Week 10 Term 3 2023

Dear Rosary Community
Over the past two weeks our Reception to Year 2 children have participated in the Department of Education Swimming program. I checked in with some children for feedback about what they have learnt.
“We fell into the pool and turned onto our backs – this could keep us safe” – Zeki 1AD
“We learnt how to do a safe entry into the pool and we did a torpedo” – Zara RSM
“If you are in trouble or so you don’t get into trouble you can learn to float on your back” – Louis 2AF
On Saturday we celebrated the end of the 2024 Soccer season. 135 children participated in school soccer this year. With magnificent weather we gathered on the oval for a sausage sizzle and then moved into the Rosary Jubilee Centre for the presentation. After school sport relies on many volunteer coaches and team managers and I thank those parents for their commitment to their child’s soccer team. The co-ordination of the soccer program is largely done by Mrs Vanessa Roberts with the support of Mr Brenton Campbell. Both Vanessa and Brenton were acknowledged by the teams during the presentation – thank you Vanessa and Brenton. A final big thank you to the Roberts Family – the organisation of trophies, the sausage sizzle, set up and pack up was a family affair. Thanks Vanessa, Clint, Lucas, Daniel and Ethan.
On Tuesday night I had the privilege of attending the Catholic School’s Music Festival. Congratulations to the Rosary Choir, Mrs Kimberley Slattery, our Choir Trainer and Matilda B on her outstanding solo performances. Well done Rosary Choir!
Today we celebrated Mass of the Roses. We gathered to honour Mary, Mother of God and Queen of the Rosary. We came together in prayer to give thanks for Mary, remembering that Mary had great faith in God. She trusted God even when things were difficult. She also trusted her Son, Jesus, and knew that he was a special gift from God.
We prayed that we are inspired by Mary’s life. This mass was a wonderful celebration – the Church was full of colour and perfume. Thank you to the families who were able to join us today.
On Monday morning the staff gathered in prayer for Annabel Parletta and her family.
Annabel’s husband Dean unexpectedly passed away on Friday evening last week. We invite all members of the Rosary School community to keep Annabel and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
Make sure you spend lots of time with those you love. Enjoy the term break and I look forward to a busy Term 4!

As you are aware, we have moved to having a flexible uniform where children can wear their sports uniform or their summer uniform next term. Attached to the newsletter is the uniform information – also available on the school website.
Children may continue to wear unbranded shorts and tracksuit pants for the remainder of 2023. However, if you are updating your summer sports shorts or tracksuit pants, please be aware that in Term 1, 2024 it will be compulsory for all children to have the branded Rosary School shorts and tracksuit pants available from the uniform shop. Please note that bike shorts and tights are not part of the school uniform.
Children are required to wear a hat during Term 1 for all outside learning and play.
I thank the parents for their efforts in ensuring children are wearing the uniform correctly.
Thank you

Mass of the Roses Mass is a celebration of our community, a celebration of our school, a celebration of our rich spiritual traditions.
The Mass of the Roses is when we come together as a community and celebrate what is at the heart of Rosary School, our devotion to Mary and the rosary and our commitment to our Dominican Spirituality.
This morning at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Church there was standing room only as students, teachers and family members came together in a beautiful celebration led by Fr Paul Rankin.
In our Mass, we gave thanks for Mary and reflected on the great faith that Mary had in God. She trusted God even when things were difficult and in our complicated and sometimes messy lives, this is what our young people must remember. We prayed that we are inspired by Mary’s life and that we will see Mary as a model of faith and trust in God.
As always at Mass of the Roses, our Parish Church was alive with the scent and colour of beautiful roses and this is what sets apart this celebration of the Eucharist.
I hope that families find them to spend time together and recharge. Beautiful sunshine should facilitate lots of happy, smiling faces as we look forward to returning in Term 4.
Thank you
Stephen Campion

Digital Technology and Morphology in Year 4
This term, we made a Scratch program by using a tutorial uploaded on our class' Microsoft Teams Class Notebook. The tutorial helped us figure out the basics of the program. We used the Makey-Makey, which is a peripheral device, by connecting it to our laptops. After that we made buttons based on the morphemes that made up the word we chose and we made buttons based from the suffix, root word and prefix. The buttons had to contain a conductive material such as aluminium foil, lead pencil or metal wire. Then we connected crocodile clips to our buttons, and we connected the other end of the clip to the Makey-Makey. To activate the buttons, we had to connect a crocodile clip to the earth wire, then on the other end we held on to the crocodile clip that was connected to the earth on the Makey-Makey to make it work. While we were holding onto the clip connected to the earth, we had to press the buttons we made, then in our Scratch program we saw our sprite (a character that you can control) move across the word we chose and play the recordings we took that played the definition of the suffix, root word or prefix that we chose.
We enjoyed using the Makey-Makeys because we did a lot of co-constructing in our learning. We also enjoyed it because we could explore using the Makey-Makeys for the first time. Another reason we enjoyed using the Makey-Makeys is because this is one of the first times that we connected something from outside of our laptops to the inside of our laptops.
By Jess E, Ryan N, and Keria T on behalf of Class 4CB

A huge congratulations to the Rosary Choir! Your performance at the Festival Theatre was outstanding!
A special mention and congratulations to Matilda Binetti from 5/6MB for her festival solo in the Disney medley and debut on the stage as a festival vocal support act.
The students have rehearsed weekly, attended workshops with Denise the choir director, been assessed and participated in a combined rehearsal and sound check which enabled them to be prepared for their Festival Choir performance tonight. They shone on stage and I am so proud of them!
A huge thank you to the class teachers who have supported students with time out of the classroom to take on this opportunity. Leadership for supporting us to attend each of these events, the kind words and encouragement from staff and family, friends and colleagues who were able to attend on the night.
Thank you

Our Vacation Care programs encourage children to be involved in a variety of fun and exciting activities, including art, craft, cooking, sport, dance and drama. Children also go on excursions to exciting destinations.
To make a booking, click on the link below:
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
End of Term 3 / 3pm
Term 4 commences (Monday)
QKR - Lunch Orders & Ice blocks

School Notification Made Easy App

Rose Buds @ Rosary Playgroup

Play group commences in Week 2 Term 4.
Wishing you all a happy spring break.

Southern Cross Newsletter

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