At the end of the holiday’s we sent out, via SchoolStream, the plan for remote learning.
This communication is reproduced in this newsletter in case you missed it.
Thank you to those parents who have kept a strict adherence to the drop off and pick up situation.
It can be a little inconvenient but it is an effort to keep us all as safe as possible.
This term we have also added cleaning of all playground railings to help with the children’s safety. For those children learning at home the video conferencing has been a big hit (especially when it works).
Teachers have been very creative with how they have gone about this and even the children at school have been enjoying the experience.
This afternoon I will be attending a meeting of all Principals in the SA Catholic system.
This will be done via video conferencing.
One of the big topics for discussion is the mode of schooling. If there are any changes we will communicate this to families tomorrow.
You can also find our School Performance Report in this newsletter.
Lastly, a big thank you to our teachers! I know many of them have spent a considerable amount of their holidays preparing for this term.
On return to school they have been extremely flexible with the working week and have done this in a calm and professional way, even when the technology has let us down.
On behalf of our community I would like to thank them all very much.
Stay safe, Damian Weeks