Next week, 27 Rosary School children will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. This will be held at St Laurence's Church North Adelaide over two nights.
Reflections from students who are about to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation....
“To me, Reconciliation means to say sorry to God and everyone. We have been using a ‘Reconciliation Rainbow’ to learn about the colours of Reconciliation. The first colour of Reconciliation is blue and it means ‘belonging’. We learnt that we all belong to special groups. The next colour is yellow which represents ‘feelings’. We recalled times when we have chosen to do good for others and then recalled times when we have chosen to do things which have resulted in hurt for others. We need to identify people’s feelings. The next colour is red which is ‘choosing’. We choose to do the wrong thing and we choose to do the right thing sometimes. We can choose to be peacemakers or peacebreakers. The next colour is purple and it means ‘forgiveness’. The process of Reconciliation, saying sorry and therefore having a change of heart, is an essential part of our growth. Green is for being a peacemaker. Being a peacemaker means being able to love everyone and everything, understanding that we all make mistakes and forgiving both ourselves and others for our failings. The last colour is gold which means ‘Reconciliation’. We have been on a journey to learn about Reconciliation. We have been using the rainbow as a symbol. The rainbow reminds us that God promised to look after us.”
Vinnie and Megan, 3TM
“To me, Reconciliation means rebuilding trust. For example, when I teased my friend for missing a goal in soccer. He didn’t like it so I said sorry and we rebuilt our trust. I was lucky that he forgave me. I didn’t do it again.”
Matthew, 3TC
We pray for the children and their families as they continue on their journey of faith.