Week 2 Term 4 2022

It was wonderful to see some works on the Jubilee Court happen over the school holidays. My first experience of redevelopment proved very frustrating with delays in the completion of the Jubilee Court. Whilst children are now currently allowed to play on the asphalt, the final acrylic coating and line marking will be completed early November. I look forward to seeing the completion of this project and the children using this space for play and PE lessons before our school year ends!
The redevelopment of the gym has commenced and early in Term 1 next year we will have a dedicated OSHC space and office, additional storage and toilets and a kitchen.
Prospect Primary School have supported our redevelopment with additional use of the oval and providing a space for the gym site office. We are very fortunate to have such wonderful neighbours.

Tomorrow the public consultation period for our development application commences. The Plan SA website consultation period will be open from 28 October 2022 until 17 November 2022. On the Plan SA website you will be able to access all the planning documentation. Of particular interest for parents in our community may be the description of the proposed development, character overlay, information about significant trees and tree canopy and the traffic management information. Community members with council and building experience may be interested in the other assessment items – e.g. stormwater management.
As you are aware from my previous newsletter article at our Redevelopment Information Evening, there were some concerns raised by local residents and past parents. I anticipate that the Representations will be made about these concerns. All community members are invited to provide feedback to Prospect Council and this feedback can be positive. It would be wonderful for our community voices to be heard during this application process and I invite you to log onto the Plan SA website to review the documentation and make a positive Representation about what you believe the benefits of the redevelopment would be for the Prospect community.
To make a representation and be heard – please log on to: https://plan.sa.gov.au/
On the home page there is a tab (see below) that can be clicked on to take you to the notified developments page.
Then under “Current Public Notices” click the tab “See what’s on notice”
Our application can be searched either by the application ID 22032037
Once on the application page it will identify how to access the plans and submit a representation online (additional pages can be uploaded). I understand you can still submit a hard copy letter Representation at the Prospect Council office however, when submitting a hard copy they will ask the representor to fill out a standard form to attach to their Representation
A Representation will be taken into account even if the representor does not request to be heard.
I am happy to speak with you about submitting a Representation. Please speak to me in the yard and/or make an appointment to meet with me by contacting Margaret Moshos or Karin Skinner in the school office.
Thank you for your support.

The National Robocup Junior 2022 Competition was held in the school holidays. A group of children from Rosary School - Cooper, Cameron, Jess and Isla made the finals and won the OnStage Novice division. They competed against other schools from all over the country, doing three performances over two days.They didn't have an easy run of it at all - in each performance they had some elements of their performance malfunction. With some tweaking of the builds and programs between performances, they were able to improve their score each time. Part of the competition involves the children being interviewed. The interview allows the judges to determine if the work was completed by children and is authentic. Our Rosary children answered the questions very well and received the highest interview score for the competition.
The Deputy Premier of SA, Hon Dr Susan Close MP was very impressed in our Rosary childen’s engagement in STEM. We are the first SA team to win OnStage at the national level in 18 years!
Congratulations to Cooper, Cameron, Jess and Isla and to their team coaches Kim and Simon.

It was wonderful to see the children in the Summer Uniforms this term. I hope it motivates the sun to come out a little bit more!
Uniforms give students a sense of belonging and enhance pride in their school. Wearing a uniform shows unity and identity – it builds a sense of community. I ask that families read the uniform information attached to this newsletter and ensure that children are wearing our summer uniform and sports uniform correctly this term.
A reminder for families that hats are required to be worn in Term 4 – irrespective of the cloud cover and weather forecast.
I thank the parents for their efforts in ensuring children are wearing the uniform correctly and also thank the teachers for their follow up with families as required.

In 2023, Rosary School will commence the school year with 19 classes:
4 Reception
3 Year 1
3 Year 2
3 Year 3
3 Year 4
3 Year 5/6
A reminder that any communication about 2023 class placements must be received before Friday, 4 November 2022.
Please refer to my letter shared on School Stream on 18th October.

In Catholic schools, we often distinguish between 'My Story, Our Story, The Story'.
'The Story' refers to the central story at the heart of our Catholic Christian tradition, the gospel accounts of the life of Jesus. 'My Story' often refers to our personal story, our own faith journey. Last Thursday at Rosary School, we celebrated 'Our Story' through our celebration of the Mass of the Roses.
Our story as a Catholic school in the Dominican tradition was at the heart of our Eucharistic celebration and we were blessed to have Fr Paul Rankin leading us in our special community mass.
As is traditional at Rosary School, the Parish Church of Our Lady of the Rosary was a riot of beautiful coloured and scented roses that had been brought to our mass by our students and staff. Many members of our community had also brought their rosary beads with them. Both the roses and our rosary beads were blessed by Fr Paul.
Students and teachers in Catholic schools need formation in the stories of their founders, in order to accurately represent the particular charism or spiritual tradition that they seek to live by in their school community. We are very proud to be a Dominican School and attempt in all our thoughts and actions, to live according to the four pillars of Dominican Spirituality.

3SM have enjoyed an exciting semester. Many learning opportunities have promoted growth and development in a safe and caring learning environment. The children are to be commended on their amazing efforts and growth mindset approach to learning.
Some of our highlights include:
Rosary School Disco: A big thank you to our fantastic P&F for organising such a fun event. Congratulations to the children on selecting a groovy dance list and dancing the afternoon away. An entertaining event with a delicious finish … sausage sizzle and donuts.
- I liked the donuts because they were yummy. Izzy
- My favourite part was seeing all my friends dancing together. Luka
- I liked spending time with friends. Abigail
- I liked the sausage sizzle. I had tomato sauce on my sausage. Finn
Payinthi Science Show: We were privileged to be in the audience of an interactive Science Show at Payinthi to celebrate Science Week. Nitro Nat presented “The Crazy Colourful Chemistry Show” exploring chemical reactions with lots of colour and wonder. With safe fire demonstrations and some mess Nat tackled things changing different states of matter (solid, liquids, gases), acids and bases and colour changing chemically.
- My favourite experiment was the elephant toothpaste because it was aqua. Susanna
- I liked when they did the rocket explosions because they shoot off a platform and one of them went flying. Alexander
- We got to see lots of cool and fun experiments. Alannah
- I liked watching the change of the fire colour. My favourite colour was blue. I also liked seeing the rockets. Max
Planetarium Excursion: As part of our work in Science on ‘Day and Night’, the Year 3 classes went on an excursion to the Mawson Lakes Planetarium. We watched the movie ‘Tilt’ relating to the ‘Earth’s rotation on its axis’. The experience took us on an immersive journey through space, with stars and constellations coming alive during the stunning night sky presentation. The children explored some interesting items at the University and participated in activities in the Mawson Lakes Planetarium Centre.
- My favourite part was when we went looking around. We saw scientists making car mirrors. They won’t break. Willow
- I liked the movie “Tilt”. I learnt that the stars are a gas. Aidan
- I liked going on an adventure and looking for lots of stuff. We found a big bike that 20 people could ride. Arique
- I liked when the guy was zooming in on the roof. I liked looking at the stars. Ben
Urrbrae Wetlands: We went on an excursion to the Urrbrae Wetlands where we participated in a Wetland Tour with a focus on our Science unit, ‘Living, Non-Living and Once living Things’. The children had an opportunity to net for macros, explore Indigenous plants, and participate in activities in the Nature Education Centre.
- I had fun catching those tiny animals with the nets. Isaac
- I liked with the gum boots we stepped in the puddles and that was really fun. Michael
- We got to jump in the puddles, and I got really wet. I was soaking for the rest of the day. Peter
- I liked looking at all the animals we caught in the water. We used a net, a bucket and a microscope. Maxi
- We got to touch the animals. I liked the turtle because they have a shell. Seb
Book Week: We celebrated Book Week and the 2022 theme “Dreaming with eyes Open” with an assembly and costume parade along Prospect Road.
- I dressed up as a soccer player. I liked the assembly because I got to see the teacher’s dance and they were funny. Niko
- When we did the parade, it was really fun because all the people could see our cool costumes. Summar
- I liked Book Week when we took photos together. Stella
- I liked my costume because it was home made. I dressed up as the Tin Man. I liked making my shoes silver. Audrey
- I was Darth Vader, it looked really real. I had fun dressing up. Joshua

Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Sports Day
Year 3 & 4 Swimming Lessons (Monday- Thursday)
End of Year Concert
Year 6 Graduation Dinner
End of Term 4
Prospect Spring Fair

Southern Cross Newsletter

2022 Tuition Fees Due

All tuition fee accounts for 2022 must be finalised by Friday, 11 November 2022 unless an approved payment plan agreed with the Finance Team is in place.
If you are unable to pay your account by this due date, you must contact the Finance Team on 8343 5700 to discuss a confidential payment plan.
Uniform Donations

We are running out of spare uniforms for the little accidents that children may have.
If you happen to have any items that are too small, we would really appreciate your support.