Week 6 Term 4 2021
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Yesterday we welcomed just over 50 new children who will join us as Reception students in 2022. It was wonderful to greet so many excited and some nervous little people. Our 2022 Reception Teachers are: Olimpia Calleja, Grazia Larosa, Shannon Mawhinney and Amy Ramsey. I thank them for their work in making our new students and their families feel welcome. The Reception teachers are looking forward to meeting them again next Wednesday.
Other teacher roles and year levels will be announced in next week’s newsletter.
Next year, Tobi Cibich and Tina Mena will be on leave from the Rosary School.
We will farewell them for 12 months and welcome them back in 2023.
During the past couple of weeks, I have had the opportunity to watch some of our netball and basketball teams play. It is great to see children active, working co-operatively together and developing their sporting abilities. Thank you to our parent community and one of our Year 6 teachers, Maria Boccaccio who coach and manage these teams.
Initially we intended to hold a Christmas Carols picnic at Soldier’s Memorial Gardens, however due to COVID-19 event management for gatherings off site, this has had to be cancelled. Kimberley Slattery is working with each class to film and record their performances and present the event virtually.
The end of the school year can be stressful for children and families, with lots of commitments and uncertainty as children move to new schools and classes. I hope that over the next couple of weeks you are able to find opportunities for rest and that the Advent season is a time of calm and peaceful preparation.

Congratulations to all involved!
We had a great assembly, celebrating outstanding accomplishments.
Click below to view the gallery.

In Geography, the Year 1s have been learning about natural, managed and constructed environments and their features. We have looked at how location effects features and how places change over time and what care needs to be taken of each.
One of our culminating learning activities was for the students to select one feature of their important place and design an improvement and then make a model of it. We had additional play equipment in parks and backyards like treehouses, rivers with fish in them, waterslides, and trampoline castles. There was a solar powered hovercraft to improve the postal service, additions to a bike park, an underground house, a spy base addition to a house, an aquarium in a pet shop for humans to swim with the fish, a log fire addition for warmth and a wardrobe containing a bird cage. Then in sporting venues there were multilevel ovals and new goals and nets, improved displays at a museum, a bullet train addition to a rail museum, a birthday party room at the cinema and a sushi train restaurant with train shaped plates and stations for personal delivery at each table.
What clever engineers!
The students have also been working on writing procedures in our English program and have produced wonderful oral presentations on a variety of topics. These photos only show the magnificent work presented so far...they will all be on display in our classroom if you want to visit and have a full viewing.
I am so proud of all the students' work.
Ms Corcoran

During Week 5 on Monday and Wednesday night the Rosary Hall transformed into a concert space where our piano and guitar students performed to their families. We had a total 55 students share their talents on stage to a supportive and encouraging live audience. We thank our talented instrumental tutors, Denise Haddad and Won Lee (piano) and John Edwards (guitar) for their support and preparation of our students and the wonderful success all experienced. Congratulations everyone!
Kimberly Slattery

We warmly welcome you to join us at Rosary Church on Sunday 28th November 2021. We will be celebrating the first Sunday of Advent. This will be our final Family Mass for 2021.

Last Wednesday each year level celebrated Remembrance Day with a class prayer. We remembered the Australian men and women who served in war and peacekeeping activities.
As a mark of respect to those who have served, we stopped to observe one minute’s silence.

Our Year 3 children celebrated a beautiful Liturgy at Rosary Church last week. They gave thanks for a wonderful year of developing new friendships, learning and having fun, showing gratefulness for the many opportunities they experienced. Thank you to Father Paul, our families who were able to join us, our Year 3 teachers on preparing their students so beautifully and of course our marvellous children for their beautiful reading and singing.

Our Year 4 children were fortunate to receive a visit from Father Paul on Wednesday morning. He spoke to the children about cultural diversity and how we all come from different backgrounds. He reminded the children of the importance of being respectful to others. This was followed by a beautiful Mass celebrating cultural diversity this morning. The children showed acceptance and understanding of different cultures with a focus on inclusivity, which ties in with our whole school theme this year, 'Together at the Table'. Thank you to Father Paul for visiting our classes at school and for a special Mass celebration.
Thank you also to the children for their active participation, our Year 4 teachers for their preparation and our families who were able to join our celebration.
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Casual Day (Vinnies Food Collection)
Year 6 Reflection Day
Year 6 Italian Lunch
End of Year Mass
Southern Cross Newsletter

To download this month's newsletter, click on the link below:
Choir Photo Orders

You can view and order the Choir photo at the front office at the cost of $20 each.
Mt Carmel College Tour

Walkerville Netball Club

Walkerville Netball Club is excited to announce we will be running a FREE Come and Try training for the following aged players (boys and girls)-