Week 8 Term 4 2021

Each week I receive the Prospect/North Adelaide Parish Newsletter – Dominews. Last Sunday was the first Sunday of Advent and Fr Paul reminded us that this is the proper time to make 'new year resolutions'. It is a time for spiritual ambition, a time to think and take action to be the sort of people God calls us to be. He suggests it could be about prayer, maybe about mending relationships, or about making choices for the environment or social justice. Advent is a time of hoping, longing, expectation, preparation. Sounds like getting ready for Christmas and that is what it is!
Over the past couple of weeks you have certainly been committed to social justice and helping get ready for Christmas. The staffroom is overflowing with donations for St Vincent de Paul. I thank you for your generosity and for the extraordinary way you support and promote our Catholic identity.
This year we farewell 21 graduating families from the Rosary School Community - the Astor, Banasiak, Bianca, Crisanti, Diaz, Dukuly, Eiffe, Gunson, Hammond, Jukic, Kozlovic, Kuna, Marcucci, Mehra, Orlovic, Rapisarda, Robins, Sarbu, Tokic-Bensley, Vu, Wade and Zurcher families. We thank them all for the contributions they have made in our community and wish them all the best as they support their children through secondary education.
Thank you for a wonderful year – it has been a privilege to have been part of such a wonderful school community. I hope you all have a happy and peaceful Christmas break.
As part of this newsletter we have put together a photo wall of all staff.

Click below to view the 2022 Staff List:

It has been a busy two terms for our Mid-Year Receptions!
This week we have been reflecting on some of our favourite memories of our time at school. These included:
- Seeing our teacher, Mrs Ramsey, every day
- Playing with our friends
- Playing on the playground
- Doing lots of activities
- Nature Play SA excursion
- 50 Days of School celebration
- Handwriting
- Maths
- Going to the cinema
- Spending time with our buddies in Mrs Mena’s class
- Learning about Christmas
It was hard to choose the best and most favourite memory for our reflection piece, but we all managed to think of something. We hope you enjoy looking at some of our favourite memories.

On Monday 29 November, Year 6 students experienced some of the Italian culture learnt throughout their Italian language learning at Rosary School. The students were able to enjoy authentic Italian cuisine at Cafe` di Roma. The students were able to make their own pizza using authentic ingredients and enjoy the food they had prepared. The students then finished off their meal with a lovely gelato.

Last Friday I had the pleasure of joining our Year 6 students at Semaphore for their Reflection Day. The students are to be commended on their engagement throughout the day. Congratulations to Maria and Sita on preparing a fun-filled purposeful day where students were given an opportunity to reflect on their time at Rosary School. One of the highlights of the day was Father Paul joining us to celebrate Liturgy and the opportunity to come together as a Year 6 community to enjoy each other’s company and celebrate on their year as leaders of Rosary School.
Seva Maitianos

Our Year 1 children celebrated “Gratefulness” at their Liturgy last week. They shared beautiful prayers and sentiments with a reflection on all the things they are grateful for. Thank you to Father Paul for leading our Liturgy, our Year 1 teachers for preparing the children and our Year 1 students for their active participation. It was fabulous to share this celebration with our families, and we thank them for joining us.

Congratulations to our Reception children who celebrated their Advent Liturgy this morning.
They gathered to reflect on this special time of preparation in getting ready for the coming of Jesus. Thank you to the families who were able to join us and our Reception teachers for their organisation and support of our Reception students who read and sang so beautifully.

Last week our students from Year 5 visited Prospect Community Garden as part of the “Growing Local in Prospect Project”. They participated in a workshop and information session with a focus on nature education. The session included a tour of the garden with an emphasis on environmental sustainability and learning about local native plants. They were fortunate to have the opportunity to create an environmental Mandala. The local excursion was enjoyed by all.

On Monday 6th December we will be celebrating our End of Year Mass. We will gather and reflect on all the ways we have shown inclusivity by focussing on our 2021 theme “Together at the Table” through our school wide focus on the pillar of prayer. Due to continued COVID restrictions we will only be able to invite our Year 6 families (2 family members per student). Our Year 6 students will be presented at this Mass and be given the opportunity to handover their leadership with the “Ceremony of Light” and “Year 6 to 5 handover”. We look forward to a time when we can invite everyone to our celebrations so for now, we thank you for your understanding and support.

As this will be our final newsletter for 2021, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support this year. Working in partnership with families is important to provide our children with many opportunities to become thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires. Wishing you and your families a safe and blessed Christmas and the warmest wishes for the New Year.

It’s hard to believe that 2021 is almost over. It has been such a big year. We welcomed a new Principal, said goodbye to a Deputy Principal and continued to adapt to our ever-changing environment. It is safe to say that 2021 has been one of the P&F’s biggest one yet. Despite all the challenges COVID has thrown at us, we were still able to provide the Rosary Community with the following initiatives and events:
- Rosary Parents & Friends Night at The Cali
- Mother’s & Father’s Day Stall
- Mother’s Day morning tea and donation going to Catherine House
- School Disco
- Dr Tom Nehmy: Health Minds Presentation
- ‘Show Us Your Colours’ Trivia and Games Night
- Year 6 graduation gifts
- Iceblocks in Terms 1 & 4
- Hot Chocolates Terms 2 & 3
All these events would not be possible without all the help and dedication of the volunteers and committee members. A special mention must go to the 2021 committee members: Lora Papa (chairperson), Lisa Pannuti (secretary), Teresa Cocca (treasurer), Jake Graziani, Anthony Graziani, Catherine Schumacher, Helen Lynn, Melanie Melino, Christina Borg, Nicole Mertens, Nadia Looker, Sonia Morgante, Hamish MacKenzie, Ali Fiske, Susan Hennessy and Lisa McCormick.
We have already started planning 2022 events and we hope it will be bigger and better than 2021. If you would like to become part of the P&F, the first meeting of 2022 will be in Term 1, Week 3, 7pm in the staffroom. We will be electing office bearer positions and continue planning for 2022.
We wish you a happy and safe festive season and look forward to seeing you all in 2022.
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Year 6 Graduation Dinner
End of Term 4
Student Free Day
Back to school (Tuesday)
Prospect Council

Prospect Parish Church

There will be a Nativity Play at Rosary Church on Friday 24th December at the 6pm Mass. If children would like to be included we will be preparing during Children’s Liturgy at the 10am Mass on Sundays and we would love to see them.