What does that mean for you though?
Can you think of a time when you might have felt a presence, known intuitively what to do next, had a sense of calm overtake you, had an idea just come to you, feel comforted alone?
How would you describe the presence of the Holy Spirit in you?
You might notice at school, that at this time you see various symbols that have come to be associated with the Holy Spirit and Pentecost. These are flame, wind, dove are the symbols along with the colour red.
What does this mean for our local context?
The Afungia Family
If Pentecost celebrates the birth of the church as the Holy Spirit was sent to the apostles to go out into the world and make disciples of others, maybe we can see this very sad death as a way for us to in fact be disciples of the world. Families here at Rosary have been generous in their offers of assistance, prayers and support for their children. What a wonderful example of the Holy Spirit at work. We pray for the whole family that the Holy Spirit is with them at this time and brings some comfort.
What does this mean for our world?
The nightmare of COVID-19, a global pandemic which none of us has ever experienced in any of our lifetimes, has wreaked havoc on so many lives across the globe. Everywhere the same sign on businesses appeared: "closed." The worldwide internet has never before had so much traffic with school lessons, meetings and work sessions all online.
People everywhere continue to connect online with loved ones, business partners, friends and acquaintances. International leaders try to work together; worldwide corporations in the public sector answer the clarion call for masks, ventilators and hospital beds.
For once, the world's people have tried to unite in the common efforts of care and concern as death tolls rise amid fears that have cut right into our cores, leaving us to wonder what life will be like once COVID-19 ceases to dominate the face of the Earth. COVID-19 has created gaping holes in the fabric of human life, regardless of race, creed, economic and ethnic background, orientation, gender or class.
Now a spirit of compassion, generosity, ingenuity, hospitality and creativity bonds the human species together, making us realize that despite our diversity, we are all one in this common global pandemic experience.
This "oneness," however, experienced through this pandemic is an invitation for the human community to reach deep within itself to discover what truly binds us one to another.
Certainly, the bond is not COVID-19 but rather, the Spirit of the divine poured into all creation, all life, all people.
Have we had time to reset?
Have we re-thought what is important and let go of what we don’t need?
Has it been a chance to think about how we live our best lives?W
What about how we have rallied to help each other?
It’s been global and Jesus wanted disciples across the globe….
Here are some examples of changing people for ever…
George Floyd
For us, as adults (too sensitive, violent for children)… I have been considering the recontexualisation of Pentecost and what is foremost in my mind is the death of George Floyd. Where can we see Jesus disciples as missionaries? Where can we see examples of other languages, religious, diversity and race? Everywhere! What is also present, is a lack of understanding, racism and violence. But……
Could this be the precipitous for a new way forward?
The birth of acceptance and the cessation of racism?
Could this unite us all?