Week 2 Term 4 2024

Dear Rosary Community
It is wonderful to be back at work! I wasn’t sure how I would feel coming back after such a long break - I feel refreshed and ready for a busy term. I thank Caroline Price and Maria Boccaccio who both moved into new leadership roles whilst I was away. Their dedication to their work has meant a seamless transition for me returning to my role here.
The school yard looks amazing! Some red cones remain in different parts of our lawn as the landscape contractors continue to fine-tune the watering system. The children are certainly now enjoying the Gladstone Road site as an outdoor learning and play space.
On Monday this week I sent a note home regarding 2025 Class Placements. If there is a particular concern you have regarding your child’s placement, please email me by Monday, 4th November.
One of the requirements of my Term 3 Renewal Leave is that I write about my experiences for CESA. I have attached a summary of my Camino experience for those who may be interested in reading about the walk.
Click here to read all about it:
On Tuesday afternoon I was overwhelmed with the number of students waiting in the office for their parents to pick them up. I actually had to sit them outside on the steps because of the large cohort of children waiting and I missed the commencement of staff meeting. After school is a time when office staff complete tasks uninterrupted. It is important that children are collected by 3.20 pm. Thank you for your co-operation.
We are currently working with our Traffic Engineers to put together a document regarding the use of the Kiss and Drop. We do hope to have it open before the end of the year. Our neighbours on Staples Court are concerned about the number of cars using Staples Court for pick ups and drop offs. Please be respectful of our neighbours, especially on Friday night when you are dropping your child off and picking them up from the school disco. The school gates will be open, so we encourage you to park on Gladstone Road and walk through the school to the Jubilee Centre.
For families who collect their children from OSHC – you are invited to use the Staff Carpark in the afternoons to pick up your child.
I look forward to the School Disco tomorrow night!
Kind regards

Mass of the Roses
On Friday October 18, we came together as a community to celebrate our Mass of the Roses. Our Lady of the Rosary Church was heaving with students and family members, as we celebrated what is at the heart of Rosary School, our devotion to Mary and the rosary and our commitment to our Dominican Spirituality.
We had a beautiful eucharistic celebration led by Fr Mark O' Brien.
In our Mass, we gave thanks for Mary and reflected on the great faith that Mary had in God. She trusted God even when things were difficult and in our complicated and sometimes messy lives, this is what our young people must remember. We prayed that we are inspired by Mary’s life and that we will see Mary as a model of faith and trust in God. Students enthusiastically raised their rosary beads and flowers for a blessing from Fr Mark.
As always at the Mass of the Roses, our Parish Church was alive with the scent and colour of beautiful roses, and this is what sets apart this celebration of the Eucharist.
Following our Mass, we invited all those Grandparents who had joined us for mass were invited back to the Rosary Jubilee Centre for morning tea. This was a lovely community event and it brought great joy to all those present.
The final element of the celebrations for the morning involved grandparents visiting the classrooms of their grandchildren. This capped off a wonderful day of celebration at Rosary School.
Faith & Social Justice Leaders
In advance of celebration of the Mass of the Roses, our Year 6 Faith & Social Justice Leaders prepared individualised notes for each student at Rosary School. This was a great initiative by our Leaders, and it meant that when all students arrived at school on Friday, October 18 there was an affirmation note waiting for them on their desk. You can see a small sample of the 500 affirmation notes that they produced in this article.
Rosary School Family Mass
We will celebrate our next Parish Family Mass at 10am this Sunday (October 27) at Our Lady of the Rosary Church.

In addition, there will be a barbecue after mass for all to enjoy.
Our Lady of the Rosary Church is also commencing with bake sales at masses. There will also be a bake sale after our mass this Sunday at Rosary Church.

ROH Learning
It may only be Week 2, but we have been very busy in ROH filling Term 4 with several creative, hands-on, and exciting new learning opportunities.
In English, we have had the opportunity to become authors and write our own narrative! We have learnt that the structure of a narrative includes the orientation, the series of events, a complication and a resolution. It was great to use our creative thinking skills to create a number of magical and mythical characters in our stories. Our favourite part about writing a narrative is:
- Ella – I liked drawing the pictures and writing the story.
- Maja – I liked the ending of my story.
- Zofia – I liked drawing the picture.
- Mila – I liked the colouring in the pictures because I like colouring in.
Mass of the Roses & Grandparents Day
Thursday in Week 1 was very special for Rosary School when we came together to commemorate Mass of the Roses. In ROH we have learnt the importance of The Holy Rosary and had the opportunity to design our own rosary beads ready to use for prayer.
Our favourite part about Mass of the Roses included:
- Benjamin – I liked bringing flowers to school.
- Aria – I liked when our flowers got blessed at Church.
- Millie – I liked singing at Mass of the Roses.
- Alley – It was a little bit fun to hold the rosary beads at Church.
What a great opportunity it was to have our grandparents join us for learning on Thursday! Ella and Sophia loved showing their family around the classroom and enjoyed having their help with classwork.
In Geography, over the past 4 weeks we have participated in a number of lessons about the history, culture and importance of Indigenous Australia. We have explored the meaning and design of the Aboriginal flag, read Dreamtime stories including 'The Rainbow Serpent', researched traditional shelters, bush food and Indigenous Australian artists including Bronwyn Bancroft.
- Arlo – I enjoyed building an Aboriginal shelter using nature on the oval.
- Hugh – I liked colouring in The Rainbow Serpent.
- Sophia – I liked sticking the paper on the Aboriginal Flag.
- Antonio – I liked seeing The Rainbow Serpent in the story.
Nature Playground
We have been very excited about the opening of our new nature play spaces! With the weather warming up we love to take any opportunity to explore the new area. You will find us smiling on the slide, digging in the sandpit and getting dizzy on the spinner.
- Nathan – The slide makes me feel very excited!
- Harrison –I like going fast on the spinner.
- Elijah – I liked spinning around on the spinner.
- Audrey – I like sitting down and rolling down the slide.
- Hayden – I like climbing high on the spinner thing!
- Mason – I like using the sandpit equipment to dig holes and then fill them with water from the water pump.

Welcome to this busy time for school uniforms. Please make an appointment to ensure we can provide you with a personalised and efficient fitting service and it would be appreciated if the student and only one other person attends the fitting.
Your student’s uniform will be available for immediate purchase.
To make an appointment, click below for instructions:
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
School Disco
End of Year Dance Concert (Memorial Gardens)
End of Term 4
