We will continue to review the fee situation for individual families and the school as a whole. We understand that many families within our community have lost employment, had hours of work significantly reduced, have businesses which have been forced to close or those who have found themselves in a position where income has been otherwise significantly affected.
Rosary School is offering the following immediate relief options to assist families who can demonstrate a change in financial circumstances as a result of COVID-19
• Delay, suspension or cancellation of your regular payments
• Full fee remission for 3 months, after which your situation can be reassessed
• Fee negotiation for families who have already paid their full tuition fee for 2020
You may not be currently affected from a financial perspective, however should your circumstances change in the future please get in touch.
Actioning A Fee Remission
The simplest way to do this is to fill in the form “Request for Fee Assistance (COVID-19)" and emailed back to accounts@rosary.catholic.edu.au.
Our Finance team will work as quickly as possible to action requests and we thank you for your patience and continued support as we strive to work with you in a timely manner.
For further information or should you wish to discuss your situation further, please contact our Bursar, Melanie Fazio (Mon, Tues, Thurs) on 8343 5700 or via the email above.