Last Wednesday and Thursday night, thirty of our students celebrated their first Sacrament of Reconciliation. It was a very beautiful ceremony celebrated by Fr Paul Rankin and his fellow Dominican priests and brothers. I would like to acknowledge and thank Lisa McCormick, Caroline Price, Tess Corcoran, Taras Misiajlo and the parents for working collaboratively together in preparing the students for this very important Sacrament.
Friday we also celebrated St Dominic’s Feast Day with a whole school Mass. It was lovely to have some families join in our celebration. The spiritual experience was enriched by the exemplary way the students led us in prayer and the beautiful student voices in the choir.
I would like to acknowledge and thank Adrienne Veall in her preparation of the choir, the class teachers for preparing their students for the mass and creating the beautiful ‘A Heart that sees’ artworks.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge and thank Lisa McCormick and Caroline Price for all the planning and preparation for the Mass.
This week during our staff meeting, our teachers participated in the first of 4 professional learning sessions which aim to explore, understand and begin planning the learning using the redesigned Religious Education Curriculum.
This ‘Crossways’ curriculum has been developed by Catholic Education South Australia.
Last Wednesday and Thursday evening,s many of our Year 3's celebrated their second sacrament - Reconciliation - a time to seek forgiveness for poor choices and time to reflect on how to rebuild any relationships that have been hurt by such choices.
The celebration was held here at Rosary School in the hall and a beautiful atmosphere of community was experienced.
Hi, I am Mary Superina and I am the new School Counsellor at Rosary Primary School.
I have qualifications in Social Work, Psychology and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and a strong background working in mental health.
We have an increasing number of children attending our school who suffer from a severe anaphylactic reaction to peanuts/tree nuts
These reactions can be extremely serious and even life threatening.
Many of our children are required to carry an EPIPEN in case of an emergency.
Last Newsletter we focussed on ‘Fortnite’ a 15+ age appropriate app. This week the focus is on ‘House Party’ - 13+ as we know that like Fortnite, many children have accessed this app.
Our Parish Sacrament Team will be meeting this Thursday to look at dates for the Confirmation and Eucharist celebrations and also the family preparation sessions.
Next week, further advice will be sent to those families who registered earlier in the year.
St Dominic Prayer and Blessing:
May God the Father who made us bless us.
May God the Son send his healing among us.
May God the Holy Spirit move within us and give us eyes to see with, ears to hear with, and hands that your work might be done.
May we walk and preach the word of God to all.
May the angel of peace watch over us and lead us at last by God’s grace to the Kingdom.