Dear Rosary Community
As a Catholic community we are now in the season of Lent. This week we celebrated Shrove Tuesday, a day that has traditionally been a ‘feast’ day before the start of Lent. Lent was a time when families would empty their homes of luxurious food items such as eggs and sugar in the anticipation of Lent beginning the following day. I thank our parent helpers and Mrs Caroline Price for the pancakes on Tuesday – an important way we are able to acknowledge that the Lenten season is about to begin.
Our Ash Wednesday liturgy marked the beginning of Lent, a time when we are all challenged to consider how we live out Gospel values in our lives. In Pope Francis’ message for Lent he calls on the faithful to “renew our faith, draw from the living waters of hope, and receive with open hearts the love of God.”
In this newsletter there is an information about the Parents and Friends social gathering, the Rosary School AGM, nominations to the School Board and the school working bee. It would be great to have as many parents as possible at these community events.
Kind regards