To celebrate the End of Term 2, we will be having a casual day Friday.
The WILD WINTER Sports program gives children skills and confidence in a fun and enjoyable environment.
It encourages enthusiasm, participation and life skills that such involvement brings - giving confidence to join sports clubs and teams in the future.
Sessions will be facilitated under a COVID-19 safe outdoor sporting environment with
- social distance measures
- personal hygiene practices enforced
The Kelly Sports coaches aim to develop and enhance the wide range of sporting skills of your child including kicking, catching and throwing whilst also improving strength, flexibility, hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness, cooperative skills and teamwork.
The program is a fantastic way for your child to develop sporting skills essential for all sports and will inspire children to give sport a go.
Please note:
Term 3 recommences on Monday July 20
Term 4 will resume Tuesday 13 October (Monday 12th is a Pupil Free Day)
From the beginning of Term 3, Rosary school in accordance with Government Health advice will see an easing of restrictions as well as COVID safe plans introduced.
Not entering classroom buildings – this includes the Reception classes communal area where bags go.We cannot guarantee the 2m2 requirements.
Parents may see teachers in their classrooms for meetings that are made by appointment contacting the teacher directly.
3. Drop off and pick up – We highly encourage all families to continue this practice – especially those who have worked so hard to inspire independence in their children. It’s been so lovely to watch them thrive, carrying their bags in and smiling.
Gates will only be opened at 2:55pm and will close at 3:20pm.
Parents are to keep to all Government recommendations.
4. Library will reopen at lunchtimes for the children
5. Playgroup may recommence in Term 2, Week 2.
6. Volunteers will be allowed onsite (see separate information)
7. Uniform Shop will re-open
There will be an expectation that all adults entering the site will follow the Australian Government recommendations to:
PLAYGROUP – from Week 2, Term 3
WHEN: Wednesday 8:45am – 10:15am in the Hall
From Term 3 a gold coin donation will be required to attend
The following conditions apply:
We would appreciate the help from parents / adults to help clean throughout the session when required
FINALLY: If you or your child are unwell or experiencing any of the following……….you must stay away until you are well.
We can now announce that volunteers can return to various roles again in Term 3.
Here’s a list of possible options that may arise throughout a school year:
In order to volunteer at Rosary school, you must have completed the following:
Volunteer information package plus:
We must sight all original documentation. Then our school must register you with SAVA and complete an online security clearance.
Yes it’s onerous but it is our commitment to your children.
Monday 8am -9.00am
Friday 8am - 9.00am
Friday 2pm - 3.00pm
Only 2 people can be in the uniform shop at any given time.
In order to move forward with the Reconciliation Liturgies, we will now have these in individual school groups.
So, our Rosary school students will choose between Wednesday 5th August and Thursday 6th August at 7pm.
This will be held at St Laurence’s Church.
Please visit this link to book your session: https:///
Bookings open today and close on Friday 31st July.
We will reschedule our program dates once we have further information about how and when the actual ceremonies will take place.
So please note that the dates for the sessions as follows will be cancelled and we will update you next term: Week 2: Monday 27th July, Week 3: Monday 3rd August, Week 5: Monday 17th August, Week 7: Monday 31st August
Term 3 & 4 Sports Expression of Interest
Are you interested in playing after-school sport for Rosary School?
There is an Expression of interest form on the Trybooking system which we encourage you all to complete. It is a chance for Rosary school students to document what sports they are interested in playing.
This form is to assist the Rosary School Sports Committee in better understanding and planning around meeting the students interests in particular sports.
Due to COVID 19 restrictions easing, we have received late information in regards to netball and basketball commencing in term 3 , please ensure to submit your interest in these activities no later than 9th July 2020 on the EOI form.