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Green Team News


 We caught a public bus which was a great way to help the environment. The first activity we participated in was ‘Bringing back the butterflies,’ which was run by a school who were working with their local council to bring back native butterflies. After hearing all about it, we now have some ideas to incorporate in our own butterfly garden.

We went to a talk run by the corporation ‘Roots and Shoots’ who spoke to us about what we can do to help reduce our plastic pollution. We then went to another talk that was all about bees and what attracts bees to our gardens. They showed us some great ideas to help bring bees to pollinate in our gardens, including bee hotels with different sized holes for the bees to go into.

A lady called Trish also told us about the importance of Wetlands and how the Botanic Gardens recycles old storm water, filters it so that it can be used around the garden and to provide homes for all the water animals in the garden. There was a really cool path that went through the wet lands made of stones that was really fun to walk across. After that we had something to eat and headed back to school. It was a fun day and our green team from Rosary learnt a lot about how we can do more to help the environment. By Ruby Panzarino, 6CP