Week 1 Term 2 2021

Dear Rosary Community
I hope you had an opportunity over the school break to enjoy the change of routine and find time to slow down and spend some time enjoying an activity you love together as a family. I know the teachers enjoyed the break to rest and get ready for a fabulous Term 2!
This week we welcomed four new students and their families to the Rosary School community. Jacob (6MB), Summar (2TR), Mona (1RM) and Leo (RTM) have commenced with us. I thank the teachers and students for making the children and families feel welcome.

Sr Joan Chittister OSB (www.joanchittister.org)
Joan Chittister is one of the most influential religious and social leaders of our time. For 50 years she has passionately advocated on behalf of peace, human rights, women’s issues, and church renewal. A much sought-after speaker, counsellor and clear voice that bridges across all religions, she is also a best-selling author of more than 60 books, hundreds of articles, and an online column for the National Catholic Reporter.
Joan’s address will combine practical proposals and visionary ideas around the themes of synodality, subsidiarity, inclusivity, transparency and accountability. She will relate her presentation to local and overseas contexts, such as the Plenary Council process and submissions, Vatican II documents and the words of Pope Francis. The signs of the times indicate we are at a critical moment with potential for creating a better future for our Church in this country. Joan’s proposed visit to Australia for several public addresses in 2020 was quickly booked out.
Click below to read more:

In Week 11 last term the Year 4 children went on a camp to Aldinga. The camp focus was to develop our understanding of the Kaurna people and the way they have been able to care for and live on the Kaurna land in a sustainable way. Uncle Tamaru spoke about sharing, taking only what we need and respecting the environment. He also spoke about treating each other respectfully. It was wonderful to be able to share this experience with the children and I would like to thank Bernadette Basile and Nicole Telfer for their organisation. A big thank you also to Sera Catalano and Bobby Truong for their work in supporting children at the camp.
Thank you to our extraordinary children - your engagement and conduct was exemplary.

The Season of Easter
The season of Easter is not just a single day of celebration in the Christian Tradition – it is an entire season where we celebrate the new life of Jesus and new beginnings. Easter is celebrated for 50 days to remind us over and over how close the risen Jesus is to us. We celebrate the feast of the Ascension on the Sunday before the feast of Pentecost. Easter then concludes with the feast of Pentecost, when Jesus kept his promise to send the Holy Spirit who would be with to guide and strengthen his followers.
Easter is also about light overcoming darkness. The paschal candle burns brightly for the 50 days of Easter after being lit at the Easter Saturday Vigil Mass and brought into a darkened church. It is a symbol of the risen Jesus, ‘The Light of the World’, whose light was not put to death but shines now for all believers to see.
The death and resurrection of Jesus is one of the highpoints of the Church’s liturgical calendar. It has the power to transform our lives as we endeavour to live knowing the freedom of goodness – lives that have love for our neighbour, lives that respect all creation, lives that restore hope and mercy. Lives that value inclusivity and being ‘together at the table’.

This year the P & F have organised two events to celebrate Mother's Day.
The first event is the annual Mother's Day Stall on Thursday May 6th. To eliminate cash handling, tickets for the stall will be purchased via Qkr! App.
All gifts are $5. Children with a ticket will be given the opportunity to select a present for their Mother / Grandmother / Special Person. Each class will be allocated a time on Thursday to visit the stall. Sales close on Wednesday 5th May at 5 pm.
No cash sale will be accepted after this time.
The second event is a Mother's Day Morning Tea on Friday May 7th from 8:45am. We are so excited to be hosting this event again after COVID restrictions prevented the event going ahead last year. There will be a coffee cart and zeppole for al the Mother's and Grandmather 's to enjoy. This is a free event, but for catering and COVID purposes, please RSVP via the Qkr! App. RSVPs close Wednesday 5th May at 5pm.
We look forward to celebrating Mother's Day with you all.
Kind regards,
Rosary P & F Committee

In Term 1 an ecological awareness and action committee was formed to review and improve ways that Rosary School could care for God’s world. On Tuesday we had a special assembly to introduce our new waste management system – a series of bins place together to encourage children to sort their waste to ensure that we are recycling and minimising our land fill waste. If you are in the school yard and have the opportunity to chat with your child about how they are sorting their waste it would certainly compliment the work we are doing at school.
Next week in Catholic Education Week. The 2021 theme is “Raising Hearts and Minds to the wonder and awe of God’s creation”. This certainly compliments the work of our ecological awareness and action committee. The children will be invited to explore the mystery of God’s presence in creation and the call to action to be caretakers of each other and God’s world.

We are very excited about our ideas about caring for God's creation through our deep commitment to the evnironment. To move forward, our staff have established a committee to oversee this important area. We also have a group of year 5/6 leaders who will assist with initiatives as school.
We invite any parents who would like to join us. It would involve keeping in the loop via email or in-person (where possible) to help drive education and initiatives with families.
1st Main Task:
We have been successful in winning a grant of $500 to establish a veggie / rose garden near the gym. Therefore your support/oversight of this garden - working with the children, sourcing supplies etc would be a key role.
Other initiatives include:
Raising awareness of things like ban on single use plastic, world environment day etc
Promoting Nude Food at the school
If you are keen to join us, please email lisa.mccormick@rosary.catholic.edu.au
Thank you in anticipation.

On Tuesday you would have received a note inviting you to attend a Learning Conversation. These have previously been referred to as Parent Teacher Interviews.
Learning Conversations are an opportunity for your child to share with you their learning – their achievements and areas for growth. These conversations will be student led, facilitated by the classroom teacher.
This provides a real opportunity for children to have agency in their learning by critically thinking about and reflecting on their identity, capabilities and their growth as a person. The conversations are positive in nature and allow for parents to question and make comments and celebrate their child learning and achievements as well as developing an understanding of areas for growth. It is an expectation that all children and parents attend a learning conversation.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Lisa McCormick or myself.
Click below for booking instructions:

Thank you to all our families who help to keep all those in our community safe and abide by the road and school traffic rules.
New signs have been installed by the City of Prospect on the Northern side of the crossing. Please note there is 'NO STANDING' between 8-9am and 3-3:30pm
Kiss and Drop on Gladstone Road:
- Parents please stay in your car in this zone
- Pull up, children alight and car moves back into the traffic
- If you would like to walk your child into school, please find an alternative parking space away from this zone
- Keep clear at all times
School Crossing:
- 25km an hour
- Observe the STOP signs if up
- U-Turns are not permitted on solid white lines either side of the crossing
Disabled Park:
- We have 1 disabled park on Gladstone Road and a number of families who do have a disabled permit.
- Please only park then if you have a permit and it is on display.

Late last term we celebrated Italian Language and Culture at Rosary School. Year 6 children presented at Assembly and told the school about their research into Famous Italian Inventors, they spoke about their research in the Italian language. Year 3SM performed the song 'I Colori' and 3LK performed the song, 'Che ora è?' to the whole school community. The children were molto bravi!
The day followed with a performance from the theatre production, 'Make a Scene' with the play Venice in Love which the children also enjoyed.
This was followed by lovely gelato on a warm Autumn day! Buono!!

Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Mother's Day Stall
Mother's Day Morning Tea
Learning Conversation bookings close at 9am
Sports Day
Vinnies Crazy Clothes Day & Sausage Sizzle

Due to hot weather on Friday, the P & F will be selling iceblocks. Please order via the Qkr! App by 8.15am on Friday. No late sales will be accepted. Hot chocolate for $1 will commence from week 2, these will also be ordered via the app.
Click below for QKR! user guide:
Campus School Wear

Rosary School Uniforms are now available from:
Campus School & College Wear
Shop 3, 54-56 Grange Road Welland
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00AM-5:30PM
Third Saturday of the Month 9:00am - Noon
Telephone number: 8346 0830
Vinnies Principal Sleepout

To make a contribution and show your support for the most volnurable this winter, click below and give to Vinnies while Lisa McCormick participates in the Principal Sleepout.
SAPSASA Cross Country Trials

Dear Parents and Caregivers
Students are invited to nominate for the North Adelaide District Cross Country Trials. Please find event details below.
Event Details
Date: Monday 24th May
Time: 12:15pm – 2:30pm
Location: Park 9, Bundeys Rd, North Adelaide.
Cost: $5 entry fee (to be paid via the QKR application)
Transport: To be organised by parent or caregiver
Please note that Rosary School staff will not be in attendance.
Students must be supervised by a parent or caregiver.