saturday mornings, starting at 8.30am.

If your son/daughter is interested in joining, please let me know by Friday of Week 9 (18/9/20) or pop in and see me.

It costs $30 (only if you didn’t play and pay in Term 1) and all registrations are done online. Once I can confirm player numbers I will pass further information on to register.

We will require parent support in helping run the games.
Please indicate if you are able to assist in the email.

Thanks Adam West

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Mt Carmel College Tour


News from the Principal


St Dominic lived a life of compassion, contemplation and action inspired by his faith in Jesus Christ. As you are aware Rosary School identifies with the Dominican charism, which is largely characterized by the Dominican Pillars of prayer, study, community and ministry along with ‘Veritas’ or lifelong search for truth.

This year our focus is on the pillar of ‘Service’ or ‘Ministry’ through our theme, ‘A Heart that Sees’. All classes have been exploring this concept across the curriculum through the lens of Catholic Social Teachings.
The students have been learning to understand what the pillar of ministry means and the actions we can take to ensure we live out ‘a heart that sees’ in our daily lives. I have observed many students in the yard and in classrooms implementing these actions including Declan and Tony in year 5BB.

They approached me as I was supporting two new Transition students into the recess and lunch time play. They offered to teach the boys how to play some games. Both Declan and Tony were very mindful in how they introduced each game, ensuring the little children understood the rules, each child had a turn at leading and most importantly were having lots of fun.
Over the next few weeks we will begin our planning for the 2021 school year in terms of staffing, class placements and strategic plans. To support us in this planning, last week we sent home a form for each family to fill in.


Please ensure you return it by Monday 17th of August. We will endeavour to accommodate all families’ requests where possible.

We have decided to reinstate the GroundForce Dance program for Term 4. However, it will be different to last year. All of the classes will participate in the program over a six-week period.

This year our Transition classes will join the program and will have 4 weeks of lessons whilst our R-6 classes will participate in a 6 week program. At the end of the 6 weeks we hope to offer each year level an opportunity to perform to their parents in a rolling program. This will replace the concert which is not possible at this stage given the restrictions.

The Sports day is also being reinstated in Term 4, however, we will have to wait until closer to the date to determine what the event will look like and ways parents may be able to participate. Over the last week Nadine, Lisa and I have been meeting with different companies to explore the options for commencing a School based OSHC program for 2021.It is our intention to have the company selected by the end of this term to enable time to establish the service in plenty of time before school begins.
Reminder for safe drop offs and pick ups I would like to remind parents to please be mindful not to park in the drop off Zone when dropping off or picking up your children and to only park in designated areas.

It is important not to use the bus zone or the disabled carpark without the permit visible.


New Religious Education Curriculum - Crossways


Over the next two terms, teachers will continue to explore the new curriculum with the hope of full implementation in classrooms in 2021.

We are excited to see the introduction of the new ‘Wisdom Strand’, an integrated strand that focuses on ‘deep skills’ such as the values, attitudes and dispositions that students require to be active and engaged citizens of the 21st century.

According to Pope Francis in 2014, wisdom “is simply this: Seeing the world, situations, conjunctures, problems, everything with God's eyes. Wisdom is what the Holy Spirit does within us so that we can see everything with God's eyes. This is the gift of wisdom”.

The ‘Wisdom Strand’ also recognises that students of RE develop these skills as learners alongside their growth in knowledge and understanding.

The ‘Knowledge Strands’ include:
• God, Us and Faith
• Sacred Texts
• Church for the World
• Moral Life
• Prayer and Sacramentality


Reconciliation Year 3


The preparation was a joint effort between the families, parish and the school. Fr Paul was joined by a caring and friendly band of Dominican priests who helped the children to feel at ease, be forgiven by God and ready to try to let go of poor habits and make fresh starts.
The children's rainbows decorated the walls showing the themes we had focused on in understanding reconciliation and their "Wanted" posters depicted the type of attributes we aim to build, in being peacemakers in our lives.

Thank you to the children in Year 3 who supported each other in this learning, to the families for being active role models in their children's faith journey and for all the staff at Rosary who work actively in teaching the ways of Jesus.

We especially thank Mrs McCormick and Mrs Price for their work behind the scenes to create such a beautiful celebration. As Fr Paul said "May it be the first of many reconciliations that you celebrate throughout life".

Ms C & Mr T

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Welcome our new School Counsellor


I will be available to provide a weekly counselling service on a Tuesday and look forward to meeting the wonderful students at Rosary.

School counselling can support students with a range of different challenges and helps to foster an environment were young children can thrive and reach their full potential.

Please come and introduce yourself if you see me around the school!


Nut Aware - School


It is our duty of care to take all precautions necessary to minimize risk of a life-threatening anaphylaxis.
We appreciate your support and ask you to work with the school to minimise risks associated with foods that are a trigger to such attacks.

We ask parents not to send peanut butter on sandwiches, or nutella (to minimize the risk from person to person contact. As we can not enforce or regulate each child’s lunch box, we do hope that as a community we can work towards minimizing any risks associated by replacing nut products with alternative options.


Online safety - House Party – 13+ age appropriate.


As the name suggests, Houseparty is a virtual version of a big get-together. If your friends are “in the house”, you can chat to them one on one, or you can gather a group in a room to talk or play games, either locking that room’s door or leaving it open for new people to walk in and join you. All sounds great doesn’t it?
Well like any app, it is the way you set it up, that helps to keep your child safe.

Locking your room is the most crucial component as is your continued supervision and chats with your child about safety.

Please check out this pdf


or visit: https:///


Sacrament Meeting coming up


Thank You


Mary, we thank you so much for being ....’A Heart that Sees’ and brightening up our day!


Prayer of the Week


Walk a Mile in my Boots


It was wonderful that our students were able to take part in this experience and I would like to thank the teachers for their planning and organisation and the parents for their incredible of support.

This is another great example of how Rosary School Community, staff and parents collaboratively work together to enable our students to foster and grow.

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Come & Try Softball


Newsletter mailing list


2020 Non-Government School Census Collection Notice

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News from the Principal


I would like to congratulate all our new SRC representatives who were selected for semester 2.
This is an important opportunity for these students to experience leadership to learn about the art of building relationships within the community, understanding their own and others’ identities and how best to work with them to effectively achieve outcomes. It is an opportunity to develop an understanding about effective communication and interpersonal skills.
They also come to understand it is not a right, but a responsibility to be an effective leader and part of this role is to make responsible choices, model and influence others.
They come to understand that being a leader is taking responsibility for making a positive difference in our school and in other people’s lives and that leaders earn the respect of others through their actions.

Through this experience it is hoped that these students will experience leadership development as well as self-confidence and self-esteem through accomplishments and processes of collaborative change.
I thank Mrs Katherine Turner for her leadership of our SRC representative.

We invite immediate family of those elected, to come along to assembly this Friday at 8:45am in the gym, when the children will be presented with their badges. All adults will need to be mindful of 1.5m physical distancing.

Over the past week I have observed some wonderful examples of excellent leadership including our Year 6 students Archer, Ale, Sofia, Oliva, Tom and Sam who supported Leadership on Monday night with the Principal’s Tour.
I was honoured to witness the beautiful way they greeted the new families and guided them over to the meeting and then the way the led the families in prayer. I have also witnessed older students in the yard supporting the younger students with gentle reassurance and support to deal with issues they were experiencing.

The school crossing monitors who each morning have arrived on time and were very focussed on their roles of getting families across the road safely, including respectfully greeting them as they arrived.

Week 1 Week 2
Tehya F Christopher Z
Mercedes P Patrick Z
Agnes R Max M
Charlie P Charlotte C
Emily C Izabella K
  Isabell C

Kelly Sport is being held on Friday afternoons after school. For those students involved you will meet the teacher by the playground.
They will then take you across to the Gym.

On Friday we have our first Assembly for Term 3 it will b run by 4LK class.
Unfortunately, because of COVID-19 restrictions the only parents who can attend are the parents from this class and the parents of the new school leaders who will be receiving their badges.

School uniform

It has been wonderful to see students wearing the appropriate school uniform. I would like to remind those students who are not wearing the appropriate uniform it is part of our school policies and protocols that you do.

Please see the list below detailing the uniform for term 3 and if you are having difficulties in your child wearing the appropriate uniform please see Mrs McCormick or myself.

A reminder that the Uniform Shop is open Monday 8-9am, Friday 8-9am and Friday 2-3pm.

Sera Catalano if the contact person and her email is here


Sacramental Program - Reconciliation


Green Team is back!


This semester we will be building bird houses and bee hotels using old pallets that we chopped up to provide homes to some of our native birds and bees.
We will also be focusing on introducing 'Nude Food days' within the school, more information will come soon.
Dont forget to...REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE God bless..

 Mr T Taras Misiajlo Year 3 Teacher


Prayer of the Week


May we remember to listen, to smile, to offer a helping hand each time the opportunity presents itself. Give us hearts of courage that we will be brave enough to risk loving our enemy.

Inspire us to go out of our way to include those in the margins. Help us to be welcoming and inclusive to all who come to our door. Let us be God’s hospitality in the world.

We make this prayer in Jesus’ name.


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St Dominic's Mass


Term 3 Year Level Mass / Liturgy times


Cyber Safety - Fortnite


We have a link on our website to the website which has all the information you need to keep your child safe. We will feature one app a week in our newsletter to assist you in understanding how they work, the challenges and suggestions around privacy and data. This week we feature “Fortnite”.

Here is a summary of what you can find on this flyer

• the app is recommended for ages 15+
• in-app purchases
• chat feature can expose younger players to offensive language bullying and even contact     with strangers
• you can turn off voice chat Check out the flyer here:

Fortnite Information pdf

You can also visit the website directly:



Catholic Education Disability Support


“Catholic Education South Australia is committed to a culture where every student belongs, is valued and is included. We have a longstanding commitment to the learning and wellbeing of students with disability, but we wish to always improve in how we achieve our mission,” said Professor Denis Ralph Commission Chair. “We want to listen to the lived experience of students with disability, their families, and members of the community.” The perspectives of students with disability will be gathered through student interviews with the permission of parents. The consultation will seek input from leaders and staff , parents and students across Catholic schools and from external agencies responsible for disability services.

We encourage our parents to click on this link to complete the survey by August 3rd.


How else can you be part of the CESA Students with Disability Review?

Specific responses to this Discussion Paper can be provided by 

• email to

• letter to PO Box 179, TORRENSVILLE PLAZA SA 5031

• making a time with you to take your response over the phone. Please send an email or phone 08 8301 6600 (between 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday) to make a time to do so.

Responses can be in writing, an audio recording, or a video recording. Responses can be in any language. The SWD Review will translate the response to English. Responses will inform the work of the SWD Review. They can be made anonymously. We may refer to your response in the work of the SWD Review but will not identify or name you individually. Responses may be published on the SWD Review website and referenced in any document prepared by the SWD Review, for example, our interim and final reports.

Here at Rosary School, we want to ensure we personalise learning in order for every child to thrive. So we encourage you to complete the survey or respond in one of the ways above.


Sports News


Balance and coordination skills
Tumbling, rolling , jumping and landing
Introduction to mini trampolines
Partner balances
Performing in teams (modified)

YEAR 1/2 Sequences of movement using mini-trampolines
Team preparation and presentation - floor routines
YEAR 3/4 Refining and progression to specialised skills (ie/handstands, cartweels, round - offs, backbends, walkovers, etc.
Team preparation and presentation - floor routines
YEAR 5/6

Performing and analysing specialised skills
Creating sequences of movement
Team preperation and presentation - floor routines

Above is a brief overview of the program

Throughout the unit, students also learn about Personal and Social responsibility which is part of the Health and PE Australian Curriculum. This focusses on the following values: 

  • respect 
  • self-direction 
  • participation and effort 
  • caring and leadership 

Floor Routines Final 
The Final for Team Presentations (Floor Routines) is scheduled for Thursday 13 August, 11:30 – 1:15pm. 
Please note that this is the school final where 20 teams will qualify. There are a number of organisational factors to consider in both announcing the finalists and scheduling the actual final. I will provide as much notice as possible for parents who wish to come along. 

Advanced PE – Gymnastics 
The Advanced PE Team will begin preparing their performance this term, training during their lunchtimes and after school. 
Last year the group presented gymnastics skills to the theme of ‘The Lion King’. The leadership group this year are keeping their plans very quiet.  We are looking forward to seeing what is developed by the students.
We are excited to welcome many new students to the 'Team' this year.

We invite any parents wishing to become involved or know more to contact us at school.

Adam West & Nicole Telfer

Dates for the Diary

Gymnastics Floor Routine Final
Thursday 13 August
11:30 – 1:15pm
All classes invited
(chairs will be spaced out within guidelines for teachers and parents)

Advanced PE Gymnastics
Friday 4 September 
All classes invited
(chairs will be spaced out within guidelines for teachers and parents)


School Sport SA and SACPSSA have been able to reschedule most carnivals and events from an interrupted term 2. At this stage, we are preparing to participate in the following sports:
SWIMMING – State Finals
ATHLETICS – District and State Finals
Soccer, Netball, Football, Softball, Hockey
GYMNASTICS – Team Floor routines final / Advanced PE Gymnastics

We are always very grateful for parent support when participating in these off site events and look forward to providing further information about these events and opportunities to be involved.

News from the Principal


I am very excited to join this community and I look forward to meeting and working with you all. I have really enjoyed this week meeting the students, staff and parents and would like to thank you for your generous welcome.
The children were so excited to be back at school and I enjoyed hearing their stories about their families and their holidays.Please feel free to come up and introduce yourselves.
I will be in the yard each morning and afternoon, or if you wish to see me to discuss something please make a time at the front office. On my first visit last term I was very impressed by the staff and students who were engaged in their learning activities and their willingness to share their ideas with me.

One of my passions is students’ thinking, especially mathematical thinking and I look forward to spending some time in classrooms with students as they engage in their learning.

Next week we are offering Parent / Teacher meetings - these meetings provide an opportunity to meet and discuss the progress towards your child’s learning goals and report, as well as any other relevant information.

If you have not already made a time, please ensure that you do because we value our collaborative partnership in supporting your child’s learning
Both the letter that came with your child’s reports and the school website, all have the  information about how to book into the interview meeting.

Kind regards

Trish O'Toole


COVID-19 Easing of Restrictions and new practices


Please do not enter the school grounds if you have:

1. Returned from NSW, ACT or VIC within the past 14 days and are required to quarantine.

2. Been in close contact with a person who has returned from NSW, ACT or VIC within the past 14 days.

3. Been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days.

There will be an expectation that all adults entering the site will follow the Australian Government recommendations to:


• Wash hands with soap and water (sanitise before entering school grounds too)

• physical distance of 1.5m and

• download the app. We thank you for your continued commitment to those in our community and our suburb and our state.

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Sacrament Update


Please choose one of the following dates at 7pm:
Wednesday 5th August 
Thursday 6th August

 We have created a TryBooking for you to select your chosen date. Visit this link:


Bookings are open and close on 31st July.

There will be a limit of 18 children per session and as mentioned, only immediate family will be able to attend.

The class teachers will do a ‘refresher’ with the children early in term 3 and we will practise for the night with the children here at school.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact one of us.

Kind regards,
Caroline Price REC

Lisa McCormick  Deputy Principal

Eucharist and Confirmation

We are still awaiting confirmation dates from Fr Paul. Then we will advise families about dates for the Family Sessions. Thank you for your patience.


School Photos 2020

  • Don't seal envelopes inside each other - you can pay for all children in one envelope however each child needs to have their own envelope on photo day.
  • Use the Shootkey on your envelope to order on line!
  • Family envelopes are abvailble at the front office upon request.
  • Please enclose correct money as no change is given- cash, cheque and momey orders only. Crediti card payments can only be made on line.

Please feel free to visit the MSP web site:


Parent Teacher Interviews


On arrival to your child’s classroom you will find a hygiene station at the door for your use prior to entering.

There will be designated spaces marked out with tape whilst you wait to ensure appropriate physical distancing between other adults.

The interviews are scheduled for 15 minutes, however, if further conversation is required, please make another time to meet with the teacher.

Thank you for your ongoing partnership with the school.

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Farewell to Mr Weeks




Last newsletter from the Principal


Improvement in school facilities is an enabler to all the great learning happening in our school.  10 years ago we began the BER building program, that gave us the classroom in the air, above the walkway and the Sports Centre. 
The ICT room was pulled apart as we recognised that ICT was just another tool for learning and needed to be available in the classrooms.  We slowly built up this availability and I was very proud of the fact that every child was able to leave our school with a device for remote learning, at the end of term 1, when we thought students might be learning from home for a term! 

Knowing the importance of working in an inviting environment, we began a major refurbishment program.  Every wall, inside and out, received a coat of paint, carpets were replaced and new furniture purchased that reflected the learning style of our school. 

This holidays, we will be replacing nine of our air conditioners that have given a lifespan of 15 years.  We had the artificial turf down for replacement before CV19 hit and this might have to wait until next year.  The school is well placed to enter a new phase of development since we have paid off all our loans.

 The appointment of an Architect, to develop a Master Plan, is imminent, and they will start a consultation phase with our community before the year ends.

Last week the Education Standards Board visited our school for our school’s first review in over 10 years.  I am pleased to say that we had a verbal indication, that we passed with flying colours.  Our visitors were very pleased with the documentation they received covering all areas of the school from teacher planning, to first aid, to Work Health Safety.  They were very impressed when they conducted the tour and seeing our wonderful facilities and teaching programs in action.

Supporting me in all these adventures have been several Deputy Principals, Anthony Garton, Kelly Campbell and Lisa McCormick.  Each has offered great support to me and shared their talents with our community.  We have been lucky to have such talented people, as part of the leadership team of our school.

The Finance Committee has worked hard to make sure all these things were possible.  Ten years ago, Rosary School was spending more than it was taking in, an unsustainable position for sure.  Many difficult decisions were made in the early years.  However, the result is all the developments above.  As I depart, I am proud to say the school in a very healthy financial position today.

The School Board oversees the development of Rosary School and have been very supportive.  Over ten years quite many parents have "taken a turn" at being on the School Board. The President of the Board is the Parish Priest and I thank Fathers Alex, Karl and Paul for the time they have devoted to our school.

The Parents and Friends and Sports Committee and at one stage, the Education Committee, have all contributed to the fabric of our School.

Thank you to all the parents that have served on these committees over the last ten years. All of the committees and parents have made major impacts on the lives, of those that make up the Rosary School Community.

In the end, it comes back to all the people, the students, the staff, the parents, that I will miss the most.  You only have to ask anyone working in schools, how you become like an extended family.

Thank you all for having me play a part in the education of your children, it has been an honour!

My blessings on you all.

Damian Weeks

Principal (for one more day)


Winter Woollies Day


This will be sent to the Adelaide Day Centre who will distribute these items to people in need. The centre relies solely on donations and are very grateful for your efforts.

The SRC Team

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Casual Clothes Day Friday

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Kelly Sports (Wild Winter Sports)



Enrol your child into a Kelly Sports program at your school and receive a Sports Voucher discount on your Kelly Sports fees.
To enrol and/or redeem your sports voucher discount, register online at For further information about your Sports Voucher eligibility please visit

- WHEN – Fridays at Rosary School
- COMMENCING – 24/7/20
- CONCLUDING – 11/9/20
- TIME – 3.15pm – 4.15pm
- YEAR LEVELS – Reception to Year 2
- COST – $100.00 +GST (Total cost $110) OR redeem your sports voucher and pay only $10! - REGISTER HERE 
- ENQUIRIES – Ian Barnes 0439 063 916 or KELLY SPORTS 

For more information click below:


Start Dates for Term 3 & 4

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COVID -19 Easing of Restrictions



  • wash hands with soap and water (sanitise before entering school grounds too)
  • physical distance of 1.5m and
  • download the COVID Safe app.

We thank you for your continued commitment to those in our community and our suburb and our state.


Playgroup Returns in Week 2


Volunteers to Return


Volunteer information package plus

  • WHS induction
  • Responding to Abuse and Neglect online training
  • Current Police Clearance

We must sight all original documentation. Then our school must register you with SAVA and complete an online security clearance.

We thank you in advance.


Uniform Shop opening hours Term 3


Sacrament of Reconciliation


Confirmation and First Communion


Sports Committee News


There is an Expression of interest form on the Trybooking system  which we encourage you all to complete.  It is a chance for Rosary school students to document what sports they are interested in playing.

This form is to assist the Rosary School Sports Committee in better understanding and planning around meeting the students interests in particular sports.

Due to COVID 19 restrictions easing, we have received late information in regards to netball and basketball commencing in term 3 , please ensure to submit your interest in these activities no later than 9th July 2020 on the EOI form. 


Gifted & Talented Holiday Ideas

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Mt Carmel College Tour


News from the Principal


Our mid-year intake, of children turning five during the year, had their first visit this week.
We have two classes this year and a total of 30 students.

Amanda Coombe will be returning to take one class and we are pleased to welcome Anna Schultz whom will be teaching the other class.
We also welcome Georgia Camerlengo to our school. Georgia will be working as an ESO and supporting a small group of children in our school.

The School Board held its monthly meeting this week. A CV19 update came out that afternoon and there are many changes coming to schools, as the SA Government eases CV19 restrictions at the end of the month.

At this stage most of these will come into play next term.

In this newsletter, I am also pleased to release the Rosary School Annual Improvement Plan for 2020.

Click below to view:





Rosary School LEGO MASTERS - sports edition


Congratulations to everyone who joined in and thanks to all classes for supporting the concept.

We will look at running an art exhibition of sport later in the year.
Adam & Nicole

Scrawl across the gallery below to view some of the amazing creations:



Winter Woollies Day - SRC Initiative


You can also wear your school clothes but also a scarf, beanie, gloves or woolly socks on the day.



Soccer Season Cancellation


This has occurred after lengthy consideration and in consultation with SA Health, Local Government, Sport SA and our Insurance provide.

Click on the link below:

Soccer Information_Release_June_2020.pdf


Sacramental Program Update


Dear parents and caregivers

I have sympathy for all of you who have children preparing for Sacraments of Initiation, and Reconciliation.
The program began with dates set and the plan in place. We were all ready to celebrate first Reconciliation.
Then came Covid19! That was the end of confident planning.

Click on the link below:



End of Year Concert


School Photos 2020


This new process has been designed in accordance with the most recent guidelines currently issued by the relevant Health Authorities, which are being monitored daily.

Click below for the new procedure:



Entertainment App Fundraiser 2020/2021


Order the NEW 2020-21 Entertainment Digital Membership and you will receive hundreds of valuable offers for everything you love to do, and you will also be supporting our fundraising. 
Your Membership App allows you to conveniently search, save and redeem thousands of offers near you in an instant. New offers are regulary added for more value year round.

Click on the link below to order your copy:



Back to school Term 3


Gifted & Talented Research Study

  1. What is the research study about?

You are invited to take part in this research study. The research study aims to investigate the attitudes of key stakeholders (i.e., parents, teachers and students) in Catholic Education South Australia toward gifted students and gifted education. It is expected that greater clarity in the understanding of these attitudes may allow for the development of strategies and practices to more optimally support gifted students attending Catholic Education South Australia schools.

You have been invited because you are a parent/guardian of a student enrolled in a Catholic Education South Australia school, and your contact details were obtained from Catholic Education South Australia.

  1. Who is conducting this research?

The study is being carried out by the following researchers: A/Prof Jae Jung, Dr Peta Hay, Dr Geraldine Townend, and A/Prof Jihyun Lee, all from the University of New South Wales.

Research Funder: This research is being funded by Catholic Education South Australia


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To the Community of Rosary School


Click below:

CommunityLetterProspect pdf


News from the Principal


You become part of people’s lives over the ten years. When speaking to the children, I recalled a number that I have known almost since birth.

The bitter moment for me is, of course, not seeing everyone, every day.
The sweet part is I have another job as a Principal and 500 people that I will get to know!

Again, when speaking with the classes, it is a similar bitter/sweet moment for them too. However, I described the sweet part as meeting and getting to know a new Principal.
Many were concerned as to whether this person could cook sausages!

So, I will conclude my time as Principal of Rosary School at the end of the term. Trish O’Toole will be the Acting Principal for terms 3 & 4.
Trish is a very experienced Leader and has just concluded her work, last term, at St Brigid’s at Kilburn. She brings a depth of leadership experience to this position along with a commitment for ensuring excellence in teaching and learning.
During terms 3 & 4 the process of appointing a substantive Principal will begin.
There will be a consultation phase that students, parents and staff will be involved in. Applications for the position will then be called for, I am sure there will be many! Catholic Education SA run this process and organise an interview panel that will include Father Paul, someone from the School Board and two CESA reps.

Somewhere in the fourth term, the new Principal will be announced.

Damian Weeks


News from the Deputy


What does that mean for you though?

Can you think of a time when you might have felt a presence, known intuitively what to do next, had a sense of calm overtake you, had an idea just come to you, feel comforted alone?

How would you describe the presence of the Holy Spirit in you?

You might notice at school, that at this time you see various symbols that have come to be associated with the Holy Spirit and Pentecost. These are flame, wind, dove are the symbols along with the colour red.

What does this mean for our local context?

The Afungia Family
If Pentecost celebrates the birth of the church as the Holy Spirit was sent to the apostles to go out into the world and make disciples of others, maybe we can see this very sad death as a way for us to in fact be disciples of the world. Families here at Rosary have been generous in their offers of assistance, prayers and support for their children. What a wonderful example of the Holy Spirit at work.  We pray for the whole family that the Holy Spirit is with them at this time and brings some comfort.

What does this mean for our world?

The nightmare of COVID-19, a global pandemic which none of us has ever experienced in any of our lifetimes, has wreaked havoc on so many lives across the globe. Everywhere the same sign on businesses appeared: "closed." The worldwide internet has never before had so much traffic with school lessons, meetings and work sessions all online.
People everywhere continue to connect online with loved ones, business partners, friends and acquaintances. International leaders try to work together; worldwide corporations in the public sector answer the clarion call for masks, ventilators and hospital beds.
For once, the world's people have tried to unite in the common efforts of care and concern as death tolls rise amid fears that have cut right into our cores, leaving us to wonder what life will be like once COVID-19 ceases to dominate the face of the Earth. COVID-19 has created gaping holes in the fabric of human life, regardless of race, creed, economic and ethnic background, orientation, gender or class.
Now a spirit of compassion, generosity, ingenuity, hospitality and creativity bonds the human species together, making us realize that despite our diversity, we are all one in this common global pandemic experience.
This "oneness," however, experienced through this pandemic is an invitation for the human community to reach deep within itself to discover what truly binds us one to another.
Certainly, the bond is not COVID-19 but rather, the Spirit of the divine poured into all creation, all life, all people. 


Have we had time to reset?
Have we re-thought what is important and let go of what we don’t need?
Has it been a chance to think about how we live our best lives?W
What about how we have rallied to help each other?
It’s been global and Jesus wanted disciples across the globe….

Here are some examples of changing people for ever…

George Floyd
For us, as adults (too sensitive, violent for children)… I have been considering the recontexualisation of Pentecost and what is foremost in my mind is the death of George Floyd. Where can we see Jesus disciples as missionaries? Where can we see examples of other languages, religious, diversity and race? Everywhere! What is also present, is a lack of understanding, racism and violence. But……
Could this be the precipitous for a new way forward?
The birth of acceptance and the cessation of racism?
Could this unite us all?

Guaranteed Enrolment into Catholic School


Sacramental Program Update


Confirmation and First Communion:
We still have time on our side as our Family sessions are not due to start until Week 2 of Term 3. The Parish will provide further information when they can.

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2020-2022 Strategic Plan


This Plan outlines the directions that Rosary School will be taking over the next three-year time period so that our students will continue to thrive, learn and develop into the leaders for the world God desires.
The document is built around the four Dominican Pillars.

Click below to view the plan:



Winter Woollies Day

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Uniform Shop opening hours


To view uniforms during these times, this can be arranged for you, but is by appointment only.

Please email Sera on:

Click below for a copy of the Winter Uniform order form:


All payments can be made during the designated opening hours .

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Newmarch Gallery Exhibition


This is being coordinated by members of our City Wide Public Art Roundtable who are also linked strongly to Newmarch Gallery. It has been inspired by the exhibition Boundaries, No Boundaries. This will see the two works created into temporary footpath stickers and installed at a location near the school (if agreed by the school). The selection was made by Leah Grant who will also be participating in InsideOut as a practicing artist.

· Year 6, number 15 "The Flow Of Happiness" by Alessandra Pergoleto and her description of the piece is "This painting represents me because the blue around it is water and the pink is all the things I love, swirled in together. 
The yellow and orange and the leaves represent the earth's appearance in water”.
Note from Leah - I selected Alessandra's piece because of her confident, thick brush strokes. This student has created a very balanced composition with pastel blue, bright yellow and vivid orange, thoughtfully filling organic shapes.
A bold pink line wiggles around the page, uniting the piece and leading your eye around the work

 · Year 2, number 17 "Flower Land" by Angela Le.
Note from Leah - I selected Angela's piece because of the playful, layered patterns.

The student has experimented with a range of mark making techniques with her brush.
I can see she has used different thicknesses and pressure to create a thin line in some areas, bold thick lines and even splodges of paint in other areas.
This student's work is bursting with energy and displays a fearless creativity that I am inspired by.

We are very excited and proud of Ale and Angela.

Congratulations girls and we look forward to seeing your artwork on the footpath in our neighbourhood.

P & F News


Book Club orders - Reminder


Newmarch Gallery Art Exhibition


Students create artwork with ‘no boundaries’

Forty Year 2 and Year 6 students from Rosary School at Prospect have created artwork for display in a digital exhibition at a local art gallery.

The students created a piece each for the ‘Boundaries, No Boundaries’ exhibition at the Newmarch Gallery, Prospect, which was officially opened by City of Prospect Mayor David O’Loughlin on Friday May 22 2020 that was streamed live on Facebook.


The City of Prospect funds the art program to give students from the local area the opportunity to learn about exhibition spaces and be inspired to create their own artwork.

This is the second exhibition of student artwork at the Newmarch Gallery. The theme for this year is no theme – a choose your own adventure as such! Students were given full autonomy to work with their teacher or a local artist to determine their own theme and explore their own ideas – with no boundaries.

To create their artworks, the Rosary School students participated in a creative workshop with local visual artist and teacher Leah Grant.

During the workshop, students brainstormed themes, experimented with mediums, and learnt about the differences between gallery spaces and street art murals, a specialty of Leah’s.

Leah said students “enthusiastically cut, pasted, and painted colourful designs within their chosen theme”.

“Year 2 students created their theme ‘I Miss You and I’m So Excited To See You’ relating to COVID-19 restrictions on friends and family but also the restrictions it has caused to visit art galleries. Year 6 students chose their theme to be ‘I see happy patterns in the water’”, said Leah.

After the workshop, Leah took the time to write personalized notes to each of the students. “Leah is a great art teacher and it felt good to make my own piece of art”, said Year 6 student Josh.

“The painting was great fun and Leah taught us to paint patterns for abstract artwork”, said Year 6 students Lachlan.

“I was inspired by Leah’s own artwork and this encouraged me to create some amazing artwork”, added Year 6 student Waverly.

Each school participating in the exhibition also created a video that explores their themes and art experiences. “The videos are both heart-warming and honest and shows just how creative some of the youngest members of our community are”, said Newmarch Gallery.

Due to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions, the annual exhibition has been transformed in 2020. What would have been a full exhibition inside the Gallery is now a dedicated night projection.

The exhibition is being projected from the gallery window at night for all to enjoy, from sunset to sunrise. The works are also displayed on the gallery website at https:///

The exhibition also features artwork from students from Blackfriars Priory School at Prospect.

The student artwork will be projected on the front window of the Newmarch Gallery, 128 Prospect Road, Prospect, daily from dusk to dawn until Sunday June 21. If you’re in the local neighbourhood check it out!


News from the Principal


While we have always discouraged cars in the back streets, with so many people waiting on the roads and footpaths, it is even more important to heed this safety advice.
There have also been some issues with the “kiss & drop” zone on Gladstone Road.

With more cars using this area again, some cars are lining up (parking) illegally, going around the corner onto Prospect Road.
If the line around the corner is full you must not stop in this area. If we all work together, we create a system that is as safe as possible, for the movement of children at the beginning and end of the day.
We have been thankful of everyone’s support and understanding through what has been a difficult time. The P&F put on a lovely morning tea, last week, as a thank you to all the staff.

I have admired how our staff have gone about this difficult time in a very professional manner and would again like to say thank you for all their good and extra work.
Damian Weeks

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Installation of Archbishop Partick O'Regan


Due to the Cornonavirus restrictions there will be a small group of people at the installation, including Bishop Greg O'Kelly SJ.

Instellation of Archbishop Patrick O'Regan Info.


News from the Deputy


Raising Hearts and Minds Prayer
Loving God,
Guide us to know life in its fullness, to raise our hearts and minds to know God’s love.
Raise our hearts and minds to be inspired by Jesus, the catholic faith and tradition.
Raise our hearts to be loving, compassionate and respectful.
Raise our minds to be inquisitive, capable and see truth.
May we be aware of listening to the stirring of our hearts to prompt action.
Guide us to respond to the needs of others and all of God’s creation.
In all our thoughts, words and actions, help us raise our hearts and minds in creating the world you desire.
Loving god hear our prayer.

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Uniform Shop News


All payments can be made during the above hours.
To view uniforms during these times, this can be arragned for you, but is by appointment only. Please contact Sera Catalano via this email.

Click below to download the uniform order form



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Year 2 and Year 6 Art Exhibition



Student quotes

"I felt privileged during that time and I was very proud of my artwork" – Anna

"I was inspired by Leah’s own artwork and this encouraged me to create some amazing art work" – Waverly

"The painting was great fun and Leah taught us to paint patterns for abstract artwork" – Lachlan

"Leah is a great art teacher and it felt good to make my own piece of art" – Josh

During the workshop, students brainstormed themes, experimented with mediums, and learnt about the differences between gallery spaces and street art murals. Students enthusiastically cut, pasted, and painted colourful designs within their chosen theme.

Year 2 students created their theme “I Miss You and I’m So Excited To See You”, relating to COVID-19 restrictions on friends and family but also the restrictions it has caused to visit art galleries.

Year 6 students voted their favourite theme to be; “I see happy patterns in the water”.
With the impact on COVD-19, the Art Gallery have been very innovative and will have a Live FB / Instragram Event for the Launch on Friday Night at 6:30pm.
The children’s art work will be projected as digital images onto the Newmarch Gallery window.

Workshop Date: Thursday 30th April 2020
Exhibition Opening Date: Friday 22nd May 2020
Exhibition Closing Date: Sunday 21st June 2020
Location: Newmarch Gallery, Payinthi, 128 Prospect Road



The daily updates from CESA have reduced to weekly updates and today I would like to share with you a few reminders.
While we have been supporting parent choice during this pandemic, we now expect all students who are well and not considered vulnerable to COVID-19 to attend school.
Parents are still to remain outside the gates (remember social distancing though).
Schools should continue to allow essential services staff on site (tutors etc) where appropriate social distancing and hygiene measures can be taken.
Extra cleaning is still in place for areas like playgrounds and railings.


School Board News


OSHC at Rosary School Last term we asked families to complete a survey about establishing a program here at Rosary School.
100 Families responded to the survey and the results were extremely positive.
You can view the results in this newsletter. We now move to the next stage where we formally present the results to CESA requesting permission to establish a service.

Then we battle all the Government red tape.
We hope to be able to establish a service by the start of next year.



News from the Principal


If you are bringing your child/ren to school…

Only students are to enter the school grounds 

• All children are to be dropped off at the school gates.

• Please stay in your car if you are driving and observe social distancing if you are walking children to and from school

• As usual, staff will be ready at the gates to greet students at 8:25am, when the gates open (students should not be at school before this time).

• There will be no morning play and students will enter their classroom once the 8:30am bell rings.

• Formal learning will begin at 8:40 am.

Reception and Year 1 students will be dismissed at 2:50 pm.
• Reception classes and R/1 will gather outside the gym and parents may enter this space for a handover of children.
• Year 1AF will gather at the back gate at this time and Year 1RM at the front gate.
• Teachers will monitor their children until they are all collected.

Years 2-6 will be dismissed at 3 pm.
• Students will make their way to either the front or back gates.

After school care
• All students will move to their collection points at 3 pm.
• Reception and Year 1 students are to remain with their class teacher until this time.
• Before and after school care continue to be open at both Blackfriars and for those eligible families at Prospect PS.

We understand that some families will continue to keep their children at home, we are committed to continued support for these students.

Please email your child’s teacher, if you are going to keep your child at home and they will communicate with you about the organisation of your child’s learning.

As teachers are not allowed to video conference with individual students, this will not occur from next week.

Stay safe, Damian Weeks


Happy Mother's Day


News from the Deputy


A Prayer for Teachers

It is safe to say that the current circumstances have given us all a deeper appreciation of teachers. They always make sacrifices, adjustments and accommodations for their students. They are always patient, kind and compassionate. But we’re seeing that now more than ever.

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Tuesday, May 5th is Teacher Appreciation Day. And this year especially we want our teachers in our community to feel valued. So, we’d like to share this Prayer. For Teachers to pray this week and every week during this corona virus crisis.

Lord, today, we want to lift our teachers. We appreciate them every day, but our current circumstances have deepened that appreciation even more. So this week, Teacher Appreciation Week, we pray that our teachers know how much we value them and their work.

Father we thank you for every teacher and educator adjusting to their new normal. Encourage them to use their gifts and talents to find new ways to reach students during this time.

Protect their health, Father, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Fill them with the energy and inspiration they need to keep teaching effectively in this format.

Help them to extend grace, not just to their students, but to themselves when they hit a bump in the road. Help them to be flexible and continue to adapt.

When they miss their school, co-workers, and students, bring them comfort and help them to know that they aren’t alone.

And father, fill them with a sense of hope as they remember that this is only temporary. Let the knowledge that they will be back in their classrooms teaching their students face – to -face again soon carry them through the rest of this season.

In Jesus’s name, AMEN

Uniform Information


If you haven’t been able to get here, just pop in sometime next week.  Remember to come to the front office - Please do not come in through the yard.

Please bring your receipt with you to help with a smooth pick up.

If you have not paid, please do so when you pick up.

Email Enquiries

Sacrament Program


Year Level Liturgies / Mass


Scholastic Book Club - NEWS AND ORDERS


For the first time in the history of Scholastic- we will have a Virtual Book Club for Term 2 Keep in mind that the order needs to be placed no later than May 26.

Click below for further information:

To order Issue 3 Student Catalogue click on the link below:

scholastic australia/issue_3


News from the Principal


At the end of the holiday’s we sent out, via SchoolStream, the plan for remote learning.

This communication is reproduced in this newsletter in case you missed it.
Thank you to those parents who have kept a strict adherence to the drop off and pick up situation.
It can be a little inconvenient but it is an effort to keep us all as safe as possible.
This term we have also added cleaning of all playground railings to help with the children’s safety. For those children learning at home the video conferencing has been a big hit (especially when it works).
Teachers have been very creative with how they have gone about this and even the children at school have been enjoying the experience.
This afternoon I will be attending a meeting of all Principals in the SA Catholic system.

This will be done via video conferencing.
One of the big topics for discussion is the mode of schooling. If there are any changes we will communicate this to families tomorrow.
You can also find our School Performance Report in this newsletter.
Lastly, a big thank you to our teachers! I know many of them have spent a considerable amount of their holidays preparing for this term.
On return to school they have been extremely flexible with the working week and have done this in a calm and professional way, even when the technology has let us down.

On behalf of our community I would like to thank them all very much.
Stay safe, Damian Weeks


The School Day during remote learning



Reception and Year 1 students will be dismissed at 2:50pm.

• Reception classes and R/1 will gather outside the gym and parents may enter this space fo  a handover of children.
• Year 1AF will gather at the back gate at this time and Year 1RM at the front gate.
• Teachers will monitor their children until they are all collected.

Years 2-6 will be dismissed at 3pm.
• Students will make their way to either the front or back gates. 

After school care
• All students will move to their collection points at 3pm.

• Reception and Year 1 students are to remain with their class teacher until this time.

• Before and after school care will be open from Monday at both Blackfriars and for those eligible families at Prospect PS.

Please choose an appropriate school uniform depending on the weather over the next three weeks (ie summer or winter).
For those families that have ordered winter uniforms we will notify you when they arrive and how you can collect them.
We are genuinely excited at the prospect of students returning to school and as we navigate through this transition back to school together, we acknowledge that there may be a few challenges along the way.
We appreciate the partnership we have with families and look forward to overcoming any challenges together.


Fee Remissions


We will continue to review the fee situation for individual families and the school as a whole. We understand that many families within our community have lost employment, had hours of work significantly reduced, have businesses which have been forced to close or those who have found themselves in a position where income has been otherwise significantly affected.

Rosary School is offering the following immediate relief options to assist families who can demonstrate a change in financial circumstances as a result of COVID-19
• Delay, suspension or cancellation of your regular payments
• Full fee remission for 3 months, after which your situation can be reassessed
• Fee negotiation for families who have already paid their full tuition fee for 2020

You may not be currently affected from a financial perspective, however should your circumstances change in the future please get in touch.

Actioning A Fee Remission 

The simplest way to do this is to fill in the form “Request for Fee Assistance (COVID-19)" and emailed back to

Our Finance team will work as quickly as possible to action requests and we thank you for your patience and continued support as we strive to work with you in a timely manner.
For further information or should you wish to discuss your situation further, please contact our Bursar, Melanie Fazio (Mon, Tues, Thurs) on 8343 5700 or via the email above.



Uniform Shop update


News from the Deputy


Mother's Day


Dear Parent/caregiver

Each year, the Rosary Parents and Friends Committee run a stall where children can buy a small gift for their Mother/Grandmother/special person in their life. Due to COVID-19, we are unable to have a physical stall.
For the children to still have the ability to spoil mum, we have decided to do an online stall.

Gifts will be $5 each and purchased online via ‘Trybooking’. Gifts include: travel mugs, stationary sets, aromatherapy set, mugs, photo frame, candles, etc. Gifts will be wrapped and distributed to the children like a ‘lucky dip’ on Friday 8th May.
Online gift sales close Wednesday 6th May at 12pm. 

Please note only 1 gift allocated per child.

To purchase on ‘Trybooking’, please search

• “Rosary Mother’s Day Stall” or

We thank you for your ongoing understanding and support.

Kind regards, Rosary Parents & Friends Committee

hand-features-s-e1486506669382 (1).jpg

Communication to families


Remote Learning at Rosary School


Today am delighted to share with you our remote learning plans, that will be implemented for at least the first week of term 2 and until further notice.
Planned by our teachers, it is designed to combine different types of learning to cater for the many different needs of families at this time.

Remote learning does not require students and teachers to be online for the full school day. We recognise that the ‘home school’ day may be significantly shorter than the usual school day; for example younger students working in a remote mode may complete work tasks faster than when in a classroom setting.
Your child’s wellbeing at this uncertain time, as well as their development in their faith journey, is of the utmost importance.

Rosary School is well positioned to offer remote learning.
We have worked extremely hard to provide all students in our school with 1-1 technology that they have taken home.
The Learning Platform for Reception to Year 4 students will be “SeeSaw” (accessed via student iPads or laptops).
The Learning Platform for Year 5 & 6 will be “OneNote” (accessed via student laptops).
For the majority of students, they have been using these learning platforms this year.

Click below for more:




News from the Principal - COVID-19 Update #5


Fee remission
Families who have lost significant income due to COVID 19 will receive a total school fee remission, initially for a period of 3 months.

We will work with families to implement and provide this financial assistance. Any families who are experiencing any financial difficulty are encouraged to engage with us and we will confidentially and sensitively work through this with you.

Supporting your child’s learning from home We continue to work relentlessly to ensure students’ welfare and learning is optimal.
We are committed to ensuring this work is undertaken with continuing commitment, care and expertise. Catholic Education SA will soon launch a website that will support students living and learning in an online learning environment.

The site will include practical information about how you can support your child at home. Details on how to access this website will be communicated to you shortly.

Catholic Education SA will also continue to provide updated information on the Home page of our website on Catholic Education's website and Facebook page - and of course, the staff and I, will be present at school in Term 1 until 9 April.

The development of your child – educationally, spiritually and pastorally – is our highest priority, and we know that this is heavily dependent upon the strong, trusting partnership we have built with each family.

We are stronger through our work together. May you and those you care about remain safe and well.

Yours sincerely, Damian Weeks Principal

COVID-19 Update #4


After the Prime Minister’s address a week ago, many parents were unsure about whether to send children to school and over a quarter chose not to last Monday.  By Friday we were down to about half the children remaining at home. 
Moving forward I know families will make the decision based on each families circumstances.

Care for children next week has been a major point of discussion at the Catholic Education Office (CEO), more so from the point of view of not having an OSHC program at Rosary School.  I hope to be able to write to you about this tomorrow night, after I attend a meeting with the CEO Leadership team. 
I am sure we will be able to offer a very limited program for those families in great need.  Again more on this tomorrow night.

While we do not know what is going to happen next term, we have been asked to prepare for online learning.

In doing so we have already announced that:

  1. All students from Year 2 to 6 already have 1-1 technology that will be taken home at the end of term
  2. “SeeSaw” and “OneNote” will be our online learning platforms

Today I would like to confirm the following:

  1. All students in Reception and Year 1 will be provided with an iPad by the school to use at home and will be taken home at the end of term
  2. Receptions to Year 4 will be using “SeeSaw” as their online learning platform
  3. Year 5 & 6 will be using “OneNote” as their online learning platform
  4. Video conferencing (possibly) will be conducted through Microsoft 365 and the Teams App

Due to the above, we will be sending home two parent consent forms, these can be filled in and returned, or consent can be given via an email to your child’s class teacher.

Form 1 is for Reception to Year 4 families, for the use of school technology at home. 

One of the very important points to keep in mind is that the school technology is provided to aid education, it is not to be used for gaming/social networking etc.  Our overarching rule is the equipment is to be used in a just and moral way, in line with our Catholic Traditions.

 In regards to damage to equipment this is covered 50% by the family and 50% by the school.

Form 2 is to consent to video conferencing.  In the case of a school shutdown next term, teachers will check in with the whole class towards the beginning of the day.  Year 3-6 classes at 9:30am and R-2 classes at 9:45am. 

Parents will have a supervisor role if they wish their child to participate in this activity (see the form for further information).

For those families who already have your children at home, we have prepared the following timetable to pick up technology and books.  These will be left in the meeting room, for collection at anytime during the day, if possible:


Year 4 – Tuesday

Year 3 – Wednesday

Year 2 – Thursday

Year 1 – Friday


Reception – Monday

Year 5 & 6 - Tuesday

Children who attended school today and throughout the week, will leave with all equipment required on whatever their last day is.

Kind regards

Damian Weeks
PRINCIPAL / March 30th, 2020


Fee Remission News


We understand that many families within our community have lost employment, had hours of work significantly reduced, have businesses which have been forced to close or those who have found themselves in a position where income has been otherwise significantly affected.

Rosary School is offering the following immediate relief options to assist families who can demonstrate a change in financial circumstances as a result of COVID-19:
• Delay, suspension or cancellation of your regular payments
• Full fee remission for 3 months, after which your situation can be reassessed
• Fee negotiation for families who have already paid their full tuition fee for 202

You may not be currently affected from a financial perspective, however should your circumstances change in the future please get in touch.

Actioning A Fee Remission 
The simplest way to do this is to fill in the form “Request for Fee Assistance (COVID-19)"
This can be downloaded from this newsletter and emailed back to

Our Finance team will work as quickly as possible to action requests and we thank you for your patience and continued support as we strive to work with you in a timely manner.

For further information or should you wish to discuss your situation further, please contact our Bursar, Melanie Fazio (Mon, Tues, Thurs) on 8343 5700 or via the email above

Kindest regards
Damian Weeks Principal 2/4/20

Click below to download the Application for Fee Remission form:






Term 2 update


Literacy Resources for Learning on Line


Vacation Care - Blackfriars


Provisions introduced last month around social distancing and personal hygiene in the ELC and OSHC will continue to be strictly applied.
To register for Vacation Care, please contact OSHC Director,

Rita Quaini on 8169 3956 or email For ELC Vacation Care bookings, please contact ELC Director, Karen McEntee on 8169 3955 at

COVID -19 Update #3 re school fees


Fee Remission Amongst all the worries that we have at this time – worrying about the payment of school fees should not be one of those things.
Please be assured of our support for your family.

If your family has lost significant income due to COVID-19 you will receive a total school fee remission effective immediately, initially for a period of 3 months.

We will continue to review the fee situation for individual families and the school as a whole. Further information will be released early next week.

Pupil Free days (6-9 April) The Government has announced that the final week of this school term (Monday 6 April – Thursday 9 April) will be a pupil free week across all South Australian schools.
This means that the last day of Term for students will be Friday 3 April.
This time will enable teachers and school staff to prepare for the remote delivery of lessons. More information about our OHSC arrangements during the pupil free period and the school holidays will be given shortly.

Online learning Catholic Education SA is working to guarantee that learning will continue for your child. We will ensure that students can continue their studies remotely and remain connected with their teachers.
We are also working with the government to ensure that – where parents need to work – that students can access schooling. Commitment to your child Please be assured.
Your child matters to us. Your family matters to us.

Our absolute commitment is that we will support your child in their learning and wellbeing at this difficult time whether they are physically at school or at home

Regular updates are being provided on the Catholic Education SA website – Please continue to pray for our leaders, our schools and our teachers. May we be kind to each other in the face of uncertainty.

Kind Regards Damian Weeks Principal 26/3/20

Coronavirus - Parent Communication 2


On 14th March, an electronic letter was sent to all families on our SchoolStream App concerning the ongoing situation re COVID-19. This letter can be found on our school website.

Last night we received a major update that will change the usual practices that occur in our school for the remaining weeks of this term. read more:

Read more below:



News from the Principal


At Rosary School we have released two communications to families over the past 7 days.  In today’s newsletter we share these communications again, in case you have missed them.  You may be interested to know that we have a re-focussed cleaning effort on the following:

  • door handles disinfected
  • light switches disinfected
  • phones and keyboards disinfected
  • hard surfaces disinfected (bench tops, desks)
  • floors disinfected (kitchen and toilets)
  • handrails disinfected
  • control panel in lift disinfected
  • cleaners wear appropriate PPE
  • cleaners follow colour coded guide when moping and wiping surfaces, cleaning different areas to minimise the risk of bacteria transfer between the cleaning zones etc.

This week we have cancelled the Italian Cultural day and shut down the sandpit.

Thank you to our teachers who have been diligent with their approach to the week and their work with your children.

Thank you to those parents that have made contact about keeping children at home because they are showing signs of being unwell and at times keeping children at home because the parents are unwell. 

If we could ask parents to continue to do the following:

  1. Talk to students about the importance of washing hands
  2. Any student with a temperature must be kept home
  3. Any student with flu like symptoms must be kept at home
  4. Continue to talk with your children about how they can keep themselves healthy (see the School’s first communication)

Finally, I would like to remind our community about what happens if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus in the school:

  1. The school will communicate with families and follow the advice from relevant authorities, like SA Health.
  2. It is likely the school would close for at least 24 hours while it is cleaned, and health authorities trace virus contact between individuals. 
  3. Health authorities will declare that the school has followed all expected protocols and allow the school to reopen.
  4. The school will keep you informed during any closure period via the SchoolStream App, School Website and if possible through written communication.
  5. Parents would be advised when students are able to return.

It is also worth noting the change in language from our country’s leaders.  Yesterday the Prime Minister was very clear that schools would stay open.  This morning the Premier said a number of times that schools will stay open, at this stage.

Damian Weeks


Coronavirus - First Communication to Parents


News from the Deputy


National Day of Action Against Bullying & Violence


Learn some strategies to talk about with your child

These pages provide tips and ideas for different bullying situations. One idea is to practise strategies at home to help your child feel more confident.
If your child is being bullied

If your child is bullying others

If your child has seen bullying

Watch the Quick Tips for Parents videos by Dr Michael Carr-Gregg for more ideas.

Please visit:https:/// for further information.

Choirs at Rosary


Catholic Schools Music Festival Choir:

During Choir time on Wednesdays, Year 6’s will come 11:30 -12:30 followed by year 5’s 2:05 – 3pm.

Other Choirs:

As we have such large numbers for the Rosebud and Little Blossoms choirs, they will be suspended until further notice.


Tips for coping with COVID -19


Sacrament of Reconciliation


Bishop Greg O’Kelly is providing some advice around this to Parish Priests and we will keep you updated.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Parish or your school contact person.

 Kind regards, The Parish Sacrament Team.




Would you like an OSHC Program at Rosary School?


Parent Teacher Interviews -Postponed


Blackfriars OSHC Program - bus to continue


Italian Language and Culture Day


News from the Principal


In our last newsletter (access via the school website) you can find all the lead up information to the 2020 AGM.

Nominations – Included in this newsletter is a Nomination Form.
If you wish to nominate, return the signed form after having someone in the community (ie another parent) sign to second your nomination. 

Nominations close on Friday March 6th. In the event of more nominations being received than necessary, a system of voting will take place via the newsletter on Thursday March 12th.
At this stage we have at least two vacancies.
AGM will be held on Tuesday March 17th at 7:30pm. 

There will be no reading out of reports, this meeting is an opportunity for anyone in our community to come along to ask questions regarding the published reports.
We anticipate this will be quite brief, once questions are concluded the current School Board will hold their last meeting.


These interviews will be held in week 10, beginning March 30th on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (M – 3:15 to 5:00pm, T – 3:15 to 7:30pm and W – 3:15 to 5:00pm).

Bookings are open at Then enter the booking code 89frj

SOCCER -All the information for soccer came out two weeks ago. Students who would like to play soccer next term need to complete their registration, together with the applicable registration fee no later than Friday the 20th of March 2019. Registration are done online at:

We have a number of Parent Initiated after hours sports. In today’s newsletter you can make an expression of interest to play an after-school sport. All after school sport requires a parent to take charge of the activity. Expressions of interest are done online at:

Over the year Catholic Education encourages us to share summaries of specific documents relating to our work in this area. Today you can find information relating to how Rosary School works this area.

Enjoy the long weekend.
Damian Weeks


Child Protection Information


Here is the detail for each of these documents.

Click below: child_protection information


View album “Recent”.png

Coronavirus update - good hygiene practices


Restrictions are in place for people who have recently returned to Australia from Iran or mainland China, with the following advice issued to staff and parents about attendance at schools and early childhood facilities.
In the following scenarios you cannot attend school or an early childhood centre:

  • If you have left, or transited through Iran on or after 1 March - you must isolate yourself until 14 days after leaving Iran.
  • If you have left or transited through mainland China - you must isolate yourself until 14 days after leaving China.
  • If you have been in close contact with a confirmed case of novel coronavirus - you must isolate yourself for 14 days after last contact with the confirmed case.
  • At this stage, the Federal Government advises that travellers from Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, Italy and Cambodia who have not been to mainland China or Iran are not required to self-isolate unless they are unwell, in which case they should seek medical assistance.

Practising good hygiene Everyone can protect against infections by practising good hygiene.

Encourage all children and staff to: wash their hands regularly, particularly after using the toilet and before eating avoid spreading infections to others by keeping children home if they are unwell cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue Resources and posters are available from SA Health.


Student Leadership


We have started to run a fun activity day on Tuesdays for the Reception students.
Each year five or six student has been rostered to play with a group of Receptions.

We pick a game to play with them, then at lunch time play the game we have picked till half lunch. We meet the Receptions at their eating area and then we tell them what the game is for that day and introduce ourselves.

We play the game at the Jacaranda tree near the office.
We have so much fun with the Receptions and we can’t wait for next week to come around. By Ethan and Paige


Sacrament Program - Reconciliation


They shared what is special to them and ways they can reconcile.
Families appreciated the time and space to journey with their children.

A key message: ‘There is nothing you can do, to make me love you less’..

The Parish office have emailed families with a link to the TryBooking system.
Please call Mary at the Parish if you have any queries.

The number is 8344 1347. Meanwhile in the year 3 classes as part of the school based programm, the children are well and truly immersed in Religious Education lessons for Reconciliation.


Entertainment Book 2020


SAPSASA Swimming


The team performed very well against some outstanding opposition.
The Rosary team: Archer H, Liam N, Fraser P, Joshua D, Paige K, Emily C, Waverley A, Agnes R, Lillemor S, Ale P, Alissiya M, Tahlia S, Layla D, Kiva G, Alyssa V.

A special mention to Kiva, who won the 50m Backtstroke! She will now represent North Adelaide SAPSASA at the Metropolitan Swimming Championships at later next month.

Terrific performance Kiva!! Thank you to the parents who came along to assist at the event! Much appreciated.
Adam West




News from the Principal



You will find quite a bit of information in this newsletter about the School’s AGM. There are a few vacant positions on the School Board for which nominations are now being called. Please give this your consideration.


The first meeting of the year was held this week and there were a number of very exciting topics that are moving forward this year.

Master Planning

We are taking the next step with our School’s Master Plan. The decision has been made to send our Master Plan Brief to three Architects for their consideration.
We will offer the Architects a chance to attend a meeting at our School to walk them through our site and the Brief. From there we’ll ask for a return brief and fee proposal from each team, which we can assess.
Pending on the strength of these, we can take an additional step of a formal interview, if required, prior to making a decision, on which Firm to engage.
That Firm will then design our Master Plan.

Master planning is a strategic process for creating and documenting a vision and road map for the future development of a school’s site and its facilities. It takes into account learning environments as well as future enrolments, educational requirements and community expectations.

You may recall we started our Master Planning journey last May, at our Community Involvement Meeting and followed this up with a community survey to everyone in our community. This provided a second chance to engage in the information gathering process. 

Olympic Sports Festival Week Friday (May 25th - 29th)

We are planning on holding an Olympic Sports Festival Week where children will have the opportunity to be involved in a number of sporting activities during the week.

The aim of the week is:

  • For children to participate and enjoy a number of sporting activities
  • To give children a fist hand experience of the Olympic Games
  • To build upon the excitement of the Olympic Games

This would include a WHOLE SCHOOL SPORTS SPECTACULAR (Thursday, May 28th) which will be held at SA Athletics Stadium (Mile End).
Children will be bussed to and from the venue. Children will move through a number of athletic events (modified events for the younger children).
The focus will be on participation.  Each class will work on their own and rotate between events as a class. 

OSHC Program at Rosary School

With no new enrolments being accepted into the Prospect PS program from term 4 last year, we announced the beginning of our investigation into establishing our own OSHC program.
At the end of last year, we began working with the Catholic Education Office on this.
It is a long process and may take up 12 months as there is a lot of “red” tape to get through. The School Board has approved the next step in the process, which is an expression of interest survey to parents regarding potential usage.
I hope to have this ready for the next newsletter.

Damian Weeks


2020 School AGM


The School Board and Parents and Friends will be using a newsletter based Annual General Meeting. AGM’s are held to give the opportunity for the Board and P&F to report to its community, giving an account of the tasks it has undertaken on behalf of the community. We will be using a newsletter based AGM in an effort to report to all families.
The format this year will include the following: AGM reports – all reports will be published in the newsletter during week 7 (Thursday March 12th).

This section consists of reports from the Chairperson, Principal, Parish, P&F and Treasurer/Bursar (including a summary of the budget for the coming year).

Nominations – Included in this newsletter is a Nomination Form and below is a description of the role of a School Board member.

If you wish to nominate, return the signed form after having someone in the community (ie another parent) sign to second your nomination. 

Nominations close on Friday March 6th.
In the event of more nominations being received than necessary, a system of voting will take place via the newsletter on Thursday March 12th.
At this stage we have at least two vacancies.

Click below for the return slip:



Ash Wednesday Whole School Mass


Research Study


Attitudes toward Gifted Students and Gifted Education.

A letter was sent home this week to all families inviting you to participate in a survey. 

This research that Rosary school is part of, will provide us with clarity in the understanding of these attitudes and how we can support children and families.

If you did not receive this letter, please click here for the link.

Research Study Survey



Communication is the key


Coronavirus Update


I would like to update you on the situation regarding coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the current Federal Government health advice that we are following.

This week the Federal Government announced it will extend the travel ban on foreign nationals who have recently been in mainland China for a further week from 15 February 2020 to protect Australians from the risk of coronavirus.

Restrictions remain in place for people who have recently returned to Australia from mainland China, with the following advice current across all public schools and preschools: In the following scenarios you cannot attend school or an early childhood centre:

  • If you have left, or transited through, mainland China - you must isolate yourself until 14 days after leaving China.
  • If you have been in close contact with a confirmed case of novel coronavirus - you must isolate yourself for 14 days after last contact with the confirmed case. In the following scenarios your child can attend school or an early childhood centre:
  • Students and staff who have returned from mainland China and have isolated themselves for 14 days after leaving China.
  • Students and staff who have only been to Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan. More information on the current advice can be found at on the Australian Government website
  • The Department of Health has also issued the following advice in relation to preventing the spread of viruses:
    • teach and encourage your children to wash their hands often with soap and water before and after eating as well as after going to the toilet;
    • avoid spreading infections to others by keeping children home if they are unwell;
    • teach children to cough and sneeze into their elbow. If you have any questions about coronavirus disease, you are encouraged to contact the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.

We will let you know if the advice changes.

Damian Weeks
Principal, Rosary School


Soccer Registration 2020


All students who would like to play soccer next term need to complete their registration, together with the applicable registration fee no later than Friday the 20th of March 2020.

Register online via (have your credit card available).

The registration fee is payable at the time of registration otherwise we will be unable to register your child to play.

The registration fee is $70 per child and $60 for the second child registering to play from the same family and $20 for the third (and subsequent children).

Please note that school sports vouchers cannot be claimed.

Click form below:



2020 Student Information Collection


2020 Student Residential Address and Other Information collection notice

This notice is from the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (the department), to advise you that the department has requested that your child's school provide a "statement of addresses", in accordance with the Australian Education Regulation 2013 (Cth) (Regulation).

Click to view Student Information Collection form.

sacramental preparation-1.jpg

Sacrament Program - URGENT


Later arrival records


Children's University


Rosary School students from years 3 to 6 have once again have the opportunity to be involved in an exciting program: ‘Children’s University Australia’ (CUA).

Dr Luca Prisciandaro from CUA will be coming to talk to the children from years 3-6 about the program on Monday 24 February 2020.

CUA aims to encourage high quality out of school hours activities for children in engaging the wider community as learning partners in this process. 
The most important principles of CUA are that participation is voluntary and activities must take place outside the normal school day during lunch, after school, weekends and holidays. 

To apply, download the form below:

Childrens_University application form


Novel-Coronavirus Information Sheet


News from the Principal


I trust you enjoyed the opportunity to attend the “Meet the Teacher Night” earlier this week.  Many thanks to the teachers for such lovely presented rooms.  This evening completed our beginning of the year activities that attempts to build positive relationships with parents through the Book-a-Chat meeting and the “Meet the Teacher Night.”

The next formal opportunity to interact with your child’s teacher are the interviews coming up later this term.


These interviews will be held in week 10, beginning March 30th on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

M – 3:15 to 5:00pm

T – 3:15 to 7:30pm

W – 3:15 to 5:00pm


Our very popular playgroup begins again on Wednesday, February 12th. While it begins at 8:45am you are welcome to attend later if it suits.  Playgroup concludes at 10:15am. This is a free service open to anyone in our wider community, you do not have to be connected to our school (so tell your friends).


As school routines begin to take shape you will notice that homework is beginning to appear, the majority of which is reading. The importance of reading cannot be underestimated and has been the topic of thousands of pieces of research.  For example, in a study of the out-of-school activities of fifth graders, Anderson, Wilson, & Fielding (1988) found that time spent reading books was the best predictor of a student’s reading proficiency.

Some examples from the study are…

  • A student reading at home for 2 minutes a day would read 100 000 words a year and would be in the bottom third of reading ability when compared with all 10 year olds
  • If that student increased their reading by 10 minutes a day, they would bump up into the top third of reading ability when compared to all 10 year olds
  • Those students in the top 10% of readers, when compared with all 10 year olds, read for 21 minutes a day, reading nearly 2 million words a year away from school

Please keep in mind that when children bring home readers they should be quite easy for them to read. The rule of thumb is no more than 5 errors per 100 words, this is because the aim of reading is to comprehend the text.


Rosary School is concerned about the safety and well-being of all our students. Many of you will know someone who is affected by anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction. Our school does its best to be an allergy aware school. Staff have had training in severe allergy management and we have implemented lots of strategies to help keep students at risk of anaphylaxis as safe as we can. We have a number of students who live with the risk of anaphylaxis to foods and insect stings. Whilst these children are being taught to care for themselves at an age appropriate level, we ask that you help us educate your child on the importance of not sharing food with others, washing hands after eating and calling out to an adult if they think their friend with allergies is sick. With increased awareness and understanding of anaphylaxis, you will be able to help protect those around you.

A food allergy is an immune system response to a normally harmless food protein that the body believes is harmful. When the individual eats food containing that protein, the immune system releases massive amounts of chemicals, triggering symptoms that can affect a person’s breathing, gastrointestinal tract, skin, and/or heart. Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergic reaction and is potentially life-threatening. It must be treated as a medical emergency, requiring immediate treatment and urgent medical attention.

It is estimated that up to 400,000 (2%) Australians, including 1 in 20 children suffer from food allergies and some of them will experience a life-threatening (anaphylactic) reaction.


  • Tingling of the mouth
  • Hives, welts or body redness
  • Swelling of the face, lips and eyes
  • Vomiting, abdominal pain (note these are the signs of a severe allergic reaction if the person has insect allergy)


  • Difficult/noisy breading
  • Swelling of the tongue
  • Swelling or tightness in the throat
  • Difficulty talking or hoarse voice
  • Wheeze or persistent cough
  • Persistent dizziness or collapse
  • Egg, milk, peanut, tree nut (cashew, almond, pistachio etc)
  • Wheat, sesame, soy,
  • Fish, crustacea (prawn, lobster, crab etc)

Peanuts are the leading cause of severe allergic reactions, followed by tree nuts, shellfish, fish and milk.

Adrenaline/epinephrine is the first line treatment for severe allergic reactions and can be administered via auto-injector, called the EpiPen®.

To learn more about anaphylaxis and food allergies, go to and

As the only way to manage a food allergy is avoidance, the school has implemented several strategies to help prevent a severe allergic reaction. We can never totally eliminate the risk of an anaphylaxis but we can all do things that will help lessen the risk. Please consider the child with food allergy when packing your child’s lunch or when sending in food for any occasion, including school excursions. Foods that ‘May contain traces of nuts or nut products’ are fine for the non- allergic students to consume at school as long as they do not share food.

SCHOOL STREAM application is our major link to families delivering school alerts, information as well as our new electronic version of the school newsletter instantly and directly to your smartphone and/or tablet. In your devices “App Store” search for “School Stream” and follow the very simple instructions.

Useful links are…


This year we are continuing our Facebook site to celebrate some of the fantastic things happening around our school.  On Facebook you can search for our site by using Rosary School Prospect.


Just a reminder that children are welcome at school from 8:25am, when our gates are opened and a teacher is on yard duty.

At the end of the day we supervise children in the yard till around 3:20pm. Any remaining children are then seated in the front office and should be picked up no later than 3:30pm.


The safety of our children is paramount to the operation of any school and where our children and cars share the same space every care is needed. We make many appeals to parents about parking, kiss and drop etc.  Sometimes we have neighbours and their visitors or workmen not paying attention to the parking signs.  The council are quite vigilant at checking around our school over the first few weeks and I have already seen a number of police patrols before and after school.


As part of the redevelopment of our School a number of years ago it was a part of the agreement that we would discourage parents from using these thin streets as drop off and collection points. The danger to young children walking down these streets is also quite real.

At times I have had residents from both streets come to the school to meet with me. They have complained about parents parking across parts of their driveway making it impossible to get in/out. There has also been a complaint from a resident about parents parking for up to an hour outside their house with engines running the whole time (they say the smell coming into their house is unbearable).

At Rosary School we try and work with our neighbours to make sure that we can share spaces in a safe way.

I ask you as parents to use Gladstone Road as drop off and pick up points in the interest and safety of all those in our area.

I also ask you to consider our neighbours when parking your vehicle.

Damian Weeks.

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News from the Deputy Principal


Buddies at Rosary school


Scholastic Book Club


Parents & Friends

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Kelly Sports


Click below to download the form:



News from the Principal


Other important staffing changes include the appointment of Caroline Price whom will work three days a week as Religious Education Coordinator, under the direction of our APRIM Lisa McCormick.
This will free up Lisa to lead our Inclusive Education Program, being responsible for our students who require adjustments to maximise their learning. Lisa will also be leading a Gifted and Talented Program in our school. In turn this will free up Olimpia Calleja to focus more on her role as Literacy Leader across the school.

These are very exciting developments for our school in 2020. The Arts will undergo further expansion following the introduction of Specialist Drama Teaching on top of Specialist Dance Teaching. In 2020 our Music will again be expanded, where Kimberly Slattery will return one day a week to teach R-3 music.
This builds on the whole class lessons with the Ukulele, that was introduced this year and will continue in 2020 for Years 4-6.

Yesterday your child’s School Report was sent home.

This report is the result of much hard work and learning that your child has completed during Semester Two. When looking at the report remember 'C' is for celebration, meaning a child is learning at the appropriate level.

Here are a few tips in regards to School Reports from Laura Mayne, co-author of Meet the Teacher: How to Help Your Child Navigate Elementary School.

  • DO stay positive. Find something to praise initially, even if it’s only to comment on the slight improvement in your child’s English mark or how well she gets along with her classmates. “If the marks aren’t stellar, but your child has worked hard and tried her very best, she deserves recognition for what she’s achieved,” says Mayne.
  • DON’T compare. Avoid the temptation to talk about his sister’s, cousin’s or friend’s exemplary reports. “It’s very easy to get caught up in the grade craze,” says Jennifer Sabatini, a professor of early childhood education at Seneca College in Toronto and mom of 12-year-old twins.
    You need to focus on having reasonable expectations for each of your children, not on everyone else.”
  • DO listen to the key player.
    A lot of parents fail to realize that children are insightful about their own strengths and weaknesses, says Mayne.
    Ask your child what she thinks about her report card, what she’s most proud of, or disappointed in, and why she thinks she received the marks she did. Remember to keep calm, cool and collected — this is a conversation, not an interrogation.
  • DON’T lose sight of the big picture.
    A report card is just a snapshot of the work your child produced during a specific period of time, says Mayne. A lower mark doesn’t always mean she’s slacking off or slipping in a subject.
    Your child may bring home an A in math one term, and a B the next if the course content has changed and she finds algebra more challenging than geometry (as was my daughter’s case). Look carefully at the teacher’s comments as well, since they can give you a better idea of how your child is performing overall, adds Sabatini. “As parents, we should focus on the area of the report card that indicates learning skills, such as initiative, problem solving and conflict resolution, because they are the long-term indicators of future success.”

With the reports you will find information on how to book an interview, just before the start of the 2020 year.
These “Book-a-Chat” meetings are a great opportunity to share information about your child with next year’s teacher. On Friday children will visit their new class and 2020 teacher.

Part of this visit will be completing an activity that will come home informing parents of their child’s 2020 teacher.

Each year teachers spend a great deal of time looking at class placements for the following year.
This process takes many things into account.

First and foremost, we take into consideration the learning needs of all students.
We aim to ensure classes are ‘balanced’, by also taking into consideration a balance of gender, progress and levels of children’s learning, children with specific needs (social/emotional, learning, physical and behavioural), relationships and family considerations. It is important to remember that being a part of Rosary School learning community gives children an opportunity to meet and learn with many different people.
We always encourage children’s resilience in expanding friendships and developing skills to work and learn with many different people (children and adults).

This is an essential skill for life-long learning and resilience.
Your child’s best support may be someone they have not yet met!

The last formal event for the year will be the End of Year Mass on Monday December 9th, 9:30am at the church.  We look forward to seeing you at this Mass if you are able to come along.

Just a reminder that the school year concludes on Wednesday December 11th at 3pm.

Casual clothes in a Christmas theme can be worn on the last day (no donation required).

Next year we begin on Tuesday January 28th 2020.

Merry Christmas!
Damian Weeks

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News from the Deputy


St Vincent da Paul Christmas Appeal


Chaplain Chat


Christmas Mass Times


Staff List 2020


Christmas Carols


End of Year Mass


Sport & Physical Ed News


Parents in Partnership


Library returns are due NOW


Children's University


We would like to congratulate the following students that were unable to attand the Children's University gradualiton ceremony: Ruby P, Tehya F, Leyla D and Isabel C.

Website Calendar


Ground Force Studios

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Guitar & Piano lessons


News from the Principal


In this week’s newsletter you will find the final report from our teachers who hold “Positions of Responsibility.” Leadership position are important to the on-going development of Teachers and the School.
Everyone benefits from a range of personal experiences, ideas and interests thus enhancing student learning possibilities.Teachers filling the role of PORs:

  • support and lead staff in the area of responsibility
  • ​co-ordinate the curriculum area in the school
  • work cooperatively with the Catholic Education Office
  • attend professional learning
  • promote professional learning in the area
  • contribute to the writing of policy documents as required
  • attend POR team meetings

This year we appointed POR’s to:
* Australian Curriculum
* PE/Sport
* Writing (Seven Steps)

You can find reports for these areas in previous newsletters, while today’s final report is from the POR for Writing, Seva Maitianos.

Looking forward to saying thank you to all our volunteers at our morning tea on Thursday November 28th, 10:30am in the staff room.

Damian Weeks


Premiers Reading Challenge


Congratulations to all the students a Rosary School for completing the Premiers Reading Challange for 2019 and receiving their awards.
This challenge was completed in terms 1-3 of this year with a requirement that each child read a minimum of 12 books.

Well done to all the participants!!!

Click on the gallery below.......

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Seven Steps to Writing Success


Each class teacher then explored the seven steps to writing success in a number of genres and it was exciting to see the children develop confidence in fostering their creativity.

Each term we dedicated one of our staff meetings to sharing ideas, showcasing resources and planning the next step in our teaching.
One of the highlights was designing a display of children’s writing, exhibiting the seven steps to writing success.

We had amazing samples of planning for success, sizzling starts, tightening tension, dynamic dialogue, show don’t tell, ban the boring and exciting endings.

Children’s insights:
 "Seven Steps is great for story writing and teaching me
how to begin stories.Sizzling Starts have changed my stories by making them more interesting. When people read my stories they say Wow! I’ve got to keep reading this"-
 Laurent 2SM

" We did oral language and sizzling starts. It was fun when we had to act something out without speaking"- Isla 1AF

• "Seven Steps makes our writing more interesting for the reader. I have gotten better at writing persuasive texts and narratives because I can use sizzling starts and finish with exciting endings. I have always loved writing but my writing is now more interesting and engaging."- Beatrice 6CP

• "The sizzling starts have made me better at writing because now I start my stories with action and it helps me think more deeper into my story. My stories entertain audiences because they are interesting"- Ethan 3SG

• "Seven Steps keeps me interested in writing. It helps me start my stories with excitement by using sizzling starts. The more I practise and the more I write helps me improve my writing" -Alissiya 4LK

• "When we first started Seven Steps I wasn’t the strongest writer but after my whole experience it has really empowered my writing skills because it has shown me the correct way to entice the reader and to keep them reading and excited about the story"- Charlie 6AP

God Bless
Seva Maitianos


Preparation for Christmas


Year 6 Italian Lunch


The Italian Lunch event gives an opportunity for our final year students to spend time with their friends and teachers, learning about good nutrition and of course enjoying Italian cuisine.
Many of our students have been learning the Italian language and culture since they started reception and many will continue the Italian language learning at High School level.
A special thanks also to Ms Parletta, Ms Price, Ms Varsos, Mr Weeks and Mrs McCormick as well as the Sprout Cooking School for making it such a memorable day.
Auguri - best wishes from Signora Cirocco
View the photo gallery below.....


Sustainability at Rosary School


The children in 3TM have been busy all year making sure that our sustainability system at school has flowed smoothly.
They collect recyclables and compostable items every day after lunch in the yard and the staff room.
The compost is used in the school garden where the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning how to grow vegetables.
The money raised from all the fruit boxes was donated to charity.

The Green Team have also been busy all year attending National and Global events such as ‘Clean up Australia Day’ and ‘World Environment Day.’

A group of eager students happily give up their lunch time 1 time per week to work on sustainable practices within the school.
The major project they have worked on is creating a school orchard/ butterfly garden.
They are in the process of building bird houses and bee hotels.

As Stewards of Creation we are committed to take action for the environment.
At Rosary School we believe that together we can work for a sustainable future.  

God bless…

Mr T


Volunteer Morning Tea - THANK YOU


Chaplain Chat


Vinnies Christmas Appeal

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State Winner Year 4


Here are the photos from the awards ceremony PRIMARY MATHS ASSOCIATION CHALLENGE “It’s Anniversary Time – Apollo 11”.


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State Runner Up Year 2


A special congratulations to Seva Maitianos whom was awarded a “Certificate of Excellence” for her paper that reflected on her teaching of this Mathematics unit.

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State Runner up Year 6


 A special congratulations to Annabel Parletta and Caroline Price for being awarded a “Certificate of Excellence” for their papers that reflected on their teaching of this Mathematics unit.

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Australian Curriculum


Primary Mathematics Association Powerful Learners Mathematics and Numeracy Challenge

In 2019, 5 classes entered into this Challenge and our hard work was recognised by all these classes receiving awards. This is an amazing achievement as the competition was open to all state, independent and catholic schools with many entries submitted for judging.

Year 4 completed an investigation on ‘It’s Anniversary Time, Apollo 11’ and were the state winners of this category.

Year 2SM completed an investigation on The Story of Mathematics and won a Highly Commended Award

Year 6 investigated Mathematics and Sport and were also awarded a Highly Commended Award.

We are so proud of these classes as they not only demonstrated the ability to work collaboratively together but they were able to effectively use creative and critical reasoning skills. Students were also able to transfer their knowledge of mathematics into their everyday lives and use the proficiency strands and the general capabilities from the Australian Curriculum effectively.

The Award Ceremony was on November 1st at the Findon Convention Centre where representatives from these classes were presented with medals from the Minister of Education, John Gardner. Congratulations to all staff and students in these classes!

Numerical Acumen

As a school it was decided to participate in the Numerical Acumen Challenge which aims to improve the accuracy and speed of students in recalling basic number facts as well as learning to use their brain as a calculation device. 

As reported in a previous newsletter, Rosary School was again successful in winning many individual and class awards as well as taking home the highly coveted award of the 2019 Inspirational School of the Year. Another fantastic effort from Rosary School!

Maths Investigations within the Classrooms

Many classes presented interesting and engaging mathematics investigations within the classroom in Term 3 and these were showcased to other students within the school.
The depth and quality of the work presented really showed that mathematics is alive at Rosary School!

Living, Learning and Leading Framework

The Rosary Staff are very excited with the implementation of the Living, Learning and Leading Framework which has been developed by the Catholic Education Office.
It has given us a clear guide of how we can help students develop the skills and capabilities to become ‘thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires.

At Rosary School, we are all very committed in providing a curriculum that is of high quality which prepares our students for the skills needed in the 21st Century.

Annabel Parletta


News from the Principal


Vinnies Christmas Appeal


Mass of the Roses and Grandparents


Thank you so much to each of you who were able to attend. To see so many Grandparents then enjoying morning tea and visiting classrooms was very special.

Lisa McCormick


Children's University Graduation

Children’s University Australasia provides children with exciting free range learning activities outside the day to day school work, whether that be before school, lunch time, after school, in the school holidays etc.

The best part about Children’s University Australia is that it’s voluntary, so you get to choose what activities you would like to do, where, when and how you would like to do them.
The things you learn about will always be able to be connected to something that you could study at a university, the schools for grown-ups.
Hours accumulate each year and it was fabulous to see those who are new to the program this year, attend for the very first time as well as Isabel and Charlotte Cristanti who have now reached 'Degree' level for their 365 and 400 hours respectively.

National Bronze Award for 30 hours:
Waverley A, Anna B, Suzannah D, Josh D, Nicholas E, William K, Lola M, Maximus M, Alessandra P, Mikayla P, Tahlia S, Ethan T, Luke Y.
National Silver Award for 65 hours:
Eiyani A and Samuel C
National Gold Award for 100 hours:
Ella R
National Bronze Certificate for 130 hours:
Emily C
National Gold Certificate for 200 hours:
Tehya F and Alissya M
National Degree for 365 hours:
Isabel C
National Gold Degree for 400 hours:
Charlotte C
We warmly congratulate the families too - as it is you, who are usually doing the running around.
A special thanks to staff members Pia Totani-Cirocco and Katherine Turner who coordinate the program here at school.

It was such an honour to be able to call out our students' names last night and to see them recieve their certificate from Rear Admiral Honourable Kevin Scarce.
Professional Photos will be available at a later date.
Mrs McCormick
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School Calender


Ground Force Dance Extravaganza


As advertised in the newsletter last term, we will be showcating the dances that your children have been learning this term.

Click below to view the schedule as well the guide  as to what clothes will fit in with the theme of their performance.




YEAR 5 Swimming Program


“We are having so much fun. I think it’s important that we all know how to keep safe around water.” - Kian
“Swimming programs in schools is a great educational experience." - Olivia
“We look forward to the next day of swimming because it’s so much fun!" - Poppy
“Swimming is lots of fun and I think all schools should have a swimming programme as it’s important for all kids to know the basics about swimming.”

Click below for pics..


Thank you for your support


Sibling Enrolment Applications 2022


Chaplain Chatter


Rosary Festival Choir 2019


Throughout the evening, their song brackets are interspersed with performances by Support Acts which consist of soloists and ensembles who are selected by audition from Catholic Secondary Schools.
This year Rosary had 22 Year 5 and 6 students involved in the Catholic Schools Music Festival. From February through to September, students worked to learn a variety of choir songs, some of which had choreography. Students rehearsed with Miss Veall for an hour each Monday and also gave up one lunchtime each week to rehearse, showing great commitment to the choir.
The performance night was a wonderful success with our students representing Rosary School beautifully. Families and staff members who attended the performance were very proud of the contribution of our students.
Rosary Festival choir students will receive a participation certificate at this week’s assembly and will hold a showcase of their choir songs in Week 4 for classes and families to come along to.

Congratulations to the following students for their involvement in and commitment to the Rosary Festival Choir:

Year 6: Anastasia, Gemma, Amelia, Chiara, Celina and Jorja
Year 5: Archer, Mani, Luka, Samuel, Vanessa, Poppy, Alessandra, Natalie, Waverley, Lillemor, Sofia, Olivia, Tehya, Anna, Emily and Coco

Adrienne Veall
Rosary Choir Trainer

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Religious Education In a Catholic School


What is the purpose of classroom Religious Education in a Catholic School?

But firstly, what is ‘Religious Education,’ the National Catholic Education Commission publication says, “ the learning area of Religious Education and its formal curriculum, that is the classroom learning and teaching of religion.”

The paper goes on to say…

“Religious Education in Australian Catholic schools develops students’ knowledge and understandings of Christianity in the light of Jesus and the Gospel, and its unfolding story and diversity within contemporary Australian and global society. It expands students’ spiritual awareness and religious identity, fostering their capacities and skills of discerning, interpreting, thinking critically, seeking truth and making meaning. It challenges and inspires their service to others and engagement in the Church and the world.”

So, what are the features of Rosary School’s high-quality Religious Education?

• The School gives a priority to RE

• Scripture is central to learning and teaching

• RE is treated like any other learning area

• There is a dialogue between the students experiences and perspectives and the Catholic Tradition and other religious worldviews

• There is explicit and comprehensive engagement with the Catholic Tradition • There is a connection with student learning, the parish and outreach

• The school works to engage parents and families with the child’s learning

The curriculum that guides the teaching of Religious Education is named, “Crossways.” It has recently been updated and next year our teachers will become very familiar with the new curriculum which sits within the larger CESA strategy of, “Thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires.”

The new curriculum still holds the learner at the centre and central to their learning is the “Wisdom” strand which is integrated and focuses on ‘deep skills’ and wisdom that RE students develop as learners alongside their growth in knowledge and understanding.

The Wisdom strand is central but integrated through the five strands of:

• God, us and faith

• Sacred Texts

• Church for the world

• Moral life

• Spirituality and Prayer

We look forward to sharing more about the new curriculum next year.

Hoping to see many faces at next week’s “Mass of the Roses.”

Damian Weeks


Vinnies Christmas Appeal 2019






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Sera does wonderful job inventing and preparing exciting new activities each week.

Please let us remind you that Playgroup starts week 2 term 4.

View our photo gallery below:


Class Placements for 2020


The type of information you may like to share could fall into a number of needs that your child has, social/emotional, learning, physical and behavioural. It is important that students have a range of teachers, so they can experience different styles and develop different strengths over the years.
We discourage parents requesting specific teachers. Also, each year teachers have the opportunity to change the year level that they teach. There is no need to request friends for your child as every student has the opportunity to do this as part of the process.

Our teaching staff will spend a considerable amount of time placing children into classes. This is a complex organisational task. Teacher judgement about the points below and the structure that best suits the learning needs of the whole year level need to be taken into consideration. We will aim to make “balanced” classes:

  • A balance of sexes
  • Children who are progressing at the rate expected at their year level
  • Children who are progressing beyond the expected rate
  • Children who have needs (social/emotional, learning, physical, behavioural)
  • Relationships
  • The students own friendship requests that they complete here at school
  • Other factors

Once the process is finished, it is extremely difficult to entertain further input from parents because the movement of one child will more than likely impact other children in the class and the balance that we work hard to achieve.

In previous years, if you have put something in writing, you must do this again this year if it is still relevant. Do not take it for granted that additional information from a previous year will still be applied.

Remember the cut-off date for sharing additional information about your child is Friday September 27th. 

Damian Weeks



Pet Ed visit - Letter from the Presenters


 We so much appreciate that your lovely school helped us out by allowing trainees to come in and 'practice' on your students.. haha! Who may I add, were as usual, delightful!! Also to the two year 6 girls, Estelle and Ruby (hope I've got that right, apologies if not) very grateful for their tech support!!! Lastly, to you for being so organised for us and for just being your lovely self. I said to the front office Lady today 'just want to put you in a snow dome and keep you on the mantel!' You're a treasure!!
Thanks again Deb


Sacrament Program


School Disco - Supporting Jaxon's Journey


Book Week Parade


It is always a day filled with the joy of books in our lives and it is only possible because of you - the parents.  It starts with reading to your children when they are young and then cointinuing to inpsire their love of reading.  The amount of effort that you put into the costumes is awesome and the children love the opportunity to dress up.  Thank you.

Scroll down to view some of the photos from todays parade.


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Historic Win - Three in a row for Rosary School!


Rosary School has been named again as the Inspirational School of the Year.

This means that we have again finished in first place in the Numerical Acumen competition.  All of our classes across the school have shown motivation, improvement, dedication and excellence in their achievements. AMAZINGLY this is our third year in a row that we have won the award.

Congratulations to all our teachers and students!

The Numerical Acumen Competition aims to help in the development of the mechanical basics of a numerical mind.  The competition is run across SA and accessed through the internet. It is a hotly contested trophy and we are the first school to win the trophy three years in a row.


News from the Principal


NUMERICAL ACUMEN 2019 THREE-PEAT On Tuesday August 6th, over ninety members of our Rosary School Community attended the annual Numerical Acumen Award Ceremony at Prince Alfred College. Rosary School has again performed extremely well with 26 students from Year 2-6 receiving individual awards for Improvement, Dedication and Performance which is an amazing result!

There was also more exciting news in that some of the students won Exceptional Student Achievement Awards, 5 classes won Motivated Class Awards and 2 classes were named Inspirational Classes of the Year in the Early Years and Upper Primary Levels.

For the third time, Rosary School has been named again as the Inspirational School of the Year. This means all of our classes across the school have shown motivation, improvement, dedication and excellence in their achievements.

Congratulations to all our teachers and students! Individual Winners:


Emily- Improvement
Anna- Dedication
Mani – Performance 

Lachlan - Improvement
Henry - Dedication
Megan – Performance
Noah - Improvement

Waverley - Improvement
Gabriela - Dedication
Alessandra - Performance

James - Improvement
Isabel - Dedication
Nicola - Performance


Ella - Improvement
James - Dedication
Beatrice - Performance

Bailey - Improvement
William - Dedication
Nicholas - Performance

Angela - Improvement
Scarlett - Dedication
Elyse - Performance

Estella - Performance
Helen - Improvement
Kevin - Dedication
Mariya – Performance 

Class Awards: Motivated Class Awards: 2SM, 4LK, 5BP, 5AK, 6AP

Inspirational Class of the Year Award: 2SM, 6AP


3TM News


It’s been a rather magical themed term so far as we have been reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone for our class novel. We have had so much fun making wands, entering Hogwarts via platform 9¾, creating wanted posters using techniques learnt in Art lessons on self portraits, and eating Bertie Bott Every Flavour Beans. The students’ also participated in the sorting hat ceremony and got placed into houses and are now competing for the house cup.

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Jaxon's Journey - Updates

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Congratulations Scarlett


Sacrament Program


 This is part of the North Adelaide / Prospect Parish Sacrament Program.  We continue to pray for them and their families as they move forward on their journey of faith.

On Friday this week these children will attend a Reflection Day at the Rosary Church Hall. 
They will be joined by the other children from St Dominic's and Blackfriars.


Catholic Identity


At our catholic schools our vision for ‘thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires’ is at the heart of all we do.  Underpinning this and specific to Rosary school is our Dominican story.

It is with this in mind that we want to ensure we help our students and our families to understand our catholic tradition in a way that makes sense for today’s challenges and life. 


Feast of the Assumption - August 15th


This Feast day celebrates the belief that the Virgin Mary entered heaven both body and soul following her death.  Mary began her motherhood by responding to God’s call with the simply and yet profound answer of “Yes”.  What does this really mean for us today?

It is opportune to consider our relationships with others, particularly our Mothers or those who hold a special place in our lives.  How do we make memories?  How are we present to each other and how does this play out in our lives, particularly during the most challenging of moments, just like it would have been for Mary at the foot of the Cross?

When do we say ‘Yes’ to challenges that will benefit others and that are beyond ego?

Hot Topics Decision Making - Haircuts and Sandshoes


New Sports Uniform


Gymnastics Floor Routine Final
