Week 9 Term 1 2024

Dear Rosary Community
What wonderful liturgical celebrations the students have led this week to acknowledge the most important week in our Church – Holy Week and Easter. I thank the students, teachers, Mr Campion and Fr Paul for the planning, preparation and the prayerful liturgical presentations.
May your Easter weekend be a time of remembering Jesus’ suffering and death and celebrating the joy of his resurrection. May the additional chocolate consumed over the weekend be a reminder of the the new life that Jesus offers us by rising up with our hearts renewed full of trust and faith in the love God has for each one of us.
Congratulations to Max (5LD) and Cooper (5HA) who were selected to represent the North Adelaide region at the SAPSASA Softball State Championships this week.
Cooper said his favourite part about the tournament was; “during the first match of the second day, the opposition hit a fly ball, I caught it and their batter went out. I then threw the ball to third base and got another player out.
We had a lot of fun over the three days and the team was made up of a really nice bunch of boys from different schools”.
Overall for the three days they had 2 wins, 4 losses and a draw.
School Board News
School Board News
A small group of parents gathered for the School Annual General Meeting on Tuesday night. I spoke briefly to the School Performance Report and the 2024 Annual Improvement Plan, both available on the School Website.
We had a number of continuing Board Members: Carina Sando, Tess Cocca, Laura Re, Amy Delvins and James Ly. We thank them for their commitment in 2023 and look forward to working together in 2024 to ensure that Rosary School is a place of inclusivity, welcome and where all children are provided with a high quality education.
We received three nominations for positions on the School Board: Sally Frossinakis, Troy Sokol and Anthony Graziani. At the AGM it was agreed to accept these nominations and increase the size of the Board in 2024. We look forward to working with Sally, Troy and Anthony in 2024.
At the AGM we farewelled, Fr Paul Rankin (President of the School Board) and Rebecca Moore who has been part of the board for the past seven years and Chairperson since 2021. Both Fr Paul and Rebecca have been a wonderful support for me during the first three years of my work here at Rosary and I will miss the guidance and wisdom.
A reminder about our pupil free days on Friday 12 April and Monday 29 April. Please contact YMCA should you need Out of School Hours Care on either of these two days.
See you next Tuesday!

Holy Week
We have come to the end of Lent today, the period of 40 days (not including Sundays) which comes before Easter, traditionally a time of fasting and reflection. The 40 days represents the time Jesus spent in the desert overcoming temptation by Satan.
In Western Christianity, it begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday.
During the course of this week, we have witnessed four beautiful liturgical celebrations prepared by our Reception classes, our Year 1s, our Year 5s and Year 6.
The themes covered by our students across our four liturgies have included how Jesus is our Inspiration during Holy Week and throughout our life; how the Events of Holy Week illustrate Jesus' unconditional love for us; a reflection on the symbols of Holy Week and on Holy Thursday a re-enactment of the events of Holy Week.
Each of these liturgies have enabled our students, staff and families to reflect once again on the significance of the Easter story in our lives. I sincerely thank all of those students and staff involved in the preparation of each of our liturgical celebrations.

Project Compassion
A sincere thank you to all students and families who have returned their Project Compassion to school. Many of our families have committed to raising necessary funding to support he work of Caritas.
I will feedback to the community the outcome of our fundraising efforts once we have the final total.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
On Thursday April 4, we have forty-three Rosary students who will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
I invite all members of the Rosary community to say a prayer for these young people as they continue their sacramental journey.
Please find below the times for Easter Mass times at Our Lady of the Rosary Church and St Laurence's Church.
Stephen Campion

We have had a wonderful start to the year getting to know each other and participating in many exciting activities.
In our English curriculum, students have been engaged in an exploration of causal explanation writing, intertwined with their Science unit on the Water Cycle.
Through a scaffolded approach, students have honed their skills in crafting compound and complex sentences, using conjunctions, and mastering cause-and-effect relationships.
In addition to their exploration of the Water Cycle, students have delved into the imaginative worlds of Roald Dahl's novel 'Matilda'. Through this fictional adventure, students have further developed their reading and comprehension skills, immersing themselves in Dahl's imaginative narratives and timeless characters.
We investigated area and perimeter by making a square metre with newspaper . At the end of our task, we made four square metres and understood more about the importance of measurement.
Harmony Day
Last week, we celebrated Harmony Day and were excited to share our different cultures.
We also took part in a Tennis Clinic as well as Clean Up Australia Day.
Annabel Parletta & Pelle Chiuchiolo
Rosary School, Prospect
Important Dates
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival
Year 5 Camp (El Shaddai)
Year 4 Camp (Aldinga Beach)
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
2024 School Fees

An early payment discount of 5% is applicable to the net tuition fee (gross fee less all applicable discounts and technology fees) if paid in full by the end of Term 1, Friday, 12 April 2024.
If no payment is received by 12 April 2024, the Finance Team will make contact with you unless a continuous direct debit (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) commences immediately. Accounts are to be paid in full by 08 November 2024.

Vacation Care 15-26 April program

Our Vacation Care programs encourage children to be involved in a variety of fun and exciting activities, including art, craft, cooking, sport, dance and drama.
Children also go on excursions to exciting destinations. All bookings will be open once the program is released, which is on Monday week 6 of every term.
Click on the link below to download the program:

Win a Matida's Family Pass!

Up for grabs is a family pass for one lucky family that enrols in any PlayStart Soccer program by May 5th
PlayStart Soccer Classes at Prospect Primary School will be running from Monday 29th April (Week 1, Term 2) from 3:30pm - 4:20pm on the PPS Oval. The weekly sessions will be every Monday after school for seven weeks
PlayStart Soccer’s program is for Reception – Year 3 children looking to learn new and improve existing skills. Whether your child is wanting to get a start in soccer or just stay active for 50 mins afterschool, this is a great way to tick those boxes!
If any further info is needed, please email Andrew at soccer@playstart.com.au or call on 0401 410 465
Our 7 week program can be booked easily online at https://playstart.com.au/afterschool-programs/and we also accept the SA Government Sports Vouchers (save $100!)."