Week 7, Term 1 2025

Dear Rosary Community
As you are aware, I have resigned from my position as Principal at Rosary School. This was not an easy decision and whilst the letter from Dr Neil McGoran used the word resigned, I am retiring from full-time work. Whilst there is lots to do before I finish, I am looking forward to having more time to smell the roses and spend with my growing family.
This year we have begun working with Real Schools. The staff have participated in professional learning, begun using their Restorative Approach 2.0 when working with children and are using stored responses to redirect children and positive priming before children engage in an activity. We have a parent session booked in on 3rd June – you might like to put a note in your diary to keep that night free.
Schools are complex environments. Families have different expectations and experiences and children come to us from many cultures and backgrounds.
We understand that entrusting your child’s education to a school requires confidence in the institution and its staff. I take immense pride in the professionalism, dedication, and expertise of our teaching staff. Our educators are not just instructors; they are mentors, guides, and lifelong learners committed to shaping the future of every student who walks through our doors.
At Rosary School we are committed to transparency, communication, and partnership with parents. We encourage an open dialogue and invite parents to be active participants in their child’s educational journey. However, it is equally important for parents to trust the expertise and professionalism of our teachers.
Education is most effective when there is mutual respect between educators and families. Trusting our teachers allows them the freedom to implement strategies that best serve the needs of each student. When teachers feel supported, they are empowered to create dynamic, engaging, and innovative learning environments.
A successful educational experience is built on a foundation of collaboration between parents, teachers, and students. Parents play a crucial role in their child's education, and their voices are valued. However, it is important to approach conversations, both in person and online, with teachers in a way that acknowledges their expertise and dedication. Respectful communication strengthens our partnership and supports a collaborative atmosphere where students can thrive.
Primary school is a crucial time for children to develop social skills, friendships, and conflict resolution abilities. While we strive to foster a positive and inclusive environment, occasional conflicts and hurt between children may occur. In such situations, it is essential for parents to trust the school’s processes in managing these incidents fairly, responsibly, and with the well-being of all students in mind.
Our priority is to create a school environment where children feel safe, respected, and supported. Staff members are trained in conflict resolution, positive behaviour reinforcement, and supervision strategies to minimise incidents of peer-related harm. Through structured play, social-emotional learning programs, and clear expectations, we help students develop the skills needed to interact respectfully and resolve conflicts appropriately.
When a child is hurt by another child, whether intentionally or accidentally, our school addresses the situation:
Staff assess the injury and provide first aid if needed.
Teachers or leadership speak with the students involved to gather an accurate account of what happened.
Whenever possible, we use restorative practices to help children understand the impact of their actions, encourage empathy, and guide them toward making amends.
Depending on the severity of the situation, parents of the involved children will be informed promptly to ensure transparency and collaboration.
If ongoing support is required, we work with families to implement additional supports to ensure that their child is able to build respectful relationships.
We recognise that it can be distressing for parents to learn that their child has been hurt by a peer. However, trusting the school’s established processes allows us to manage these situations effectively while fostering a positive learning environment.
Open communication between the school and parents is key. We encourage parents to reach out with any concerns while also supporting the school’s approach in guiding children through social challenges. Working together, we can help students learn valuable life skills such as empathy, resilience, and problem-solving.
Adam Voight from Real Schools recently shared with us the important skills children learn through conflict at schools. He reflected that they become:
Competent: They’ve learned, through real life, the skills of handling the uncomfortable argy-bargy that other humans will manifest around us.
Compassionate: They’ve developed an ability to know and care that their conduct affects others.
As we continue to cultivate a culture of excellence, we ask for your trust and partnership in this shared mission. Together, we can create a nurturing and empowering educational experience for all students.
Have a great weekend.

The Religious Education program at Rosary School is grounded in the contemporary Living, Learning, Leading Framework for Catholic Education. As a Catholic school, we work in close partnership with parents to ensure that our students grow and develop into “thriving people, capable learners, leaders in a world God desires”. Each day that the children attend Rosary School, we nurture the development of the knowledge, skills, and capabilities needed to flourish in a rapidly changing and complex world.
The Resilience Project is also in full swing as teachers have started unpacking the program which teaches children to sustain themselves through maintaining a positive attitude. The program focuses on three main areas: gratitude, empathy, and mindfulness. All three of these strengths is underpinned by Catholic identity as we learn to appreciate what God has gifted us in our lives. Building empathy in children follows the example of Jesus who was the embodiment of empathy in the way that he responded to others to create a better world. Mindfulness: Jesus was always in the present, always reflective in his interactions with others. In fact, Jesus always encouraged – and still does – to contemplate being more Christ-cantered.
Our Sacramental Program is also in full swing, having already held the session for Reconciliation . It is wonderful to see so many parents responding to the invitation for their children to receive the Blessed Sacraments. This brings parents and their children into a closer communion with God and builds their resilience as they enter a fuller spiritual life. Responding to the call on behalf of their children, can seem daunting, but this is also a call to deepen one’s own faith as they embark on this journey with the children. Parents are their child’s first educators because they play a critical role in their child’s faith development, alongside of the school and the parish. Then there are the Ceremonies themselves, and although they are beautiful, it is vitally important that we teach our children that receiving the Sacraments are much more than a ‘ceremony’. Receiving the Sacraments is life-long because it is God’s way of reaching down into the lives of our children as they grow in body, in mind, in spirit, and in the wisdom of Christ. It is all about encountering the fullness of life through Jesus.
I look forward to meeting the families of those enrolled in the Sacraments this year.
John 10:10 “I have come that they may have life and live it to the full.”
***Candidates will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Wednesday 2nd April at 4pm at Rosary Church.
Confirmation and Holy Communion Information Session 1: Wednesday 23rd July, 5:30pm - 7pm at St Dominic’s Priory College, North Adelaide.
***Candidates will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and Holy Communion, Sunday 24th August at 10am at Rosary Church.
Reminders for these sessions and details of Ceremonies will also be posted on SeeSaw.

This term Year 5 have been busy inside and outside of the classroom!
For Clean Up Australia Day, we got together with our Reception buddies to clean up the school grounds. We found much more rubbish than we expected, and we're so glad that this will not end up in our oceans, river systems and in the tummies of our wonderful animals.
In Science we have been investigating the difference in states of matter. We have been hypothesising, predicting, experimenting, observing and making conclusions from our experiments, using a range of solids, liquids and gases to test. Did you know gas is matter and takes up space? Ask the Year 5s if you want to know more!!!
In the Resilience Project, we have been learning about the relationship between empathy and the hormone, oxytocin. We made a model of a brain receptor and then learned about the four steps that happen in our brain.
Step 1. The release of oxytocin
Step 2. The binding to oxytocin receptors
Step 3. Activation of neuronal pathways
Step 4. Effects on behaviour and emotions.
The Year 5 Team

Hi Rosary Families
I hope the new school year is treating you all well so far. My name is Bobby Truong, and I am honoured to introduce myself as the new President of the Rosary Parents and Friends School Committee. I am happily married to the love of my life and father to three wonderful children. Our family have been part of the Rosary School community since 2017, when our eldest started Reception (finished Year 6 in 2023), and our daughters are currently in Year 2 and 4.
I am always looking to be involved with my children's education and what better way than to be part of our amazing P&F Committee! I am excited about the opportunity to work with a dedicated and passionate group of parents and teachers who are committed to the betterment of our school community.
Firstly, I would like to thank outgoing President Anthony Graziani for his great work over the last couple years. He will still be part of the P&F so I’ll be leaning on Anthony as well as our other members this year to continue and build upon the great work the P&F do throughout the year.
We are always keen to welcome new members and although it may seem daunting, it is a great way to contribute to our fantastic school and ultimately to our children's education. Our next meeting is Term 2, Week 2, Wednesday, 7th May at 7pm in staffroom (reminder sent out closer to the date). Feel free to come along that night to see what we do and be part of the discussions.
Some exciting events that the P&F will be working on throughout the year as a reminder to all as well as for any new families who have joined for 2025:
- Hot Cross Buns Fundraiser
- Mother's Day Stall and Breakfast
- Father's Day Stall and Breakfast
- School Disco
- Bi-Annual School Fundraiser
- Family Movie Event
- Showdown Donuts
- Ice blocks
The P&F are eager to hear your ideas, suggestions, feedback and concerns, as your input is invaluable in helping us achieve our shared goals. Please feel free to reach out to us at any time via email rosarypandf@rosary.catholic.edu.au, and we will make it a priority to address any issues or questions you may have.
I'm at school pick up most days, so feel free to come up and say hi. I'm always keen to have a chat! Looking forward to a fantastic year ahead!
Kind Regards
Bobby Truong / President - Rosary P&F

Dear Parents/Guardians,
To ensure effective communication, please notify the school of any changes to your contact information, including phone numbers, email addresses, or home addresses. Keeping your details up to date helps us reach you promptly in case of important announcements or emergencies.
To update your information, please contact the school office at info@rosary.catholic.edu.au
Thank you for your cooperation!

School volunteers play a vital role in enhancing education by supporting teachers, assisting students, and providing many opportunities for the children. Volunteers enriches school programs, build community connection, and helps students thrive. All volunteers are required to have completed the updated RRHAN-EC Training. If you haven’t already done so, please provide an update copy of your certificate to Margaret Moshos at our Reception desk. The following link _RRAN-EC.pdf outlines how to access the online training.
Each year it is a requirement that I share with you information about our responsibility to ensure that Rosary School is a child safe environment. Every child has the right to be safe. Schools are mandated child safe environments with legal, policy and procedural requirements for staff and volunteers. The South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) requires its schools to implement child safety policies and practices including child safety education. For further information, please visit Save Environments for All on the Catholic Education South Australia website.
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Harmony Day (wear orange)
End of Term 1
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Back to school (Tuesday)
QKR - lunch orders

For all your school uniform needs

Campus School & College Wear
Shop 3, 54-56 Grange Road Welland
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00AM-5:30PM
Third Saturday of the Month 9:00am - Noon
Telephone number: 8346 0830
Southern Cross Newsletter
