Restrictions are in place for people who have recently returned to Australia from Iran or mainland China, with the following advice issued to staff and parents about attendance at schools and early childhood facilities.
In the following scenarios you cannot attend school or an early childhood centre:
- If you have left, or transited through Iran on or after 1 March - you must isolate yourself until 14 days after leaving Iran.
- If you have left or transited through mainland China - you must isolate yourself until 14 days after leaving China.
- If you have been in close contact with a confirmed case of novel coronavirus - you must isolate yourself for 14 days after last contact with the confirmed case.
- At this stage, the Federal Government advises that travellers from Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, Italy and Cambodia who have not been to mainland China or Iran are not required to self-isolate unless they are unwell, in which case they should seek medical assistance.
Practising good hygiene Everyone can protect against infections by practising good hygiene.
Encourage all children and staff to: wash their hands regularly, particularly after using the toilet and before eating avoid spreading infections to others by keeping children home if they are unwell cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue Resources and posters are available from SA Health.