You will find quite a bit of information in this newsletter about the School’s AGM. There are a few vacant positions on the School Board for which nominations are now being called. Please give this your consideration.
The first meeting of the year was held this week and there were a number of very exciting topics that are moving forward this year.
Master Planning
We are taking the next step with our School’s Master Plan. The decision has been made to send our Master Plan Brief to three Architects for their consideration.
We will offer the Architects a chance to attend a meeting at our School to walk them through our site and the Brief. From there we’ll ask for a return brief and fee proposal from each team, which we can assess.
Pending on the strength of these, we can take an additional step of a formal interview, if required, prior to making a decision, on which Firm to engage.
That Firm will then design our Master Plan.
Master planning is a strategic process for creating and documenting a vision and road map for the future development of a school’s site and its facilities. It takes into account learning environments as well as future enrolments, educational requirements and community expectations.
You may recall we started our Master Planning journey last May, at our Community Involvement Meeting and followed this up with a community survey to everyone in our community. This provided a second chance to engage in the information gathering process.
Olympic Sports Festival Week Friday (May 25th - 29th)
We are planning on holding an Olympic Sports Festival Week where children will have the opportunity to be involved in a number of sporting activities during the week.
The aim of the week is:
This would include a WHOLE SCHOOL SPORTS SPECTACULAR (Thursday, May 28th) which will be held at SA Athletics Stadium (Mile End).
Children will be bussed to and from the venue. Children will move through a number of athletic events (modified events for the younger children).
The focus will be on participation. Each class will work on their own and rotate between events as a class.
OSHC Program at Rosary School
With no new enrolments being accepted into the Prospect PS program from term 4 last year, we announced the beginning of our investigation into establishing our own OSHC program.
At the end of last year, we began working with the Catholic Education Office on this.
It is a long process and may take up 12 months as there is a lot of “red” tape to get through. The School Board has approved the next step in the process, which is an expression of interest survey to parents regarding potential usage.
I hope to have this ready for the next newsletter.
Damian Weeks