Week 10 Term 1 2022
Dear Rosary Community
As we move into Holy Week, may it be a time to see the deep roots of compassion and a time to recognise that we are all called to be people of hope.
I am looking forward to the children’s liturgies each morning to focus our attention on Holy Week, commencing with the Reception children leading us through the story of Palm Sunday tomorrow morning. All are welcome to join us on Prospect oval.
Thank you to all our families who have made a time to discuss their child’s learning with the class teacher this week. Telephone conversations are not ideal and I look forward to returning to the student led learning conversations format, when children can share their achievements and next challenge with their parents with the support of their teacher.
Yesterday we welcomed Archbishop Patrick O’Regan and Dr Neil McGoran to Rosary School. They were able to visit some of our classes, talk with children about what they are learning and meet with the Leadership Team. The children should be very proud of the way that they were able to talk about their learning.
There is a lot of excitement about the Master Plan images that are displayed in the school yard. It is wonderful to have the children asking questions and making sense of the drawings. Do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. I am happy to meet with parents and community members to discuss the vision for the school.
As you are aware, school finishes next Wednesday 13th April at 3.00 pm. Please notify Karin Skinner if you require supervision for your child on Thursday 14th April. I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter and a restful break from the routine of school.
Happy Easter!

Students in 2TR are investigating how living things grow and change for Science. They planted Jack and the Beanstalk seeds and are recording the growth and describing changes they see over time. This has led to interesting wondering questions like “Why have some seeds grown quite tall while some seeds hardly at all?”.
Students have chosen an insect and researched and recorded it’s life cycle and created an artistic depiction of their buggliest bug!

The Student Representative Council (SRC) is one of the key aspects of student leadership in our school. The SRC is made up of students from Reception to Year 6. Each semester, classes elect two representatives to represent their class on the SRC. Our SRC representatives will take on the responsibility of representing the views of their peers by bringing forward their ideas to discuss at our meetings. They also inform their peers of any important information which affects the student body.
Congratulations to the following students who have been elected as SRC representatives for semester 1 2022.

Congratulations to the SRC for organising a successful Caritas Fundraiser. Thank you to everyone for their generous donations. The children were excited to wear casual clothes with all money raised going to Project Compassion. We appreciate your continued support with our social justice initiatives. Please return all Project Compassion Boxes by Monday 11th April 2022.

A Prayer for our Reconciliation Candidates
Loving God help us to teach our children that you love us totally and unconditionally. Help us to encourage our children to grow in love and to learn how to say sorry, knowing that you always forgive. Give us the courage to pray with our children and to share our faith with them as we journey together. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Last Thursday our Reconciliation candidates and Year 3 students started their day with a Forgivness Liturgy led by Father Paul. This was followed by a question and answer session before the children engaged in a range of activities in preparation for tonight.
We thank Father Paul and our Year 3 teaching team for preparing the children so beautifully. Please keep our Reconciliation candidates in your prayers who tonight will receive their First Reconciliation.
This sacrament is one of love, forgivness and healing, marking a signifcant step in the spiritual journey of our students.

This Friday the Reception classes begin our Holy Week celebrations with a Palm Sunday presentation. Next Monday our Year 1 classes will teach us about Holy Thursday. Next Tuesday our Year 2 classes will teach us about the Garden of Gethsemane. Next Wednesday our Year 3 and Year 4 classes will share the story of Good Friday. Our Year 3 children will lead us in prayer with a Liturgy and the Year 4 classes will take us on a journey of the Stations of the Cross. As we will be celebrating outdoors, families are welcome to join us on Prospect Primary Oval.
Please refer to the roster below for session times:

Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Palm Sunday
Pupil Free Day
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Pupil Free Day
Back to school
2022 Tuition Fees- Early Payment Discount

An early payment discount of 5% is applicable to the net tuition fee (gross fee less all applicable discounts) if paid in full by the end of Term 1, 15 April 2022.
If no payment is received by 15 April 2022, the Finance Team will make contact with you unless a continuous direct debit commences immediately. Accounts are to be fully paid by 11 November 2022.
The Finance Team can be contacted on 8343 5700 for assistance with payment options.
Pupil Free Day OSHC

Monday May 2 will be a Pupil Free Day. On this day all staff will be involved in curriculum development .
OSHC will be available on the day.
Bookings are essential and can be made by contacting:
Kelly Sports term 2

For more information, click on the link below:


For Vacation Care bookings, click on the link below:
YMCA - Vacation Care Program

To download the School Holidays Program, click on the link below: