Week 2 Term 4 2023

Dear Rosary Community
What a wonderful week celebrating our environment! I hope you have seen some of the posts on our Facebook Page. I had the opportunity to pop down to Memorial Gardens on Tuesday and visit the Year 2 children immersed in some nature play experiences. The teachers had set up some amazing activities and I thank them for their creativity and work. These events only happen with the incredible support of our parent volunteers. There were 12 volunteers with the Year 2s on Tuesday and many more with other classes throughout this week. Each year the School Board hosts an event for volunteers to thank them for the contribution. Attached to this newsletter is an invitation to a Wine and Paella evening for volunteers. If you have volunteered at school this year you are welcome to join us at this event. Please RSVP as per the instructions on the invite.
The City of Prospect has added a new sign to the entrance of Burrage Place. I draw your attention to the sign which states “NO SCHOOL ACCESS DROP OFF OR QUEING”. Please be aware that this is monitored by the Council’s Community Safety Officer and you may be fined if you use Burrage Place for drop off or pick up.
All correspondence regarding 2024 class placements should be emailed to me at susan.hennessy@rosary.catholic.edu.au by Friday 3 November 2023. I will acknowledge receipt of your email and will contact you again only if I am unable to accommodate your request. Classes will be finalised the following week. Any requests after this date will not be able to be accommodated.
Kind regards

"All our memories and all our prayers are only the echo of the words of love that the holy living, in the silence of their eternity, softly and gently speak to our heart."
Karl Rahner
In 835AD, Pope Gregory made November 1 the day that the Catholic Church celebrates all saints and martyrs. After this change, the night before what became known as All Saints Day (All Hallows Day) was known as All-Hallow-Evening. This name was eventually shortened to Halloween.
In the Catholic Church, Halloween has nothing to do with monsters, vampires and hollowed out pumpkins. It is instead about our reuniting with our loved ones who have died.
November 1 is a celebration of the communion of Saints, reminding us that we are not alone and have life companions who have walked this life path before. All Saints Day is also a day to think of all the holy people around the world who selflessly help others and live good lives and give themselves to God. Many of us have our own favourite or patron Saint that we have a devotion to, or a special connection with. This often has links to our family history and has great meaning for us.
Next Thursday, on November 2, we celebrate All Souls' Day. In the Christian community, the dead are held with love. Our parishes will often invite us to name our deceased family members and friends by name so that they can be remembered in prayer by the whole community. For Catholics the community of the living includes all of our loved ones who have passed, and it is this faith which can hopefully bring some hope to those in our communities who are grieving.
Stephen Campion

We extend a warm welcome to all parents to attend the Rosary School end of year Christmas Carols.
Lets come together and celebrate this Season's Cheer.
Carols Evening: Thursday 30th November
Student arrival: from 5:30pm.
Carols Evening commences: 6:00pm for approximately 1 hour
Location: Prospect Primary Oval

This Term in Mathematics the Year 1’s have been learning about statistics and probability. We have started to explore different ways to collect and represent data and how data may be used in our everyday lives.
Last week, we had lots of fun flipping coins and using tally marks to record whether the coin landed on heads or tails. Once we recorded our totals, we represented our data in a column graph. Then we discussed whether the coin landed on heads or tails more.
In Geography we have been learning about the features of local places. Last week we drew Prospect Road and identified whether the places were natural, managed or constructed. This week we have been discussing our favourite places in the community and brainstormed ways they can be cared for by people.
Emily: “I can respect the park by not littering.”
Isabela: “I can look after the library by not ripping the books, being quiet and putting things back where they belong.”
Darcy: “we can help Funtopia by not leaving rubbish on the tables and not ripping the mats.”

Last week, Rosary School's Year 5/6 Students found out they had been awarded a "National Award - Highly Commended" for their story dance.
This is a phenomenal achievement, and we are so proud to be honoured with the award.
Wakakirri Festival Director Adam Loxley praised the outstanding performance and storytelling of schools this year, stating, "The standard this year was exceptional, so Rosary School should be very proud of their award."
This acknowledgment reflects the high quality and creativity that Rosary School brought to their participation in the Wakakirri festival.
Congratulations to our 5/6 students!
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
World Teacher's Day
Children's University Graduation Night
Sports Day / SA Athletics Stadium
Rosary Carols Evening
End of Year Whole School Mass
End of Term 4 2023
Back to school (Tuesday)

Southern Cross Newsletter

Refer to page 10 for a Rosary School Wakakirri feature article.
Click on the link below:

Rosary School OSHC

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