News & Events


Fee Remissions

Thursday 30th April, 2020

Amongst all the worries that we have at this time – worrying about the payment of school fees should not be one of those things.
Please be assured of our support for your family.
If your family has lost significant income due to COVID-19 you will receive a total school fee remission effective immediately, initially for a period of 3 months.


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Uniform Shop update

Thursday 30th April, 2020

As per last term's alert, the uniform shop remains closed until further notice.

When winter orders arrive, you will be notified via SchoolStream.
All uniform information and any further orders may be completed accessing the website.

News from the Deputy

Thursday 30th April, 2020

Celebrating the Easter Season!

Today we celebrated the Easter Season with a virtual Liturgy.
Our year 5 and 6 leaders led the liturgy we we explored the symbols of Easter my creating a sacred prayer space in our classrooms.

The symbols of Easter are also the symbols for the entire liturgical life of the Church.

In all sacraments, particularly Baptism, simple elements from life are brought forward and made sacred.
Light, water, clothing, oil, and in a unique way, bread and wine are transformed from ordinary objects into the gift of God’s grace and presence with us, and we too are transformed into images of Christ. Let us pray with these symbols of God’s life with us.

We watched a play presented by the students called ‘The Road to Emmaus’ from Luke’s Gospel which reminded us that sometimes it is in fact our ‘heart that sees’ and it is this faith that leads us through times of crisis as it did in Jesus’ time, as it does during this time we are in right now.


Mother's Day

Thursday 30th April, 2020

Each year our P&F organise a ‘stall’ for the children to come and select then purchase gifts for their Mothers or those like mothers.
This year due to COVID-19 restrictions, this will be made available on TryBooking

This week the eldest in each family will bring home a note about this.
Our wonderful P&F will bag and label each gift and then these will be distributed to the children to bring home.

Please Note: Mother’s Day High Tea 2020 – has been cancelled for this year.

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Communication to families

Thursday 30th April, 2020

Please ensure you all have the SchoolStream app on your phone as we communicate important alerts to you using this platform.
The website is also your go to for information, dates etc.

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Remote Learning at Rosary School

Wednesday 29th April, 2020

Here is our reference guide for Remote Learning.

At Rosary School we work in partnership to educate young people, to take their place effectively, in the Church and the world.

For a short time period the way we will be educating our students is going to look a little different as we move to remote learning.

Last term we communicated with families three times about remote learning.

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News from the Principal - COVID-19 Update #5

Thursday 2nd April, 2020

Dear Families,
A short time ago I wrote to you about the rapidly changing COIVD-19 situation that has impacted on all of us.
These past weeks have been different from anything we have experienced before as families and as a school community.
Together with Catholic Education SA, and in partnership with families, we are committed to ensuring educational, spiritual and pastoral support for every child in our school.

I provide this update to you as we work through the significant implications of the COVID-19 pandemic and the changes that will be required to ensure we can continue to support the learning and wellbeing of your child.

Term 1
As you are aware, next week will be a pupil free week for all CESA schools. This time between Monday 6 April and Thursday 9 April will enable teachers and school staff to prepare for the remote delivery of curriculum.  Next week becomes 'holidays' for the children and no home learning is required.

Term 2

From the commencement of Term 2, unless informed otherwise by the Government, Catholic schools will remain open to provide remote curriculum delivery and to support students whose particular circumstances require them to be at school.

We will work with families of students who will require attendance at school during this time. This will include children whose parents are required to be at work.

Learning will be delivered simultaneously in school and at home. All students will access the same mode of learning; those at school will be supervised to access the same curriculum provided for those who will access it remotely.

This mode of learning will continue until we are advised differently by the government.

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COVID-19 Update #4

Wednesday 1st April, 2020

Dear Families, I write to you again in an effort to keep you fully informed of our efforts and plans regarding the safety of our children and the Coronavirus.
Our staff have been busy working on developing as online learning program, as well as the usual day to day teaching and assisting with inquiries from families who have chosen to keep their children at home at this time.
Interestingly the Prime Minister showed a distinct change in message in regards to children attending school when he stated last night that:
This is the public health advice.

You must stay at home except for the following reasons: A, shopping for what you need, food and other essential supplies that enable you to remain at home and to do that shopping as infrequently as possible. B, for medical care or compassionate needs. C, to exercise in compliance with the public gathering rules that I've already outlined. And D, for work and education if you cannot work or learn remotely.

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Fee Remission News

Wednesday 1st April, 2020

Here you can find more details regarding for fee remissions as a follow up on last Thursday’s communication that stated the following:

Amongst all the worries that we have at this time – worrying about the payment of school fees should not be one of those things.
Please be assured of our support for your family. If your family has lost significant income due to COVID-19 you will receive a total school fee remission effective immediately, initially for a period of 3 months.
We will continue to review the fee situation for individual families and the school as a whole. Further information will be released early next week. 

If there is one important and simple message that you take from this communication I hope it is this…
At Rosary School the ongoing learning, wellbeing and continued enrolment of all children who are part of our community is paramount, regardless of the ability to pay fees at this difficult time.
As Principal, I want to affirm that this is the mission of our Leadership team, our staff and our school as we work through this period of uncertainty together with all our families. 

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Term 2 update

Wednesday 1st April, 2020

At this stage, Term 2 starts Monday April 27th (there is NO Pupil Free Day).
From the commencement of Term 2, unless informed otherwise by the Government, Catholic schools will remain open to provide remote curriculum delivery and to support students whose particular circumstances require them to be at school.

We will work with families of students who will require attendance at school during this time. This will include children whose parents are required to be at work.

Learning will be delivered simultaneously in school and at home. All students will access the same mode of learning: those at school will be supervised to access the same curriculum provided for those who will access it remotely.

This mode of learning will continue until we are adviced differently by the government.