RU OK? day, Thursday 10th September 2020, is a national day which calls people to action by asking them to pause and check in with those around them. 2020 has been a particularly challenging year and has resulted in feelings of disconnection and increased worry.
Creating a sense of connection is one effective strategy we each can do to help guard against the onset or further development of mental health problems. One way to meaningfully connect is to ask "RU OK?”, listening to the answer and knowing what to say next. As they say, a conversation could change a life.
R U OK have developed some excellent resources to help guide you through the four simple steps of checking in with someone, along with a conversation guide and helpful community resources for those needing support -
By being a part of the solution, you are helping to reduce the stigma associated with mental health problems and help seeking behaviour.
While wellbeing matters every day, please take the time to check in with others on Thursday.
Mary Superina, Student Counsellor