Week 2 Term 4 2021

Dear Rosary Community
Welcome back to Term 4. I have listened to lots of holiday stories of visits with cousins, visits to the beach and a couple of children and myself even managed a trip interstate!
Last term I wrote about the importance of wearing the school uniform and it has been wonderful to see the correct uniform being worn. I thank the parents for their efforts in ensuring children are wearing the uniform correctly and thank the teachers for their follow up with families as required.
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In Year 2, we have been learning about expanded noun groups to assist our narrative writing. We created a dragon inspired character and listed their features using similes and metaphors.
Digital Technologies
2CW have designed a game character that will be created using the online platform, BLOXELS. They have been exploring this software to develop ideas and skills to create their own digital game including this character.

Friday 29th October 2021
Our Year 5 / 6 Faith and Social Justice Leadership committee has decided this year to support ‘National Bandanna Day’, the flagship fundraising and awareness campaign for Canteen. Canteen supports people aged 12 – 25 to build coping skills and resilience when faced with cancer. They run a variety of programs, camps, and recreation days that give young people some space away from the daily pressures of living with cancer and the opportunity to meet others who truly understand what they are experiencing.
National Bandanna Day will be held on Friday, 29th October 2021 (week 3) and you are invited to purchase a $5 bandanna for your child/children to wear on this day. Please order via the QKR app and our leadership committee will distribute the orders from next week. Where possible, students will be able to select the design they would like.
Please note, bookings close, midnight on Thursday, 28th October.
With our support, funds raised from Bandanna Day will help young people impacted by cancer get access to programs, counselling and peer support.

A warm invitation is extended to all of our Rosary families to join us on Sunday 24th October 2021 to celebrate Family Mass at Rosary Church, 10am.
In Religion, our Year 4 students have been learning about “Stewardship” and how the Earth and all life on it, are a part of God’s creation. They have explored the moral values of many organisations who show stewardship in caring for the environment. They created posters to celebrate the organisations who are working towards looking after God’s creation, our common home.
We thank Father Paul and our families for celebrating our class Mass with us. Today our Year 5’s celebrated community and leadership as they prepare to work in partnership to proclaim our Rosary theme for the year, ‘Together at the Table’. By celebrating our Dominican traditions, they are stepping up to the responsibility as leaders of Rosary School in 2022.
Thank you to our Year 5 teachers on preparing the students.

With the uncertainty of COVID, it will be necessary for you to make an appointment to ensure Campus Schoolwear can provide you with a personalised and efficient fitting service. Please note also, due to current restrictions, only the student and one parent/guardian may attend the fitting. The shop will follow all Department of Health guidelines in relation to mask wearing, social distancing and permitted numbers of customers in the shop. Full Uniform will be available for immediate purchase. Online ordering is also available with an $8.00 delivery fee to your home.
Click below to make a booking:
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Book Fair
Year 3 & 4 Swimming
End of Term 4
Back to School Term 1 2022

Just a friendly reminder that all lunch orders must be in before 8.30am .
All orders that have missed the deadline will need to be made directly at:
Prospect Bakery
144 Prospect Road, Prospect SA 5082
(08) 8269 5088
Please filter any feedback directly to the school front office.
If you have not already done so, click on the link below on how to download the app:
Southern Cross Newsletter

To view this month's newsletter, click on the link below:

Click below to download the newsletter:
Kelly Sports Term 4

Programmes for R-2 students run weekly on one day a week for one hour.
For more information click on the link below: