Week 6 Term 4 2024

Dear Rosary Community
The end of the year is a very busy time for teachers. They have spent hours on assessments, report writing and discerning the best class placement for each child At the same time, they continue planning and delivering the curriculum. They do deserve a special thank you at this time of year!
2025 Staff
Reception Olimpia Calleja, Giselle de Klerk, Katia Pedersen, Amy Ramsey
Year 1 Angela D’Amico, Rebecca Marshall, Shannon Mawhinney
Year 2 Suzanna Nowosilskyj & Laura Pedron, Nicole Telfer, Inge Wishart
Year 3 Maria Bocaccio & Zenya Lodenstein, William Brown, Annabel Parletta
Year 4 Josephine Bolingbroke, Christopher Byrne, Genevieve O’Donnell
Year 5 Hannah Andersen, Pelle Chiuchiolo, Lucy Dutton
Year 6 Bernadette Basile, Catherine Morrisson
PE Brenton Campbell
P Arts Kimberly Slattery
Italian Pia Totani-Cirocco and Lucia Mitchell
Library Katherine Turner
Leader of Inclusion and Diversity – Maria Boccaccio
Leader of Learning – Seva Maitianos
APRIM Yet to be appointed
Deputy Principal Caroline Price
Principal Susan Hennessy
Education Support Officers
Melanie Fazio, Karin Skinner, Margaret Moshos, Toe Adams, Sarah Burns, Joe D’Angelo, Sonia De Vito, Sarah Catalano, Emelia Placucci, Sandra Piscioneri, Rebecca Richards, Anna Varsos, Joy Robinson, Jorja Smith, Grace Solomon, Wendy Terranova, Larissa Youels, Yamini Weling, Victoria Feltrin.
We look forward to welcoming some new staff to Rosary School in 2025. Existing staff not returning to Rosary School will be farewelled in Week 9 of this term.
A highlight for me each year is the school concert or carols night. I am looking forward to seeing you all at our Rosary School Concert on Friday, 29th November!
Kind regards

Vinnies Christmas Appeal
As in previous years, we are supporting the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. We encourage all members of our community to contribute any of the items listed until the last day of Term 4.
We encourage families, if they can, to support us and Vinnies in any way possible.
The Vinnies volunteers are happy to accept any donations for their Christmas hampers. The items that they are looking to collect are:
Thank you in advance for your support of this very worthwhile cause.
Rosary Family Mass
We will celebrate our next Parish Family Mass this Sunday at 10am at Our Lady of the Rosary Church.
It will be an extra special community celebration, with ex-Rosary School student Reuben Calleja once agin leading us in song during our mass.
In addition, there will be a barbecue after mass for all to enjoy.
Stephen Campion

Last week Rosary hosted 4 instrumental concerts over Wednesday and Thursday evenings in our Performing Arts space. These evenings celebrated the talents of our piano, guitar, ukelele and harmonica students. We thank the students for their practice preparing for the concerts and their courage performing to a live audience. Our student compères Amelia, Chrissa, Martika and Canden did a fantastic job ensuring the concert ran smoothly. Congratulations everyone! It was great to have a supportive audience sharing the talents of our students.
We thank our talented instrumental tutors Denise Haddad and Won Lee (piano) and John Edwards (guitar, ukelele, and harmonica) for their support and preparation of our students and the wonderful success all experienced. Congratulations everyone!
The instrumental concerts also offered Rosary’s newest marimba ensemble “The Magical Marimba Masters” or “Triple M” for short the opportunity to perform and share their learning and showcase their talents to family and friends. We congratulate Triple M on their first performance and look forward to many more.
Kimberly Slattery
Performing Arts Teacher
Instrumental Music Coordinator
Choir Trainer

Term 4 in 1RM has been busy so far!
We began dancing, singing and running around with our friends at the R-1 Disco. Thank you to the P & F for organising another memorable Rosary Disco.
Football is one of our favourite sports and we were lucky enough to participate in a SANFL clinic. We had lots of fun practicing kicking, handballing and marking.
Mathematics and Digital Technology have been integrated this term. The children have been exploring algorithms and developing their coding skills. With a partner, they used Bee-Bots to practice coding a sequence of instructions to move their Bee-Bots through a maze. It was amazing to witness the celebrations and excitement when they successfully achieved this!
In Mathematics, we also had a lot of fun outside measuring and comparing the capacity of different containers using sand and water.
As we come towards the end of another school year we are grateful for so many wonderful memories together.
Here are some of our highlights from 2024:
Milla - Zoo excursion
Lexi - Painting
Frankie - Swimming
Nicholas - Sport
Christian - Science
Henry - Addition
Izaya - Sports Day
Piper - Meeting new friends
Eve - Colouring in
Mila - Making friends
Romeo - Making butterflies
Leo - Playing soccer with friends
Ariana - Maths
Eadie - Religion
Aliyah - Persuasive writing
Harvey R - Sports Day
Harvey S - Swimming
Phoenix - Having fun with friends

Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
School Concert
End of Term 4
Book a Chat
Back to School 2025
End of Year Concert

Please mark this date on your calendar. Week 7 of Term 4 on Friday 29th November 2024. Rosary School presents “Let Me Entertain You A Journey Through The Decades.”
P & F Fundraiser

Fundraising with Entertainment
Your purchase of an Entertainment Membership contributes to our fundraising. Help us achieve our goal by sharing this link with your friends and family.
Thanks for your support!
P & F
Click below to purchase:

Code Camp 2025

Rosary School is offering an After School Co-curricular opportunity for children in Years 2-6. Please see the attached flyer and register your interest directly with Code Camp.