Week 6 Term 1 2023
Dear Rosary Community
Last week our Year 2 teachers led Staff Prayer focussing on the Season of Lent and our commitment as Catholics at this time to prayer, almsgiving and fasting. They shared with us some of our Year 2s’ Lenten Promises. These fantastic responses challenged me to think about my own Lenten journey.
Fr Michael Trainor wrote a reflection on last Sunday’s Gospel. He likened Jesus’ transfiguration as a heightened presence of God and reflected on the Sacred Moments in his life - “the faces of those grieving, the delight of a child in a pool splashing around … the odour and taste of a freshly brewed cup of coffee, a shared conversation with a friend…”. These everyday moments, and many others, are moments of Sacred encounter. Michael suggested that these moments come, but are regularly unrecognised. During this time of Lent, the Gospel invites us to be transformed and allow the presence of God to touch our hearts.
Over the past two weeks, I had the opportunity to attend swimming trials. It was wonderful to see the children showcase the learning they participate in out of school hours. I thank all the children for having a go and congratulate those children selected to represent Rosary School at the Catholic Primary Schools Sports Association swimming competition on 31st March, 2023.
The Year 3 and 4 have also participated in tennis clinics. These are made available through Sporting Schools Grant funding. I thank Brenton Campbell for his organisation and co-ordination of these opportunities for our children.
Our Year 3 and 5 children are preparing for their NAPLAN tests which commence next week. NAPLAN is early in 2023 and breaks the timing of previous tests and now becomes exit assessments of prior learning. 2023 will see a new baseline and introduce proficiency strands. Information regarding the NAPLAN tests are attached.
As you are aware, tomorrow is a Pupil Free Day. This day will allow us to continue our work in the Science of Reading with professional learning focussing on Morphology - the study of words and their parts. Morphemes are important for phonics in both reading and spelling, as well as in vocabulary and comprehension. I thank the teachers for their commitment to improving their understanding of the Science of Reading to ensure the best possible learning outcomes for children at Rosary School.
We hope many of our families are able to enjoy the ‘extra’ long weekend.
Project Compassion
We have had a wonderful start to our fundraising for Caritas' Project Compassion Appeal. Two weeks into Lent, our community has so far raised $790. This testifies to the generosity of our community and also to the fact that we are responsive to the needs of those who are less well off than us, both in our own local community and across our world.
I am also sure that in every household there is an almost full Project Compassion box and that over the next four weeks of Lent, these family contributions will significantly increase our final donation to Caritas.
If families do not have access to cash in order to make a contribution to Caritas, we have created a Rosary School page through Caritas, where donations can be made. Please follow this link to make a donation:
The Rosary School community will come together to celebrate Harmony Day on Friday, March 24. Created in 1999 to celebrate unity and diversity, Harmony Day was originally an Australian celebration but is now marked worldwide. Harmony Day was created to encourage everyone to respect each other and appreciate the country’s multicultural background.
Our school community is all the richer for its multicultural nature and we would like all members of our community to celebrate our diversity through all students and staff showing their pride in their own family's cultural and ethnic origins.
On Friday March 24, we would like all students to wear an item of clothing or an outfit which illustrates their heritage and our diversity. Alternatively, students can wear casual clothing with orange as a predominant colour as this is the colour of Harmony Day.
Stephen Campion /APRIM
We have had a busy start to the new year in our class.
We designed this beautiful rainbow as a symbol of our Year 2 learning community in conjunction with our school theme “United as One”.
We explored our unique gifts and talents and enjoyed designing some fantastic art activities to share some of our special qualities. We hope you enjoy our art.
During our Religion Lessons we explored some of the things that make us different from others and chose one of our most important features.
During our Flying Start week, the Year 2 Classes unpacked our school theme "United As One". Each child was invited to share and represent what a community meant to them. Their drawings were collected and Ms Sellan's beautiful mum Sue, sewed them together for us to create our individual class prayer cloths. We are so proud of them.
Welcome back to another fun and busy year with the Parents and Friends Committee.
The Parents and Friends Committee (P&F) is an enthusiastic and passionate group of parents within the school who are committed to developing and promoting a sense of welcome and inclusion in the school community.
Our activities provide an avenue to work with the school to further enhance children’s learning and support the development of the school and the grounds and to promote the interests of the children and the school
On Tuesday 7th February 2023 the Committee held our first meeting of the year where we focused on planning lots of great events for the year, including our bi-annual big Fundraiser.
This year we have changed leadership roles of the P&F with Anthony Graziani taking on the role of Chair. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Lora Papa for her outstanding time and dedication as Chair of the P&F for the past 3 years. We are very thankful for all the success the Committee has achieved during your time as Chair.
We welcome back Teresa Coca and Lisa Pannuti who will continue in their roles as Treasurer and Secretary. We also welcome all the 2022 Committee Members as well as a number of new parents who have joined the P&F this year.
P & F committee members for 2023:
Catherine Schumacher, Christina Borg, Elle Pavely, Georgia Tucci, Grazia Larosa,
Hamish Mackenzie, Helen Lynn, Kelly Martin, Lora Papa, Melanie Melino, Nadia Looker, Nicole Mertens,
Nicole Smith, Paola Buchan, Ricki Briggs, Sally Loader, Sonya Morgante, Susan Hennessy.
From our meeting, I am pleased to share with you the P&F Events & Activities for 2023.
This Term ice blocks will continue to be sold every Friday. They have been a huge hit this year. Don’t forget to order via QKR by 9.30am. For the first time we will work with Kytons Bakery on an Easter Fundraiser and of course we will continue the great tradition of hosting our very popular Parents and Co at the Cali night on Friday 31 March – don’t forget to book the sitter. This has been a fantastic and very much talked about evening for parents to come along and get to know one another.
Term 2 will see the return of our delicious hot chocolates every Friday. We will also have our annual Mother’s Day stall and morning tea. Our school disco will be held on a Friday evening in the new gym with Magic Mike.
Term 3 is going to be a big one with our bi-annual fundraiser Quiz night at the North Adelaide Football Club (more info to come soon).
The P&F welcome your support and help with the event and activities listed. You do not need to be a member of the Committee; however you do require school volunteer clearances which Margaret in the Office can help with.
If there are any events or activities you are able to help with, please contact us, we greatly appreciate it on :pandf@gmail.com
Anthony Graziani
Parents and Friends Committee
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Pupil Free Day
Public Holiday
Sports Day
End of Term 1
Rosary School Family Community Business Directory
We are excited to support our Rosary families through an in-house Business Directory listing the many and varied businesses owned and run by our current families.
Southern Cross Newsletter
To download this week's Southern Cross Newsletter, click on the link below:
School Notification Made Easy App
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