Week 4 Term 4 2022

Term 4 always seems busier than any other term and 2022 Term 4 is no exception. Last week we had our annual Sports Day, postponed from Term 1. It was a wonderful event, co-ordinated by Mr Brenton Campbell. I know that the whole community join me in thanking Brenton. I would also like to thank our teachers for their work on Sports Day and to our wonderful parent volunteers.
Our Year 3 and 4 children backed up Sports Day with a Hot Shots Tennis Clinic. And this week the Year 3 and 4 children have their swimming lessons. A big effort from our Year 3 and Year 4 children, teachers and parent volunteers!

This week we have two instrumental concerts – last night and another tonight. I thank our instrumental music tutors Denise, Won and John for their work at Rosary School along with Kimberly Slattery for her co-ordination of the instrumental music program.
Ten of our children will graduate from Children’s University tonight ( November 10). I would also like to acknowledge and thank Katherine Turner and Pia Totani-Cirocco for their work co-ordinating Children’s University.

As you are aware the public consultation period for our building development application has commenced and is open until 17 November 2022.
All community are invited to provide feedback to Prospect Council and this feedback can be both positive and negative. Often in these processes it is only those with concerns who respond. It would be wonderful for all voices to be heard during this application process and I invite you to log onto the Plan SA website to review the documentation and make a Representation about what you believe the benefits of the redevelopment would be for the Prospect community.
To make a representation and be heard – please log on to: https://plan.sa.gov.au/
Late last term Ms Lucy Hood, Member for Adelaide, visited Rosary School. During this visit Lucy and I spoke about the redevelopment of the school site. Lucy informed me that she has been contacted by members of the community who have concerns about the removal of the School Hall, the new building design and traffic. Lucy indicated that she was also happy to receive communication about the benefits of the redevelopment from the school community. I invite you to write to Lucy Hood to express your views about Rosary School Redevelopment. Letters can be emailed to Ms Hood at Adelaide@parliament.sa.gov.au or sent to 84 Prospect Rd, Prospect SA 5082.
The Adelaide Christmas Pageant was a highlight of my childhood, early parenting life and now I am ready to enjoy it again as a grandparent. I hope you all enjoy a wonderful weekend and the excitement of children as we begin to prepare to celebrate Christmas in 2022.

Remembrance Day
At our Assembly tomorrow morning, we will be commemorating Remembrance Day during our prayer time.
Our commemoration and period of prayerful reflection on Remembrance Day this year is as significant this year, as any other year. Our world is beset by conflict, discrimination and misunderstanding. We will pray for a world where greater understanding and appreciation of the concept of sacrifice for another human being is valued above all other things.
On Remembrance Day, we honour the sacrificial efforts made by members of our Defence Services during the many military conflicts from the beginning of the 20th Century through to the current time.
This day of commemoration evolved from the signing of the peace treaty, the Armistice, that officially ended the First World War at 11 am on 11 November 1918.
In honouring the sacrifice made by fellow Australians over recent conflicts, we aim to build strong foundations for a future of peace and hope. As Catholic Christians we model our response to conflict on Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
I offer this prayer to our community as we commemorate Remembrance Day at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month tomorrow.
Almighty and eternal God,
from whose love in Christ we cannot be parted, either by death or life.
Hear our prayers, that in honour of those who have fallen, and following in the mission of our call to love and serve,
we may work for the values of God’s kingdom
knowing justice, peace and harmony in all we do.
We make this prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Stephen Campion

Dear Rosary Community
Congratulations to all students who participated and were award winners in Numerical Acumen Program this year.
We are proud to have award winners in the following categories -
- Performance Achievement
- Improvement
- Dedication
- Motivated Class
- Inspirational Student Awards of Performance
- Inspirational Student Awards of Improvement
- Inspirational Student Awards of Dedication
- Inspirational Class
- Inspirational Class of the Year
It is an honour to announce that for the 5th time, Rosary School won Inspirational School of the Year Award!! Congratulations!
Well done to all students for their commitment, and we thank teachers for their support and preparation.
Maria & Annabel
Leader of Mathematics & Leader of Learning

As in previous years, we will be supporting the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. We encourage all students and families to contribute any of the items listed until the last day of Term 4.
The Vinnies volunteers are happy to accept any donations for their Christmas hampers. The items that they are looking to collect are:
- Christmas Pudding
- Custard
- Tinned Fruit
- Tinned Vegetables
- Mince Pies
- Tinned Ham
- Tuna
- Pasta
- Rice
- Pasta Sauce
- Tea
- Coffee
- Cordial
- Long Life Milk
They can use any size in these above items.
Thank you in advance for your support with this initiative.

3LP STEM Activity
Over the last few weeks, 3LP have been using the Engineering Design Process to build a space shuttle. This was the scenario that was presented to them.
"NASA has given you the opportunity to explore the Solar System, with your choice of space transport. Design and build a model of a space shuttle to take you there. Be as creative as you like!"
The students really enjoyed this process and here are some of their comments:
Henry: I am very proud of my space shuttle.
Isla: I had good fun building my space shuttle and I hope we could do something exactly like that again.
Barnaby: I really like this lesson and I hope we can do it again.
Brandon: I think I went really well with my build.

Late last term our fabulous Year 5/6 Choir students performed at the Catholic School Music Festival – “Hear Us”. They sang beautifully and should be very proud of their work and achievements this year. Rosary School parents and staff were in attendance to support our choir students. We were fortunate to have Miss Fiona MacDonald as a VIP photographer to take these photos for us. We hope you enjoy a few of the pictures. Congratulations to all the 5/6 Choir students.
A short recount of the performance evening from Francesco P.
When we arrived at the Festival Theatre we went inside of the theatre where we had to wait for about 15 minutes. Then one of the people who were part of the festival committee told us to go into this room called “the green room” where we met with all of the other schools. There were about 400 students in the room. We warmed up our voices and then we went on stage. The first song we sang was The Lord’s Prayer, then we sang One Song. Then there were some other student performances. We sang YMCA, I Will Follow Him, May a Rainbow Run Beside You and then the big finale ABBA Medley. After the performance we moved off stage to be greeted by our parents with Mrs Slattery where we got a photo collage and a freddo frog. Congratulations to all the Year 5/6 Choir students!

Shortly your child will be bringing home a note about our end of year concert, “A Night at the Movies.” We have been busily rehearsing and are excited to showcase our Performing Arts work with Ground Force Studios at this event. Below are a few action-shots from the rehearsals. We have a sensational evening planned to celebrate movies, dance and the wonderful talents of our Rosary School Students. We can’t wait to see you there.
Kimberly Slattery

Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
End of Year Concert
Year 6 Graduation Dinner
End of Term 4
Back to School for 2023
End of Year Concert

2022 Tuition Fees Due

2022 Tuition Fees due
All tuition fee accounts for 2022 must be finalised by Friday, 11 November 2022 unless an approved payment plan agreed with the Finance Team is in place.
If you are unable to pay your account by this due date, you must contact the Finance Team on 8343 5700 to discuss a confidential payment plan.
Uniform Donations

We are running out of spare uniforms for the little accidents that children may have. If you happen to have any items that are too small, we would really appreciate your support.