News & Events

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Newmarch Gallery Exhibition

Wednesday 3rd June, 2020

Further to our involvement in the recent and continuing Art Exhibition, two of our students’ art work has been chosen for a new project.
The Prospect Council are about to launch a Public Art program called InsideOut that will include the installation of 50 works by artists throughout the community in footpath stickers approx. 50cm x 70cm throughout the streets of our Council – bringing work from inside artists homes and studios, outside onto the streets for us all to enjoy over winter! 

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P & F News

Tuesday 2nd June, 2020

Our meetings will recommence next week, but with a limited number of attendees.
The group are looking forward to discussing future ways to bring community together.

Book Club orders - Reminder

Monday 1st June, 2020
Scholastic book club issue 4, has been sent home with students. All orders will be due by the 5th June, these can be done on line through the loop system or sent to the office with the order form, and correct money.
Katherine Turner (Teacher Librarian)

Newmarch Gallery Art Exhibition

Monday 25th May, 2020

Students create artwork with ‘no boundaries’

Forty Year 2 and Year 6 students from Rosary School at Prospect have created artwork for display in a digital exhibition at a local art gallery.

The students created a piece each for the ‘Boundaries, No Boundaries’ exhibition at the Newmarch Gallery, Prospect, which was officially opened by City of Prospect Mayor David O’Loughlin on Friday May 22 2020 that was streamed live on Facebook.

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News from the Principal

Thursday 21st May, 2020

Dear Families
It is exciting to be seeing the roadway out of coronavirus and steps towards the new normal. However, can I please remind parents at pickup time of keeping social distancing and moving off once they have collected their children.
This is especially evident on Staple Court where the “island” has become a new play area for children!
Once again, I plead with parents about cars in the back streets.
Some parents insist on driving cars down Staple Court and doing three point turns where parents and children are waiting.

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Installation of Archbishop Partick O'Regan

Wednesday 20th May, 2020

Archbishop - designate Patrick Michael O'Regan comes to Adelaide from the Dioces of Sale where he has been the Bishop since 2014.

Appointed by Pope Francis on 19 March 2020, Archbishop - designate O'Regan will be the ninth Archbishop of Adelaide. The installation of Archbishop O'Regan will take place in St Francis Xavier's Cathedral at 10.30am on Monday 25.

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News from the Deputy

Wednesday 20th May, 2020

#RAISING HEARTS AND MINDS is the new tagline for our Catholic Education SA system of schools. You will start seeing this in various publications.

It really communicates our 'why'.

  • It’s what we do every day
  • We work in partnership with families to educate and nurture the whole person
  • We help young people to thrive… to become capable learners….. and to be leaders in a world God desires.

Here at Rosary school, it sits seamlessly with our 2020 theme of “A Heart that Sees” and provides an opportunity for us all to develop a sense of service and mission for others.

#RAISING HEARTS AND MINDS also reminds us about the important partnership between you – our families – and our staff to continue to raise the bar, inspire and encourage our children to thrive every day.

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Uniform Shop News

Wednesday 20th May, 2020

NEXT WEEK begins the interim phase of re-opening.
Beginning Week 5, Uniform ‘shop’ hours will be

Friday 8:00 – 8:45, Friday 2pm – 3:15pm and Monday 8:00 – 8:45am.

The physical shop will remain closed until parents are allowed to return onsite at school.
So if you wish to access this service, please come to the front office and Sera will be there to help you out during these times.

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Year 2 and Year 6 Art Exhibition

Wednesday 20th May, 2020

The Prospect Council together with Newmarch Gallery provided our school with an opportunity to participate in an Art Exhibition.

We were very grateful that Leah Grant, a local artist was allocated to our school and our year 6 classes and 2TR participated.

The program was funded by the City of Prospect, with the aim to provide students the opportunity to learn about exhibition spaces and be inspired to create their own artwork.

Forty primary students from Rosary have created a piece to be display at the upcoming exhibition ‘No Boundaries’ at Newmarch Gallery, opening on Friday 22nd May 2020.


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Wednesday 20th May, 2020

As you know, Rosary School is part of the Catholic Education system in South Australia (CESA) and as such, are bound to follow their advice with Coronavirus. Their advice is coming from SA Health and the SA Government and there is an effort for all schooling systems to apply this advice.


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