All students who would like to play soccer next term need to complete their registration, together with the applicable registration fee no later than Friday 20 March, 2020.
For the Online bookings and registration form click on READ MORE.
The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (the department) has requested that your child's school provide a "statement of addresses", in accordance with the Australian Education Regulation 2013 (Cth) (Regulation).
Please view Student Information Collection form at read more link.
Just a reminder that the Parish Based, Family Centred, School Supported Sacrament program is about to begin. Some registrations have been received by the Parish from families seeking sacrament preparation for their children this year.
The first compulsory meeting is Monday 24th February at 7pm at the Church Hall. The process, costs, dates and commitment will be outlined.
A letter was sent home in an envelope in week 2 and the same information has been in the Newsletter. You can also access the information in its entirety on our website:
Late arrivals and absentees ….have you let the office know?
It is important to maintain accurate absentee records for our students and we ask that families notify our front office directly if your child/ren are late or absent for any reason.
A student not in the classroom at 8.50am when the roll is taken, is recorded as absent and remains an unexplained absence until we are advised otherwise.
All student movement during a school day is monitored from the front office and we rely on families completing our late arrival and early dismissal sign in/sign out registers to account for students particularly during our most important and regular Fire and Evacuation Drills.
Many thanks
Office Staff
Rosary School students from years 3 to 6 have once again have the opportunity to be involved in an exciting program: ‘Children’s University Australia’ (CUA).
Dr Luca Prisciandaro from CUA will be coming to talk to the children from years 3-6 about the program on Monday 24 February 2020.
Important information for families ......
Our “Flying Start” week was very successful as we devote the first week of the year to social and emotional learning, part of our wider work under the umbrella of “BeYou”.
BeYou is the new Australian program that we have adopted which aims to improve the mental health and wellbeing of children. In the first week of school children will be working with the MindUp Curriculum, friendly Schools program and “What’s the Buzz?” (this falls under the banner of BeYou) focussing on developing emotional literacy to set up the year in a positive way.
We celebrated the week with a sausage sizzle on Friday.
Welcome to 2020 and our theme for the year: “A Heart that Sees”
Each week there is a class listed to host and experience a Mass or Liturgy. Sometimes (like last week) we will have a whole school Mass. Dates and classes are in our online Event Calendar on our website.
SACRAMENT PROGRAM 2020 with the North Adelaide / Prospect Parish.
All families who have children in year 3 or 4 and are considering Reconciliation, Eucharist or Confirmation for your child will need to attend an information evening at the Rosary Church Hall on February 24th at 7pm. Only parents are required to attend.
At this information evening you will hear about changes to the structure and delivery of the preparation and your important role in the faith formation of your child. We will provide dates, costs and other important information.
Notes have been sent home with families who have identified as Catholic or Orthodox. If you do not receive a note and believe you should have, please see Margaret in the office for a copy.
On Monday 17th February, we will be sending 10 of our year 6 leaders to attend a special day at the Cathedral Hall to explore the concept of what ‘Just Leadership’ is and how they can inspire others at school to use ‘A Heart that Sees’ when considering the needs of others. Mrs Price will be escorting the group to the Leadership Day.
This is a new staff position at our school this year. Caroline Price has been appointed and will fulfil this role on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Caroline will work with Lisa McCormick in supporting the classes and community in the areas of Masses/Liturgies, Sacrament Program, Prayer and Religious Education Curriculum. We congratulate Caroline on this significant leadership position.
This system helps our school to build a sense of community across the year levels and also provides an opportunity for children to build leadership capabilities. Buddy activities are worked out between the two classes.
The Buddy classes for this year are as follows:
TAC (Semester 2)- 2TR
R/1AV - 3TC
1AF - 6AP
1RM - 6CP
2TC - 4NT
3TM - 5BB