News & Events

Seven Steps to Writing Success NEWSLETTER ARTICLE (1).pdf.jpg

Seven Steps to Writing Success

Wednesday 20th November, 2019

At the beginning of this year our fabulous staff participated in whole school writing professional development. We had a fun day engaging with activities that we could use in our classrooms to support children’s writing.

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Preparation for Christmas

Wednesday 20th November, 2019

As we see the decorations go up in shops and the parade has been and gone, we are easily reminded (and distracted) that Christmas will be here before we know it.
We can get lost in the commercialisation of this important time of the year.

The challenge is to stay true to your family’s understanding of the Christmas season
Our Catholic Tradition and story begins with Advent – 4 weeks before Jesus was born.

This is a time of preparation, discernment and an opportunity as a family to consider this historical story in our own contexts.
What was it like when you were waiting for your baby? How did you prepare? Who was there to support you?  How did it change your family?

I have attached some suggested family activities in the lead up to the Christmas season.




Year 6 Italian Lunch

Wednesday 20th November, 2019

On 19  November, the year 6 students experienced a final year Italian lunch with a difference.  
This year both classes were able to attend Sprout Cooking School where they were taught by a Nutritionist and Chef to cook an amazing "Flavours of Italy - Sapori D'Italia" meal of meatballs on cous cous with zucchini salad.
The children then proceeded to cook the dish in groups and finally eat their sensational creation. 

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Sustainability at Rosary School

Wednesday 20th November, 2019

Sustainability is a big and important topic in today’s world and one that Rosary School takes very seriously.

It is directly connected to our Catholic Identity and understanding around Pope Francis’ call to ‘care for our common home.’
There has been a lot going on recently at Rosary School such as ‘‘Nude Food Day’ and children planting their own herbs to celebrate “National Gardening Week’.

NUDE FOOD DAY saw a massive reduction in the amount of waste generated.


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Volunteer Morning Tea - THANK YOU

Tuesday 19th November, 2019

Your participation and support in the life of your child at school we know makes a difference in the overall outcomes for your child and a big portion of this is those of you who can volunteer in some capacity.
In honour of your time and as a ‘Thank you’ from us, all volunteers are being invited to a morning tea with the staff.

Thursday 28th November at 10:30am

Please RSVP Lisa at

We look forward to seeing you.


Chaplain Chat

Monday 18th November, 2019

“In a growth mindset, people believe that their more basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.” Carol Dweck

A child with a fixed mindset baulks at things or activities that they perceive are too hard and just give up. A way to explain this is S + T = R

S is for situations, and situations will happen. They can be good, bad or in between.

They are unavoidable every occurrences.

T is for thinking which comes easily. We are always thinking.

S (new challenge) + T (I can’t do this) = withdraw, nervous, proceed with little confidence.

Thinking can be unhelpful or helpful. If we choose to think helpfully, it will determine how we react to situations. You need to say more than ‘I can do this’.

By adopting a more helpful way of thinking that is realistic and accepting of our emotions, we can be more effective. Acknowledging your fears, nerves and feelings, of being out of your comfort zone and accepting them as normal, can assist you to think and act more helpfully. ‘I can do this’ becomes this is really challenging but I am going to have a go.

This is a great song which encourages children to have a go.


Bye for now

Sonia Braithwaite: School Chaplain


Vinnies Christmas Appeal

Sunday 17th November, 2019

As in previous years, we invite you to support those experiencing difficulty over this Christmas period. As part of our Dominican pillar of mission, we are called to journey with others.

After discussions with St Vincent de Paul here in Adelaide, each year level has been allocated specific groups of items.

Each class will have a hamper and so between now and the end of November, please feel free to contribute by sending along something on the list below.

  • Transition Class: Non Perishable Food items
  • Receptions: tinned food
  • Year 1’s packaged dry items
  • Year 2’s Christmas decorations such as tinsel, bon bons etc
  • Year 3’s Underwear, socks – all sizes
  • Year 4’s - toys
  • Year 5’s 15 – 17 year olds – gift cards
  • Year 6’s hygiene – feminine, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, razors 

Thank you in advance.


State Winner Year 4

Thursday 7th November, 2019

PRIMARY MATHS ASSOCIATION CHALLENGE - “It’s Anniversary Time – Apollo 11”
Congratulations to our Year 4 students and teachers on their inquiry Maths work that won the State Competition. 


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State Runner Up Year 2

Thursday 7th November, 2019

​Congratulations to our Year 2SM students and teacher on their inquiry maths work that was the runner up in the State Competition.  Below are the photos from the awards ceremony.

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State Runner up Year 6

Thursday 7th November, 2019

PRIMARY MATHS ASSOCIATION CHALLENGE “Mathematics and Sport” Congratulations to our Year 6 students and teacher on their inquiry maths work that was the runner up in the State Competition.

Below are the photos from the awards ceremony.

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