Primary Mathematics Association Powerful Learners Mathematics and Numeracy Challenge
In 2019, 5 classes entered into this Challenge and our hard work was recognised by all these classes receiving awards. This is an amazing achievement as the competition was open to all state, independent and catholic schools with many entries submitted for judging.
Year 4 completed an investigation on ‘It’s Anniversary Time, Apollo 11’ and were the state winners of this category.
Year 2SM completed an investigation on The Story of Mathematics and won a Highly Commended Award
Year 6 investigated Mathematics and Sport and were also awarded a Highly Commended Award.
We are so proud of these classes as they not only demonstrated the ability to work collaboratively together but they were able to effectively use creative and critical reasoning skills. Students were also able to transfer their knowledge of mathematics into their everyday lives and use the proficiency strands and the general capabilities from the Australian Curriculum effectively.
The Award Ceremony was on November 1st at the Findon Convention Centre where representatives from these classes were presented with medals from the Minister of Education, John Gardner. Congratulations to all staff and students in these classes!
Numerical Acumen
As a school it was decided to participate in the Numerical Acumen Challenge which aims to improve the accuracy and speed of students in recalling basic number facts as well as learning to use their brain as a calculation device.
As reported in a previous newsletter, Rosary School was again successful in winning many individual and class awards as well as taking home the highly coveted award of the 2019 Inspirational School of the Year. Another fantastic effort from Rosary School!
Maths Investigations within the Classrooms
Many classes presented interesting and engaging mathematics investigations within the classroom in Term 3 and these were showcased to other students within the school.
The depth and quality of the work presented really showed that mathematics is alive at Rosary School!
Living, Learning and Leading Framework
The Rosary Staff are very excited with the implementation of the Living, Learning and Leading Framework which has been developed by the Catholic Education Office.
It has given us a clear guide of how we can help students develop the skills and capabilities to become ‘thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires.
At Rosary School, we are all very committed in providing a curriculum that is of high quality which prepares our students for the skills needed in the 21st Century.
Annabel Parletta