Student quotes
"I felt privileged during that time and I was very proud of my artwork" – Anna
"I was inspired by Leah’s own artwork and this encouraged me to create some amazing art work" – Waverly
"The painting was great fun and Leah taught us to paint patterns for abstract artwork" – Lachlan
"Leah is a great art teacher and it felt good to make my own piece of art" – Josh
During the workshop, students brainstormed themes, experimented with mediums, and learnt about the differences between gallery spaces and street art murals. Students enthusiastically cut, pasted, and painted colourful designs within their chosen theme.
Year 2 students created their theme “I Miss You and I’m So Excited To See You”, relating to COVID-19 restrictions on friends and family but also the restrictions it has caused to visit art galleries.
Year 6 students voted their favourite theme to be; “I see happy patterns in the water”.
With the impact on COVD-19, the Art Gallery have been very innovative and will have a Live FB / Instragram Event for the Launch on Friday Night at 6:30pm.
The children’s art work will be projected as digital images onto the Newmarch Gallery window.
Workshop Date: Thursday 30th April 2020
Exhibition Opening Date: Friday 22nd May 2020
Exhibition Closing Date: Sunday 21st June 2020
Location: Newmarch Gallery, Payinthi, 128 Prospect Road