A huge congratulations to the Year 5/6 students for being awarded the Wakakirri Cultural Celebration Story Award, along with being awarded a 2023 National Award Nominee. The work, dedication, teamwork, commitment and courage demonstrated by the children is something that they should be very proud of.Thanks again to teachers and parents for their support of the Wakakirri event.
What a weekend it was! As a Catholic community, we had travelled on the sacramental journey with our Year 4 students as they prepared to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion.
At each of our three sacramental celebrations last Saturday and Sunday, Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Church was packed to capacity. Our young people, their parents, siblings, sponsors, grandparents and extended family members enthustistically attended. However, the focus was very much on our young people as they completed their Sacraments of Initiation. In receiving the body of Christ for the first time and confirming their baptismal vows and thus becoming full members of the Catholic Church, they made huge steps in their commitment to their faith life in the Catholic Church.
We encourage our Year 2 students and their families to start the conversation in preparation for their sons and daughters to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Year 3. It would also be a good time for our current Year 3 students to start the conversation at home regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Holy Communion in Year 4.
We look forward to assisting you in preparing for these sacraments in 2024.
Stephen Campion
Last week our Year 2 teachers led Staff Prayer focussing on the Seasons of Lent and our committment as Catholics at this time to prayers, almsgiving and fasting They share with us some of our Year 2s' Lenten promises.
We have had a wonderful start to our fundraising for Caritas' Project Compassion Appeal. Two weeks into Lent, our community has so far raised $790. This testifies to the generosity of our community and also to the fact that we are responsive to the needs of those who are less well off than us, both in our own local community and accross our world.
On Thursday 6 May 2021 school and education sector leaders from across the state will come together to raise important funds and awareness for the most vulnerable people in our local communities.
Dear Rosary Community
As a Catholic community we are now in the season of Lent. This week we celebrated Shrove Tuesday, a day that has traditionally been a ‘feast’ day before the start of Lent. Lent was a time when families would empty their homes of luxurious food items such as eggs and sugar in the anticipation of Lent beginning the following day. I thank our parent helpers and Mrs Caroline Price for the pancakes on Tuesday – an important way we are able to acknowledge that the Lenten season is about to begin.
Thank you to our Year 5/6 Teachers for preparing a fun and engaging leadership day.
In this newsletter there is an information about the Parents and Friends social gathering, the Rosary School AGM, nominations to the School Board and the school working bee. It would be great to have as many parents as possible at these community events.
Yesterday the school community gathered to mark the beginning of Lent with an Ash Wednesday Liturgy in the school gym. Many thanks to Father Paul for leading us.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, the 40-day journey to the most important time in the Church’s calendar – Easter. Lent is a special time for growing and changing and provides an opportunity for us to think about the example of Jesus’ life. We try to be more like Jesus, especially with our theme this year, ‘Together at the Table’ and how we can be more inclusive of others, just as Jesus extended table fellowship with all.
Dear Rosary Community
On Tuesday this week Dr Neil McGoran, Director of Catholic Education released a video message of welcome for all familiesstaff and students that was published on the CESA Website and on our own Facebookpage. Dr Neil speaks about the importance of a community being together and reminds us that we are in partnership to support each child. This message also reminds us of the incredible gift of each child and that all our young people matter absolutely.
We have had a “flying start”! This is the term used at Rosary at the start of each year. It is the focus of Week 1 and 2 as children begin the school year. It is a time when we listen carefully to the children. Each child shares with the teacher/s who they are, often communicated both through words and art. Children have shared their interests, what they like to learn, how they like to learn, what they want to learn and some children have set themselves goals for 2021. Teachers also listened carefully to the parents in Book a Chat where we acknowledge our partnership and that you are the expert, you know your child best. I would like to thank both teachers and parents for their commitment to work together to support each child.
Dear Parent/Caregiver
The department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) has updated its information about fruit fly restrictions in South Australia.
This might change the types of fruit or vegetables your child can bring to school/preschool/child care. New colour coded maps for metropolitan Fruit_fly_outbreaks_map-Metro- and Riverland- Riverland residents show the red outbreak areas, yellow suspension areas, and green areas not affected by fruit fly.
Our school is located in a red outbreak area.