Susan is a very relational person, who has a deep faith, strong knowledge of curriculum, learning and pedagogy.
She is passionate about Rosary School Community and I know you will all be very impressed with her leadership and enjoy working with her, as she will with you.
I wish you all the very best and future success. In a year of unmatched impact on the way we live and work, we say thank you for the support that you have shown to each other and the school.
Whether you are a parent, child or staff member we got there in the end - and we did it together!
For our year 6 graduating classes you have been resilient and adaptable! Thank you for your contributions - you have triumphed in an extraordinary time.
Our staff have been dedicated to the care and wellbeing of the children in our community. They have worked in different ways in order to ensure your child could keep up with learning and growth. We are here for you, no matter your personal circumstances. If you are financially impacted by COVID-19 and school fees are causing any concern, please come and speak to us so we can arrange relief and remission.
We do not want any child to leave our school because of concern over school payments.
We wish to farewell those families that are leaving and thank you for your significant dedication and contribution to the Rosary School commumity.
We will be farewelling the following staff at the end of term from Rosary School; Louise Rullo, Adrienne Veall, Taris Misajilo, Amanda Coombe, Anna Schultz, Marina Genito, Melissa Gatto, Kimberly Slattery (parenting leave), Adam West (12 months leave), Georgia Camerlengo, Rebecca Richards and Amanda Simcock.
We would like to thank each of them for their unique gifts, talents, dedication and contribution to Rosary School.