Week 6 Term 4 2023

Dear Rosary Community
In my leadership career I have cancelled sporting events three times based on the weather forecast and it is one of the most difficult decisions because as said by the Bureau “predicting rainfall is difficult”. Now the decision is made, I do hope now we get the much needed rain all day tomorrow like the Bureau advised this morning!
This week we welcomed 37 new Reception children and 19 new families to our school community. Our 2024 Reception Teachers had the opportunity to meet the new children and support them in becoming familiar with some new faces and places.
Another highlight this week was our Numerical Acumen Assembly. Rosary School came 2nd in South Australia for Inspirational School of the Year. Congratulations to all children who engaged with Numerical Acumen in 2023. A special mention to Megan H - 5/6NT, Mary C - 5/6NT, Estelle A - 5/6NT, Melissa M - 5/6MB and Alex R - 3MP who were awarded as Inspirational Students in the State Awards.
There were 5 classes awarded for their commitment and motivation in Numerical Acumen from Rosary School this year. Ms Basile and 4BB also won the State Award for Inspirational Class of the Year - Middle Primary.
Well done teachers and children.
Next week the Year 5/6 Community Leaders have two events organised. On Wednesday they will have a second hand uniform sale on the Jubilee Court from 8.20 am. The items are mostly the long sleeve school sports windcheaters. These tops are unnamed lost property. All money raised will be donated to St Vincent de Paul.
On Friday they have worked with Prospect Primary Innovision Leaders to organise the Colour Run. Parents are invited to join us on the Prospect Primary Oval at 2.00 pm on Friday, 1st December to watch the children participate in this joint community event.
We have now finalised class placements and staffing for 2024. Children will meet with their new teacher on Monday, 11th December.
Principal: Susan Hennessy
Deputy Principal: Caroline Price
APRIM: Stephen Campion
Positions of Responsibility:
Leader of Learning: Annabel Parletta
Leader of Inclusion & Diversity: Amelia Hunt
Leader of Literacy: Seva Maitianos
Leader of Mathematics: Maria Boccaccio
Leader of Digital Technologies: Maria Boccaccio
Leader of Gifted & Talented: Brenton Campbell
Classroom Teachers
Reception: Olimpia Calleja, Olivia Huggett, Amy Ramsey
Year 1: Angela D’Amico, Elyse Edwards, Rebecca Marshall, Shannon Mawhinney
Year 2: Suzanna Nowosilskyj & Laura Pedron, Ali Fiske, Nicole Telfer
Year 3: Maria Boccaccio & Will Brown, Amelia Hunt & Will Brown, Claudia Withey
Year 4: Annabel Parletta & Seva Maitianos, Christopher Bryne, Genevieve O’Donnell
Year 5: Hannah Andersen, Lucy Dutton
Year 6: Bernadette Basile, Catherine Morrisson
Specialist Teachers
Physical Education: Brenton Campbell
Performing Arts: Kimberly Slattery
Library: Katherine Turner
Italian: Lucia Mitchell

Our Church celebrates the beginning of a new liturgical year as it transitions into the season of Advent. In this upcoming season of Advent, we pray that God will continue to prepare our hearts in readiness to welcome Jesus into our lives even more abundantly.
The Season of Advent runs from next Sunday, December 3 until Sunday, December 24.
The word “Advent” derives from the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming.” In this case, it refers to the coming birth of Jesus at Christmas and the return of Christ during the second coming. In the Catholic Church, the Advent season reminds us about the importance of Christ in our lives, prepares us to celebrate Christ’s birth at Christmas, and refers to his second coming at a future time. Catholics consider all three comings when they celebrate Advent.
Advent marks the beginning of the Church’s new year and is a season of waiting and preparation.
The season of Advent focuses on Christ’s threefold coming—past, present and future.
We await and prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas.
We hope and give thanks for Christ’s presence within us and in the Word and sacraments.
We look to the future, waiting for Christ to come again.
Over the upcoming four weeks (starting on Sunday December 3) we prepare with increasing expectation for the coming of Christ in a spirit of hope.
The word ‘Advent’ means ‘coming’. Lighting the four candles on the Advent wreath symbolises the coming of light (Jesus) into the world. Each candle corresponds to the four respective Sundays through Advent.
In the first week, Catholics will light the first candle. This signifies hope as it is commonly known as the “Prophet’s candle” and signals that Jesus is coming.
On the second Sunday, a candle is lit to celebrate faith. This is based on the everlasting love of God, and it is also commonly referred to as the “Bethlehem” candle. This reminds everyone that Mary and Joseph undertook the journey to Bethlehem. On the third Sunday of Advent, it is traditional to celebrate Joy with the “Shepherds” candle. This third Sunday is also called Gaudete Sunday, and a literal translation here is to “rejoice.” It is a Sunday to remember Mary as the mother of Jesus. On the fourth Sunday, the candle symbolises peace and is known as the “Angels” candle. The simple message here from the angels is “peace on earth and goodwill towards men.”
As we move towards Advent, I offer this prayer to our community as we prepare for the coming of Christ.
Gracious God,
you sent us your son Jesus to show us
how to be kind and understanding, honest and true.
Open our hearts so that we may be prepared for your coming
by sharing our gifts of warmth, generosity, peace and joy with each other.
Help us to give freely of the gifts which cost us nothing but thought and effort.
We ask this prayer in Jesus’ name.
Stephen Campion / APRIM

On the 9th of November, students celebrated the 2023 graduation ceremony from the Children's University Program. This was held at the Adelaide University, Boynton Hall. This program celebrates learning outside and beyond the classroom, encouraging lifelong learners.
Students recorded a minimum of 30 hours to achieve an award with many students achieving multiple awards.
A total of 26 students received at least one award this year.
Congratulations to all the students for taking part in the program!
Katherine Turner

This Term in Mathematics the Year 1’s have been learning about statistics and probability. We explored different ways to collect and represent data and how data may be used in our everyday lives. The “Smarties” data collection was one of our favourites! We had lots of fun using tally marks to record the different colour smarties in our box and represented this data in a column graph.
In Geography we have focused on identifying the location of the natural, managed and constructed features of local places and the ways places change. Towards the end of our unit we reflected on the changes we have noticed at school this year. Our task was to write a proposal describing a new play space for Rosary School.
I wonder if Mrs Hennessy will approve any of them?

A member of our school community volunteers for the Emergency Assistance program at The Magdalene Centre in Adelaide. This centre provides support to people in crisis by providing relief through the provision of food, clothing, pharmacy, blankets etc.
The centre has just acquired 2 new book shelves and we need your help to fill them. Adults and children frequent the centre so a mixture of both books would be appreciated.
Books can be dropped in a box in Susan’s office and will be collected from there.

Each classroom now has a container for items donated to the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. We encourage all families to assist our young people to donate items over the next few weeks to Vinnies, in supporting those members of our local community who are doing it particularly tough at the moment.
We have just over three weeks until we break for Christmas,and we would love all classrooms to be filled with items, as we support Vinnies in the incredible work that they do.

All money goes to St Vincent De Paul
Jubilee Court 8.20am
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Second Hand Uniform Sale / 8.30 am
Rosary Carols Evening
Rosary / Prospect Primary Colour Run
End of Year Whole School Mass
Back to school (Tuesday)
Secondhand School Uniform Sale

OSHC Vacation Program

Our Vacation Care programs encourage children to be involved in a variety of fun and exciting activities, including art, craft, cooking, sport, dance and drama. Children also go on excursions to exciting destinations.
Click below to view the scheduled activities:
QKR - (order and pay for school items)

School Stream App

Campus School Wear

To view pricing, click on the link below:
Rose Buds @ Rosary Playgroup

Rosebuds Playgroup is for young children and their parents to come together as a community.
Commencing Week 2 of each school term - follow our facebook page (RoseBuds@Rosary Playgroup) for additional notifications.
Rosebuds Playgroup
Rosary Parish Hall
14 Barker Road
Prospect 5082
Mondays 9.15am to 10.45am
Click below to download the enrolment form: