I am pleased to announce that we have dual Chairperson’s this year, Kasia Kelly & Amanda Abela, appointed at our meeting this week.
Congratulations ladies!
A large portion of our meeting was updating everyone on the operations of the school with our responses to the Coronavirus.
While we are coming through this well, there are financial implications to fee remissions that are on offer to families whose employment is affected by the Virus.
However, our school is in a healthy financial situation that will result in only minor changes to our operations. Master Planning As a School, we have lodged our Master Plan Brief (our dreams of future buildings & resources) with CESA.
The process has been delayed by recent events.
We have a group of Architects about to visit our school to look at the site and hear about our dreams. One architectural firm will be chosen.
This firm will produce architectural drawings and costings. When these plans are received we will share them with the community.
Our hybrid week of learning has been going very well and student attendance has risen to close to 95%.
Interestingly, this is close to our daily average of attendance as we always have a few unwell children who stay at home each day.
Next week we will return to face-to-face teaching and the normal school timetable we are all familiar with
Wishing all our mothers, those like mothers and grandmothers a beautiful day. I would like to thank our wonderful P&F for finding a ‘new’ way of continuing our tradition of offering a Mother’s Day stall. This required a lot more work and effort from those parents – and I know you will join me in thanking them. Have a wonderful day on Sunday. Many blessings to you all.
Collective Courage has been needed over this time and I would like to thank all of you for your support, understanding and care for our staff.
Each family, including those of our teachers, has faced their own sense of uncertainty, fear, disappointed frustration just to name a few emotions and we acknowledge this for you all.
I want to honour that for your family and especially acknowledge your support at drop off and pick up. The children as a result, have also shown courage!
However, it is collectively that we ‘rise’ and return to a new normal.
I want to share with you a prayer for teachers, as it is TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK
Orders have arrived for winter uniform.
Orders have been processed and are available for pick up at the front office.
This week we staggered the pick ups by alphabetical order.
As churches remain close, the program remains on hold. We will provide further advice as it comes to hand.
As we are still following Government advice around inside gatherings, classes will offer Liturgy experiences in their classroom this term.
In these unprecedented times we’re all being asked to change the way we work and live.
Our tradition of putting books into the hands of kids isn’t going to change, but for Term 2, we're doing things a little differently.
Dear Families
Welcome to a very different looking term 2!
The attendance rate at school started at 63% of students, growing to 74%.
Our teachers are showing great flexibility in their remote learning and are working around difficulties with internet crashes daily.
But in short, learning continues and will continue, it is just going to be different for a while.
If you are keeping your child/ren at home, please follow the advice that will be provided in the REMOTE LEARNING COMMUNICATION.
If you are bringing your child/ren to school…