Week 2 Term 3 2022

Dear Rosary Community
In the first couple of weeks, we have had some wonderful celebrations. We had 33 new students begin at Rosary this term. On their first day, the Year 5/6 Welcome Leaders presented each of these children with a card welcoming them to Rosary School and tomorrow the children will be formally welcomed at the school assembly.
Our existing Receptions had a wonderful dress up day to celebrate 100 days of school – there were certainly lots of fantastic costumes and role playing what ‘old’ looks like!
And yesterday we celebrated St Dominic’s Day with a whole school liturgy. As a Catholic community, we are proud of who we are and the Dominican Sisters who commenced teaching children at Rosary in 1908. We are also blessed to have the Dominican Friars working within the North Adelaide Prospect Parish, especially Fr Paul whose presence in our School is an extraordinary gift for our children, staff and families.
The City of Prospect Spring 2022 ‘Your Prospect’ magazine has an excellent article about road safety around schools on page 16. I have attached the article to the school newsletter. A recent observation has been that Staples Court is very congested in the mornings as it is being used as a drop off zone. If you are simply dropping your child off and not coming into the school yard, please consider using Gladstone Road in the mornings.
We have recently advertised some community sporting clinics for children and have had many children register to participate in the Soccer and Australian Rules Football clinics which will be running on Prospect Oval this term. These are not school clinics and parents are required to supervise their children at these events. School staff will supervise children walking from our Gladstone Road site across to the oval. Attendance at these clinics will be taken by clinic organisers. To support families, I invite children to wear their sports uniform if they have an after-school sports commitment.
The Master Plan Survey closes tomorrow 5 August.If you haven’t already done so, I encourage you to complete the survey:
The School Leadership Team are excited to join parents at The Cali for the Parents and Friends Gathering. The Parents and Friends Committee does an amazing job to connect families and build community. I encourage parents to join us on Friday 12th August.
Kind regards

The Feast Day of St Dominic was celebrated at Rosary School on August 3.
We enjoyed a rich community experience on Wednesday morning as our we gathered for a liturgy to celebrate the life of St Dominic.
All students and staff received a book mark this week to commemorate St Dominic's Feast Day.
I would like to share the prayer of St Dominic that we have used this week with our students and staff.
May God the Father, who made us, bless us.
May God the Son send his healing amongst us.
May God the Holy Spirit, who gives us life, move within us.
May God give us eyes to see to God, ears to hear God,
and hands to bring God’s work into the world.
May we walk with God and preach the word of God to all.
May the angel of peace watch over us and lead us at last
by God's grace to the eternal Kingdom.

Last Thursday evening, many families from our community gathered at St Dominics Priory College for our first Parent & Child Confirmation Preparation Session. It was a very valuable and worthwhile experience for all those present. On Monday August 8, we will have our second session of preparation for First Holy Communion. These preparation sessions will enable all families to fully engage and enjoy our celebration of the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion on Saturday 27, Sunday 28 August and Sunday September 4.

'Walk a Mile in My Boots'
As a school community, we continue to support the work of the Hutt Street Centre. This centre supports people facing homelessness and empowers them to rebuild their own lives and hopefully reconnect with those who love them.
In South Australia this winter approximately 6000 people will experience homelessness and disadvantage. The Hutt St Centre is a place of hope and opportunity, helping people facing homelessness to rebuild their lives, without judgement.
On Friday August 12, all Year 5/6 students will participate in a sponsored walk as part of the 'Walk a Mile in My Boots' initiative.
All community members can support the Hutt Street Centre and our Year 5/6 students by making donations through QKR (School Payments). Thank you in advance for your support.
Stephen Campion /APRIM

In Maths, 2CW have been learning to recognise and interpret common fractions. They designed and created a fraction bird that incorporated the use of halves, quarters, eighths and sixteenths.

Theme: Dreaming with eyes open
Book week assembly and parade: Friday, August 26th (Week 5)
All students are encouraged to come dressed in costume on the day. Simple costumes that are comfortable for all-day wear are encouraged. This event is a celebration of Australian authors, illustrators and books in general.
Katherine Turner (Teacher Librarian) and Grace Solomon (Library ESO)
At Rosary School, we are always grateful for the support of our parent volunteers.
If you would like to join our community, you would be required to provide the front office with the following criteria:
- WWCC from the Department of Human Services clearance (application available from the front office)
- CESA Volunteer Registration pack
- RRHAN-EC (Responding to Harm, Abuse and Neglect in Education and Care) certificate.
- WHS induction
- COVID status certification
If you require further information, contact the front office via email: rosary.school@rosary.catholic.edu.au
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Parent & Child First Holy Communion Preparation
Parents & Co @ At the Cali
Book Week Parade (Friday)
Confirmation Mass
First Eucharist Mass (option 1)
First Eucharist Mass (option 2)
Congratulations Quinn

We are delighted to announce that Quinn was awarded the Rosary School School Kelly Sports Star of the Term by our Kelly Sports coach for Term 2.
Parents & CO at the Cali

Friday12th of August 2022 at 7.30pm.
Where :The Caledonian Hotel, 219 O'Connell St. North Adelaide.
Tickets: $25 per ticket /available on Qkr! (closing on Monday August 8)
Schoolastic Book Club order

Issue 5 is due on Monday 8th August.
click below for more information:
Campus School Wear

Campus School & College Wear Shop 3, 54-56 Grange Road Welland
Opening Hours
9.00am - 5.30pm (Monday to Friday)
9.00am – 4.00 pm (3 Saturdays each month)
Telephone number: 8346 0830