I am very excited to join this community and I look forward to meeting and working with you all. I have really enjoyed this week meeting the students, staff and parents and would like to thank you for your generous welcome.
The children were so excited to be back at school and I enjoyed hearing their stories about their families and their holidays.Please feel free to come up and introduce yourselves.
I will be in the yard each morning and afternoon, or if you wish to see me to discuss something please make a time at the front office. On my first visit last term I was very impressed by the staff and students who were engaged in their learning activities and their willingness to share their ideas with me.
One of my passions is students’ thinking, especially mathematical thinking and I look forward to spending some time in classrooms with students as they engage in their learning.
Next week we are offering Parent / Teacher meetings - these meetings provide an opportunity to meet and discuss the progress towards your child’s learning goals and report, as well as any other relevant information.
If you have not already made a time, please ensure that you do because we value our collaborative partnership in supporting your child’s learning
Both the letter that came with your child’s reports and the school website, all have the information about how to book into the interview meeting.
Kind regards
Trish O'Toole