Week 6 Term 3 2021

Dear Rosary Community
Last week 90 children attended the Catholic Schools Cross Country Carnival. The weather was beautiful and all the children participated with a positive attitude supporting each other throughout the day. Thank you to our parent volunteers who assist us to make these events possible. Thank you also to Mr Brenton Campbell who does a fantastic job organising these events for our children.
This week you will receive a letter regarding the opportunity to have a parent teacher conversation about your child’s learning. I am disappointed that we cannot host a learning conversation with the children at this time. As the letter from Caroline Price states, “relationships are at the heart of everything we do, and our sense of community is more important than ever. We also know that our positive partnership with you supports ongoing student growth and development, both socially and academically.” Please book a time to chat with your child’s teacher via the telephone, particularly if you have something you are concerned about.
A couple of reminders:
Rosary School Quiz Night
Book a ticket on the QKR App. You don’t need an entire table, we will group people together and make sure you meet other members of the school community.
Parent Initiatives in Education Event – Pathways to a Healthy Mind
RSVP to this event on the QKR App
Summer School Sport
Please register your child’s interest in playing Basketball and/or Cricket on the QKR App
Living Learning Leading Survey
Please complete the LLL Survey this week. Go to www.nsipartnerships.com.au and enter the code RSLLLP
Family Parish Mass
Please join us on Sunday at 10.00 am at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 14 Barker Road Prospect.
If at any time you would like to chat with me about your child or about Rosary School, please do not hesitate to contact Karin Skinner who can make an appointment for you to meet with me.

We look forward to celebrating our Family Mass with you this Sunday, 29th August 2021 at 10.00am at Rosary Church. Our Family Mass is a new initiative introduced in collaboration with Father Paul and our North Adelaide / Prospect Parish. Thank you to the children who have volunteered to take an active role.

We thank Father Paul and our amazing families for celebrating class Liturgies with us. The theme of our Year 2 Liturgy was “The Assumption of Mary”. The children reflected with a liquid picture, a form of drama to celebrate Mary Mother of Jesus. The theme of our Year 3 Liturgy was “Friends” which reminded us that we live in the image and likeness of God in our relationships with others. Thank you to our Year 2 and Year 3 teacher’s on preparing the students so wonderfully.

Our Year 1 children have been learning about God. They have been encouraged to develop a sense of awareness of God’s presence in the world, and in their own lives. They have been exploring the beauty and wonder of God’s creation. Through their work samples we can see their connection to God in their world. How beautiful it is to be able to see the world through the eyes of our children.

The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration of prayer and action for our common home. Together, the ecumenical family around the world unites to pray and protect God’s creation. The season starts on 1st September, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and ends 4 October, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology beloved by many Christian denominations.

Last week our Year 5/6 community participated in 'Walk a Mile in My Boots', a fundraiser in support of the Hutt Street Centre. In South Australia this winter, approximately 6000 people will experience homelessness and disadvantage. The Hutt Street Centre is a place of hope and opportunity, helping people who face homelessness to rebuild their lives. We raised $242 to help keep Hutt Street Centre open. This year due to Covid restrictions, we braved the weather and walked along Prospect Road showing our support for this event.
From the Year 5/6 Faith and Social Justice Leadership Committee

We have had lots of fun this week celebrating books and our developing skills in reading, writing and sharing stories.
We have thought about:
- The books we enjoy and why we enjoy them
- The places and people we like to read with
- Little rhymes and patterns we can use to remember how to spell tricky words when we are writing a story
- Creating our very own whole class fairy tale.
We can’t wait for tomorrow’s dress up parade and celebration of the happy week we have shared!

We have a very busy few weeks ahead to finish off the term. Please see below the events and details to purchase tickets.
Father’s Day Stall: Thursday 2nd September
All gifts are $5. Ticket sales via Qkr! close on Wednesday September 1st at 5pm. Due to the current COVID restrictions, our Father’s Day BBQ Breakfast will unfortunately not proceed.
‘Pathways to a Healthy Mind’: Guest Speaker, Dr Tim Nehmy: Wednesday 15th September at 7:30pm in the School hall. This event is a free event but please RSVP via Qkr! by Monday 13th September at 5pm.
“Show Us Your Colours” Trivia and Games Night: Saturday 18th September at 6:30pm at North Adelaide Football Club. Tickets are $25/person (tables of 10 people), BYO nibbles only, drinks to be purchased at the bar and delicious wood oven pizzas cooked on site. Tickets and pizza orders will be available via the QkR! App until Wednesday 8th September at 5pm, unless tickets sell out prior. Due to COVID restrictions, there are capacity limits, so please get your tickets early to avoid missing out. Tickets are selling fast!
We are still looking for donations of wine, raffle prizes and silent auction items. If you have anything to donate, please either drop it off at the school office or email rosarypandf@gmail.com
We can’t wait to see you all at these events and appreciate your support.
Rosary School, Prospect
Dear Rosary Community
I hope you all had a wonderful Father’s Day and were able to celebrate with your families.
This week I am away on Year 5 Camp at Wallaroo. Camps are wonderful opportunities for children to explore new friendships, develop team work and independence. I thank our Year 5 Teachers, Mrs Annabel Parletta, Mr Andrew Kent and Mr Brenton Campbell for their work in organising this experience for the children. I also would like to thank Ms Sara Catalano for her support and attendance at camp.
Last week a small group of students attended the Robo Cup. Mrs Sita Catalano and I were also able to attend to learn more about the competition and develop an understanding about how Rosary School could be more involved in 2022. Thank you to Simon and Kim Coad for their work with our participating students. Congratulations to Cameron, Cooper, Jessica and Barney on winning First Place in the On Stage Experienced section. They were great “Men in Black”.
Our P&F Committee have certainly been busy this week. Thank you to the P&F for organising the Fathers’ Day Stall – I hope all the dads and grandads were delighted with their gifts! I am very excited about the forthcoming Quiz Night – tickets are nearly sold out so please purchase your ticket this week. Tickets are also available for our free Parents Initiatives in Education Event – Pathways to a Healthy Mind. Please book your tickets on the QKR App.
In addition to these events the P&F have also established a Business Directory. This directory is available on the School Website – under the community link. At this stage we only have a few businesses listed. Please send your business information to karin.skinner@rosary.catholic.edu.au who will continue to update the directory with additional businesses as they are forwarded to her.
Important Dates
Book Week Parade
P & F Quiz Night
School Disco
School Photo Day

A big thank you to all of our commuity for embracing our new lunch order procedure.
Just a friendly reminder that all orders must be in before 8.30am . All orders that have missed the deadline will need to be made directly at:
Prospect Bakery
144 Prospect Road, Prospect SA 5082
(08) 8269 5088
Please filter any feedback directly to the school front office.
If you have not already done so, click on the link below on how to dowload the app:
Variety SA

Aussie Muscle Car Run are fundraising for the Variety SA because we believe all kids deserve a fair go!!
Click below to support our fund raiser:
