News & Events


Parents & Friends

Wednesday 5th February, 2020

This is a great way to be involved in school life and help to nurture a community where “A Heart that Sees” is lived out through hospitality and support for various events.

Tuesday 11th February will be the first P&F meeting for 2020. Meetings are held Tuesday’s in weeks 3 & 7 every term. All parents are welcome to attend.

The meeting is at the school in the Meeting room/Staffroom.

Kelly Sports

Tuesday 4th February, 2020

The SIZZLING SUMMER Sports program allows your child to experience fun, energetic, safe and highly active multi-sports sessions which will challenge and improve your child’s motor and co-ordination skills

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News from the Principal

Thursday 5th December, 2019

Dear Families We had a fantastic event last night at the Year 6 Graduation where we farewelled our senior students. We wish the students all the best as they move onto their secondary education.

Click below to view the gallery.

In today’s newsletter we are pleased to announce our Staff list for 2020.

There are a number of changes next year.
We farewell Sophie Grant whom has been on contract with us for two years and has won a contract at St Ignatius for next year.  We also farewell and thank Oliver Carroll who has worked both in the Transition class and also some PE classes.  Oliver has secured a contract at Blackfriars and we wish him well.
We welcome Tess Corcoran, an experienced teacher whom has also been a Consultant with CESA and has run her own Educational Consultancy business.

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News from the Deputy

Wednesday 4th December, 2019

What an amazing 2019! 

I want to thank you all for your continued willingness to work in partnership with the school to ensure we can provide the best opportunity for your child to thrive.
I have especially valued those of you who have come to chat to either the teacher, Damian or myself throughout the year.  This is when we can all achieve great things.

Wishing you a very Blessed and Holy Christmas and a wonderful new year. 

McCormick, Lisa.jpg

St Vincent da Paul Christmas Appeal

Wednesday 4th December, 2019

Thank you soooo much for your generosity in supporting others to enjoy the Christmas season and to bring hope to families….


Chaplain Chat

Wednesday 4th December, 2019

Chaplain Chatter – we continue a look at ‘Growth Mindset’

How can you help develop a growth mindset in your child?

“It wasn’t my fault!”  

“I can’t do it”! 

Do these statements sound familiar? These are fixed mindset statements that are reactions to events that don’t go to plan.  Emotions are running hot.
Mistakes are how we learn and developing a growth mindset that views these mistakes as a way to learn, is critical to future successes.  Creating a home and school environment that supports and guides children to embrace the ‘failures’ that they are trying to avoid is critical for resilience, emotional wellbeing and a key indicator for future learning.

The evolutionary responses of flight, fight or freeze, can hold us back. These responses are controlled by the part of the brain called the amygdala. We remember threats and mistakes far easier and it is harder to recall positives and even give out positives. It is very natural to focus on mistakes. It is not our fault. It is the way our brains are wired. Any situation that provokes anxiety is stored away for future reference. We can train our brain to recall and to experience more positive emotions. People who think that they learn from their mistakes are more likely to bounce back better or in fact bounce forward.

Instead of saying “I can’t do it”, try saying, “I can’t do it yet”.  Encourage participation and concentration when working on unfamiliar tasks or tasks that the child sees as being too hard before they have even started.

Also remember that S + T = R.                     Situation + Thinking = Reaction
Try to make these reactions with a more positive slant.

Wednesday 4th December is my last day at the school for 2019. I look forward to returning in 2020. Have a great break and try to find some time to relax with your family.

Sonia Braithwaite, Chaplain


Christmas Mass Times

Wednesday 4th December, 2019

St Laurence’s Church, North Adelaide

December 24: 8pm (Vigil Mass)
December 25: 9am & 11am

Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Prospect
December 24: 7pm (Vigil Mass, includes Nativity play)

December 25:  Midnight Mass
                         8am & 10am
Please note: 
There will be no 5:30pm Mass on Christmas Day.

Christmas Day is a Holy Day of Obligation


School Uniform 2020 Price List

Wednesday 4th December, 2019

Click below to view the 2020 Uniform Price List.

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Staff List 2020

Wednesday 4th December, 2019
Principal Damian Weeks Rec Tina Mena

Deputy/APRim/Inclusive Ed

Lisa McCormick Rec Marina Genito
REC Caroline Price Rec Grazia Larosa
Bursar Mel Fazio Transition Amanda Coombe
Bursar Alan McLaughlin R/1 Adrienne Veall
ESO/Enrolments Karin Skinner Year 1 Rebecca Marshall
ESO / Front Desk Margaret Moshos   Ali Fiske
ESO / Classroom / Uniform Sera Catalano   Seva Matianos
ESO / Classroom Joy Robinson   Tobi Cibich /0.4 (W,Th,F)
ESO / Classroom Grace Solomon Year 3 Taras Misiajlo
ESO / Classroom Anna Varsos   Tess Corcoran
ESO / Classroom Amanda Simcock Year 4 Lucja Kowalski
ESO / Maintenance Mark Raymond   Nicole Telfer / Louise Rullo
Physical Ed Adam West Year 5 Bernadette Basile
Italian Pia Totani-Cirocco   Andy Kent
Librarian Katherine Turner Year 6 Annabel Parletta
Literacy Leader Olimpia Calleja   Caroline Price / Sita Catalano
Music R-3 Kimberly Slattery    
Councellor Shelly Wigley    
Chaplain Sonia Braithwaite    


Christmas Carols

Wednesday 4th December, 2019

On Tuesday December 10, the Festival Choir, Rosebud choir and some solo performers will present a music performance for you to enjoy. Parents are invited to come along to the performance beginning at 2.30 pm until 3.00 pm. Please be seated in the Hall by the starting time.
