Over the next two terms, teachers will continue to explore the new curriculum with the hope of full implementation in classrooms in 2021.
We are excited to see the introduction of the new ‘Wisdom Strand’, an integrated strand that focuses on ‘deep skills’ such as the values, attitudes and dispositions that students require to be active and engaged citizens of the 21st century.
According to Pope Francis in 2014, wisdom “is simply this: Seeing the world, situations, conjunctures, problems, everything with God's eyes. Wisdom is what the Holy Spirit does within us so that we can see everything with God's eyes. This is the gift of wisdom”.
The ‘Wisdom Strand’ also recognises that students of RE develop these skills as learners alongside their growth in knowledge and understanding.
The ‘Knowledge Strands’ include:
• God, Us and Faith
• Sacred Texts
• Church for the World
• Moral Life
• Prayer and Sacramentality