My role as a POR is to oversee the implementation of the Australian Curriculum and to offer support to staff so that they can provide interesting and engaging programs to our students at Rosary School.
This year, Rosary School has been involved in a number of programs to help support the Australian Curriculum.
We have engaged in STEM workshops and implemented the result of our planning into our classrooms. We have participated in whole school training in 'Seven Steps to Successful Writing' to help develop our literacy program and we have continued engaging with Mathematics in a meaningful way by being involved in a number of challenges.
Dear Families,
Exciting times last night as the School Board were discussing many of our plans for 2020.
I am pleased to share the following decisions with you:
As we have already announced…
our FREEZE ON FEES will continue for a third year and there will be no increase for 2020.
This is made possible by the excellent financial management at our school.
Class Structures
In 2020 our structures will continue to be based upon straight classes:
That is a total of 16 classes at the start of the year and one or two extra classes starting mid-year.
Staffing is currently being finalised and we will be in a position to share this in the next newsletter.
The Arts
In 2020 we will continue our drama program in term 2 for all classes and our dance program in term 3. Our whole class Ukulele program will continue for Years 4-6. We hope to have some exciting news for whole class music instruction for our younger classes in our next newsletter.
Laptop Program
The Board has decided to continue to offer the program where laptops will be introduced from Year 4 and iPads in Year 2. We will also be writing to families of Year 6 students regarding an offer to purchase laptops next week.
Damian Weeks
Please keep the donations coming!
Each class has a ‘basket’ for all the goodies.
We invite you to help others this Christmas. This generosity is flamed by our call to ‘mission’ as part of our Dominican Tradition.
Jayne Shortt from Vinnies will be here on November 25th to collect all the generous donations.
Thank you in anticipation.
What a special tradition this is here at Rosary School.
As my first ‘Mass of the Roses’ it was so wonderful to see the children participate, sing and engage with the Mass.
The singing led by our amazing choir lifted my heart and I am sure yours too.
We are pleased to be able to advise you that the school Events Calendar is now live on our website.
This is the place to check out dates of various activities in the school.
“Swimming has been real fun as we have been learning lots of different swimming strokes” Coco
“Swimming is a fun experience for children of all ages “ - Josh F
“Swimming has been so much fun! We have good instructors. I have enjoyed learning about water survival in dangerous situations” - Chris
Thank you for your great generosity and support! We raised $3500 for Jaxon’s Journey via the Rosary School Disco and Hot chocolate sales organised by the Rosary P&F Committee. Your support is invaluable to us, thank you again!
In term 3 of this year, families who have a sibling commencing in 2022 and, for whom I do not already have an enrolment application, were sent home a form to complete and return.
There are a few that remain outstanding and it would be appreciated if they could be returned the front office.
Whilst 2022 seems a very long way away, the enrolment process commences in term 2 of next year.
If your child turns five from 1st May 2021 to 30th April 2022 then s/he will commence school in term 1 2022.
Enrolment forms are also available from the front office or can be downloaded from our website