My name is Sonia Braithwaite and I have been School Chaplain at Rosary for just over two terms.
This is my 43rd year in education, most of which have been in a teacher role. I also took time off to have my 4 children, who are all adults now.
My grandchildren are the ones that keep me busy now and I love it.
Gardening is another passion of mine.
This time last year, my husband and I shifted from Mt Gambier to Adelaide.
What a huge adventure that was. My husband had lived in the Mt all his life and I had spent the last 39 years there. Moving on, I feel very blessed to have the Chaplaincy role at Rosary on Wednesdays each week, as it allows me to continue to experience three of my other passions; working with children, families and colleagues.
I am available for a chat before and after school. You can make an appointment to see me, or just meet me in the playground as that is where you will find me before and after school.
I have met and chatted with many of you as you drop your little people at school.
No toxic stress. Children are allowed to be sad, angry, or upset. These are natural feelings and children can be taught to handle stress in a positive manner. One excellent way to teach a child to calm down is to slow down the breathing. This also works for adults.
Think of a square. Breathe in slowly to the count of 4, hold to the count of 4, breathe out slowly to the count of 4 and then hold again to the count of four. Repeat until you can feel yourself calmng down. Younger children can do it to the count of 3. Your heart usually slows down and you feel like you can address the problem.
This is a link to a song that two of my sons have written in relation to growth mindset.
This particular song helps a child to calm down. Looking forward to meeting more of you, Sonia Braithwaite
The Catholic Schools Music Festival is held annually at the end of Term 3. Each year more than 2000 students from Catholic schools all across South Australia take part in the Festival.
Approximately 65 Catholic Primary Schools participate in a massed choir. Each of the four performances consists of 400 students in Years 5 to 7 from a different combination of these schools.
Following on from last week’s newsletter and information about our Pupil Free Day, I would like to share briefly with you the remaining areas of:
- The purpose of Religious Education as a key learning area in the classroom
- Deepen understanding of the redesigned Crossways (RE) Curriculum
As in previous years, we invite you to support those experiencing difficulty over this Christmas period. As part of our Dominican pillar of mission, we are called to journey with others who may not be as privilged as we are.
After discussions with St Vincent de Paul here in Adelaide, we have decided that each year level will be allocated specific groups of items.
Each class will have a hamper and so between now and the end of November, please feel free to contribute by sending along something on the list below.
Transition Class: non perishable food items
Receptions: tinned food
Year 1’s: packaged dry items
Year 2’s: Christmas decorations such as tinsel, bon bons etc
Year 3’s: underwear, socks – all sizes
Year 4’s: toys
Year 5’s: 15 – 17 year olds – gift cards
Year 6’s: hygiene items – feminine, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, razors
Thank you in advance
The School Board has decided that there will be no increases for the 2020 year and that all charges and fees will CONTINUE to be frozen at the 2017 level.
We have an amazing time with our little playgroup visitiors each Wednesday.
Sera does wonderful job inventing and preparing exciting new activities each week.
Please let us remind you that next term, Playgroup will start week 2 term 4.
View our photo gallery below:
Teachers are about to begin the process of class placements for 2020. We invite parents to share any relevant information about the placement of their child/ren for next year’s classes. This must be in writing by Friday September 27th. (Alternatively email me
To your school communnity, just wanted to say a big Thank You for having us in to visit.
We so much appreciate that your lovely school helped us out by allowing trainees to come in and 'practice' on your students.. haha! Who may I add, were as usual, delightful!! Also to the two year 6 girls, Estelle and Ruby (hope I've got that right, apologies if not) very grateful for their tech support!!! Lastly, to you for being so organised for us and for just being your lovely self. I said to the front office Lady today 'just want to put you in a snow dome and keep you on the mantel!' You're a treasure!!
Thanks again Deb
Last weekend and this coming weekend many of our children have received the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Communion. It has been a special time of preparation and journey of faith for the children and their families.
Congratulations to them all.
Friday 6th Septermber
$10 per ticket.
All tickets to be purchased online by Wednesday 3 Septembert via:
Book here:https:///
At the Rosary School gym
Friday 6th September
Theme: Carnival
Reception – Year 3
Start at 6.00pm
Finish at 7.15pm
Year 4- Year 6
Start at 7.45pm
Finish at 9.30pm