St Dominic lived a life of compassion, contemplation and action inspired by his faith in Jesus Christ. As you are aware Rosary School identifies with the Dominican charism, which is largely characterized by the Dominican Pillars of prayer, study, community and ministry along with ‘Veritas’ or lifelong search for truth.
This year our focus is on the pillar of ‘Service’ or ‘Ministry’ through our theme, ‘A Heart that Sees’. All classes have been exploring this concept across the curriculum through the lens of Catholic Social Teachings.
The students have been learning to understand what the pillar of ministry means and the actions we can take to ensure we live out ‘a heart that sees’ in our daily lives. I have observed many students in the yard and in classrooms implementing these actions including Declan and Tony in year 5BB.
They approached me as I was supporting two new Transition students into the recess and lunch time play. They offered to teach the boys how to play some games. Both Declan and Tony were very mindful in how they introduced each game, ensuring the little children understood the rules, each child had a turn at leading and most importantly were having lots of fun.
Over the next few weeks we will begin our planning for the 2021 school year in terms of staffing, class placements and strategic plans. To support us in this planning, last week we sent home a form for each family to fill in.
Please ensure you return it by Monday 17th of August. We will endeavour to accommodate all families’ requests where possible.
We have decided to reinstate the GroundForce Dance program for Term 4. However, it will be different to last year. All of the classes will participate in the program over a six-week period.
This year our Transition classes will join the program and will have 4 weeks of lessons whilst our R-6 classes will participate in a 6 week program. At the end of the 6 weeks we hope to offer each year level an opportunity to perform to their parents in a rolling program. This will replace the concert which is not possible at this stage given the restrictions.
The Sports day is also being reinstated in Term 4, however, we will have to wait until closer to the date to determine what the event will look like and ways parents may be able to participate. Over the last week Nadine, Lisa and I have been meeting with different companies to explore the options for commencing a School based OSHC program for 2021.It is our intention to have the company selected by the end of this term to enable time to establish the service in plenty of time before school begins.
Reminder for safe drop offs and pick ups I would like to remind parents to please be mindful not to park in the drop off Zone when dropping off or picking up your children and to only park in designated areas.
It is important not to use the bus zone or the disabled carpark without the permit visible.