
We are a strong and inclusive community - a partnership of caring staff and committed parents working together to give our children the best opportunities to learn, develop and thrive.

By enrolling your child you are part of the Rosary School community.  We work together in partnership, to ensure your child or children become thriving people, capable learners and leaders in a world God desires.  There are always ways to become more involved, whether that is helping in various school events, being involved in the School Board or Parents and Friends, or our sports program. 

Becoming a volunteer

We are passionate about the safety of all in our school community.

As such, we require volunteers to be part of a Volunteers Induction Course.

Becoming a volunteer at Rosary School consists of four steps:

  1. Complete a Volunteer Application Form
  2. CESA Police Check
  3. Participation in our Induction Course
  4. RAN Training for Volunteers

Induction Courses are run throughout the year. If you are considering being involved as a volunteer (which includes up-and-coming excursions, camps and sports terms) you will need to attend one of these workshops.

Please contact the School Office for more information.