Pleas note that Term 3 commences on Monday July 20. As Term 1 was cut short due to the COVID -19 restrictions , we will not have any further pupil free days this year.
In term 1 this year, we invited you to be part of a Gifted and Talented Research Study conducted by the University of New South Wales. In order to make informed decisions within Catholic Education in SA, they are seeking further participants.
Please consider participating in order to ensure deliver excellence in this area. Thank you in anticpation.
Please click below for a Rosary School community announcement from the Director of Catholic Education office Dr Neil Goran.
Dear Community Members
I am writing to inform you that I have appointed Mr Damian Weeks to the substantive position of Principal at Star of the Sea School, Henley Beach.........................
Dear Families
Yesterday you would have received the official letter announcing the end of my time here at Rosary School.
At the time of my appointment, my contract was for the standard ten years and this concludes in October.
It is a bitter/sweet moment.
Pentecost reminds us that the Holy Spirit enables us to live good and loving lives.
In Jesus’ time it was the moment when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and sent out to be disciples to our world. In essence, also the birth of the ‘church’.
The Holy Spirit, the third “Person” of God, is perhaps not so easy to identify with. Whereas Jesus, who is God, has a human body, with human DNA and is limited to one place at one time, His Spirit is “omnipresent”—at all locations at once.
In the closing days of Jesus’ time on earth, He promised this same power to His followers: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you” (Acts 1:8).
They were driven to love each other from the heart; they knew the secret of how to be content in any and every situation (Philippians 4:12). “A Heart that Sees”
Click below for information in regards to Guaranteed Enrolment into Catholic Secondary Schooling.
At this stage, we are awaiting guidance from the Archdiocese.
Hopefully when gathering numbers are increased to cater for the number of children and their families, we can move forward with the Reconciliation Liturgy.
Today I would like to share with you the culmination of our Community Involvement Meeting and process that involved students and staff.
The outcome is our Schools Strategic Plan.
The SRC team will be holding a Winter Woollies Day on Friday 26th June for the Moore Street Centre.
Students will be asked to wear a winter woolly with their uniform on this day.
Winter woollies can be gloves, hats, scarves or crazy socks.
Students also will be asked to donate one of the listed items for the Moore Street Centre to donate to people who are doing it tough this winter.
Items for donation include - beanies, gloves, scarves, socks.
The SRC Team
Uniform ‘shop’ hours will be Friday 8:00 – 8:45, Friday 2pm – 3:15pm and Monday 8:00 – 8:45am.
The physical shop will remain closed until parents are allowed to return onsite at school.
So if you wish to access this service, please come to the front office at these times and Sera will be there to help you out.