The type of information you may like to share could fall into a number of needs that your child has, social/emotional, learning, physical and behavioural. It is important that students have a range of teachers, so they can experience different styles and develop different strengths over the years.
We discourage parents requesting specific teachers. Also, each year teachers have the opportunity to change the year level that they teach. There is no need to request friends for your child as every student has the opportunity to do this as part of the process.
Our teaching staff will spend a considerable amount of time placing children into classes. This is a complex organisational task. Teacher judgement about the points below and the structure that best suits the learning needs of the whole year level need to be taken into consideration. We will aim to make “balanced” classes:
Once the process is finished, it is extremely difficult to entertain further input from parents because the movement of one child will more than likely impact other children in the class and the balance that we work hard to achieve.
In previous years, if you have put something in writing, you must do this again this year if it is still relevant. Do not take it for granted that additional information from a previous year will still be applied.
Remember the cut-off date for sharing additional information about your child is Friday September 27th.
Damian Weeks