At Rosary School we have released two communications to families over the past 7 days. In today’s newsletter we share these communications again, in case you have missed them. You may be interested to know that we have a re-focussed cleaning effort on the following:
- door handles disinfected
- light switches disinfected
- phones and keyboards disinfected
- hard surfaces disinfected (bench tops, desks)
- floors disinfected (kitchen and toilets)
- handrails disinfected
- control panel in lift disinfected
- cleaners wear appropriate PPE
- cleaners follow colour coded guide when moping and wiping surfaces, cleaning different areas to minimise the risk of bacteria transfer between the cleaning zones etc.
This week we have cancelled the Italian Cultural day and shut down the sandpit.
Thank you to our teachers who have been diligent with their approach to the week and their work with your children.
Thank you to those parents that have made contact about keeping children at home because they are showing signs of being unwell and at times keeping children at home because the parents are unwell.
If we could ask parents to continue to do the following:
- Talk to students about the importance of washing hands
- Any student with a temperature must be kept home
- Any student with flu like symptoms must be kept at home
- Continue to talk with your children about how they can keep themselves healthy (see the School’s first communication)
Finally, I would like to remind our community about what happens if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus in the school:
- The school will communicate with families and follow the advice from relevant authorities, like SA Health.
- It is likely the school would close for at least 24 hours while it is cleaned, and health authorities trace virus contact between individuals.
- Health authorities will declare that the school has followed all expected protocols and allow the school to reopen.
- The school will keep you informed during any closure period via the SchoolStream App, School Website and if possible through written communication.
- Parents would be advised when students are able to return.
It is also worth noting the change in language from our country’s leaders. Yesterday the Prime Minister was very clear that schools would stay open. This morning the Premier said a number of times that schools will stay open, at this stage.
Damian Weeks