The preparation was a joint effort between the families, parish and the school. Fr Paul was joined by a caring and friendly band of Dominican priests who helped the children to feel at ease, be forgiven by God and ready to try to let go of poor habits and make fresh starts.
The children's rainbows decorated the walls showing the themes we had focused on in understanding reconciliation and their "Wanted" posters depicted the type of attributes we aim to build, in being peacemakers in our lives.
Thank you to the children in Year 3 who supported each other in this learning, to the families for being active role models in their children's faith journey and for all the staff at Rosary who work actively in teaching the ways of Jesus.
We especially thank Mrs McCormick and Mrs Price for their work behind the scenes to create such a beautiful celebration. As Fr Paul said "May it be the first of many reconciliations that you celebrate throughout life".
Ms C & Mr T