We are all becoming familiar with our new way of living with COVID, so as with other events at school, we have had to make ammendments to what we have done in previous years.
As it is a whole school Mass (held in the gym) and due to the regulations around physical distancing, the number of adults invited will be limited to the parents of children who will be actively involved in the Mass. You will be advised of this early next week if this involves your child. We will then require you to RSVP to the class teacher.
We welcome children to bring along a small bunch of Roses and/or Rosary beads to hold at the Mass as a symbol of our connection to Mary. Please note, this is not compulsory.
Unfortuantely, this year there will no opportunity for Grandparents to come along for morning tea and visit their grandchild's class.
This saddens us, but we are hopeful that in the future that will be able to welcome these very special people back into our school community.
Dear Families, Welcome back to Term 4 and we hope you all had a great holiday. This term has many wonderful events planned including Sports Day, GroundForce Dance program, Book Week and all of the end of year events. Please check the website calendar for events and details. Over the holidays Lisa McCormick and I met with Susan Hennessey, the new Principal to begin the planning for 2021. Susan is very excited about working with the Rosary School Community commencing next year.
Today 31 children spent the day participating in various activities to help them to finalise their preparation to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion. One of the highlights was an activity learning more about the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Yesterday 1RM, Lola, Maxx, Kai and Mia joined an MS Teams video conference to sing happy 7th birthday to their classmate Jaxon. It was wonderful to be able to share his celebration with him.
Please let us remind you that due to end of year, issue no 7 is due no later than Thursday October 29 .
Our focus this week is on our families who are preparing their children to receive the sacraments of the Catholic Church, so we offer you a ‘Parent’s Prayer’
Dear Families,
What a great end of term it has been. I have really enjoyed my first term here at Rosary and look forward to term 4.
There have been some wonderful events over the past two weeks.
The Advanced Gymnastics performances were brilliant.
It was great to see the students performing with such confidence and skill.
Please 'read more' for thanks, staffing updates and social justice initiatives.
The Numerical Acumen Awards Assembly was another highlight. It was exciting to see so many students receiving awards - congratulations to all of you. The awards were for performance, improvement, dedication and inspiration. Our school was awarded second place in the Inspirational School of the Year Award for SA and NSW.
The third highlight was our School Choir taking part in the Catholic Education Festival Choir performance. The event this year was filmed at Sacred Heart College in place of a live performance at Festival Theatre due to COVID 19.
The students really enjoyed being part of the 400 student choir. We would like to congratulate all of the students involved for such beautiful performances.